My Unexpected Family by Harlow James

Chapter 18


“So what do you think, Nonna?”

My eyes are locked on the sight of Silas’s grandmother holding both of her newest great-grandbabies, one in each arm. Valentina delivered her baby just three days after Santino was born. She was jealous that I was due after her, but ended up delivering first. I know she was just joking, but the competitive person that I am was silently grinning on the inside.

And now that I see our babies together, I’m already anxious for our kids to grow up alongside one another and be the best of friends.

I never had cousins, but my son is going to have a bunch. And damn, does that make me want to cry some more.

“My heart has never been so full.” Nonna’s eyes mist over, which then triggers mine to do the same. “You did good, mio nipote,” she says, glancing up at Silas who is sitting on the arm of the chair where she’s sitting.

“Yeah, I did.”

“Uh, what about Chloe and me?” Valentina interjects. “Pretty sure we’re the ones that birthed those beautiful babies.”

I raise my hand in the air. “I second that notion.”

“You’ve all made me one happy Nonna, okay?” She glances at all of us around the room, her face reflecting her joy for the family all together and growing.

“Well, I for one, am glad that you two are popping out babies to appease Nonna right now, because it’s gonna be a while before she gets one from me,” Mia says, walking back into the living room from the kitchen.

“True story,” Bianca adds.

“Well, believe me…as much as I love that little guy, I never knew a level of elation and exhaustion as I do now until he was born.” Silas and I make eye contact, knowing we’re thinking the same thing.

Seven days ago I was released from the hospital, eager to get home and start our lives as parents. But one night in and I realized this wasn’t going to be smooth sailing. My precious little man has his days and nights mixed up right now. Two nights ago he was up screaming for almost four hours. Silas and I looked at each other like we weren’t sure his crying was normal, or if we would need someone to perform an exorcism on him. I started crying, claiming I couldn’t do this, that I was his mother and couldn’t even get him to sleep. Naturally, Silas stepped in and calmed me down, but it has definitely been rough—especially with trying to heal from my cervical tear and breastfeeding while my nipples crack and bleed after each time he eats.

Motherhood and healing from childbirth is just fucking beautiful, isn’t it?

“It’s always hard in the beginning,” Valentina adds, smiling over at me from her chair. I actually called her after that long night and asked her for advice. Surprisingly, her little boy was up doing the same thing that night, so that made me feel a little better. And Silas was proud of me for asking her for help. I figured she knows more than I do, so I might as well take advantage of her advice instead of fighting it anymore. Besides, those pregnancy and baby books don’t tell you shit about what to do when your kid is crying for four fucking hours.

“But he’ll get on a schedule and so will you. You just have to be patient.”

“Uh, I don’t have patience,” I counter, which makes Silas laugh. “And I don’t think that’s going to magically change now that I have a kid.”

“It’s okay. Silas likes control and he won’t have that anymore either now that you have a kid,” Valentina says through a chuckle. “You’ll both adjust, or you’ll just feel like you’re going insane for the rest of your life.”

“Ha. Thanks.”

“Don’t worry, babe.” Silas stands from the arm of the chair he was sitting on and walks over to me, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to my lips. “This parenthood gig? We’re just going to make it ours, right?”

And there goes my heart melting even more for him. “Right.”

God, I love him. I don’t know how I ever thought I could do this without him.

And I truly love his family—well, our family, now.

* * *

“Chloe. I am so fucking glad that you and Silas got drunk and had sex,” Shayla says while staring down at Santino in her arms. “He’s the perfect little human. The only baby that could possibly be any more perfect one day is mine and Wes’s.”

“Couldn’t agree more, babe.” Wes kisses her on the temple and then moves into the kitchen to help Silas and Hayes with the food.

“We’ll just see about that, my friend. This kid is going to be handsome as fuck because his dad is, and then have the smart wit of his mother. He’s going to be a double threat.”

Shayla smirks. “God help all of the women that cross paths with Santino Giovanni De Luca.”

It’s been a few weeks since Santino was born, and my best friend was eager to come pay us a visit. She naturally came to see us in the hospital just after the baby was born, but Silas thought it would be fun to have all of our friends over for dinner, for which he insisted all of the guys would be cooking.

“I, of course, will be teaching him how to talk to the ladies,” Hayes declares as he breads chicken breasts for his famous chicken parmigiana. The man swears he’s perfected the recipe right now, and no one can argue with him otherwise.

“You are not going to turn their son into a manwhore like you were before we got married,” Waverly interjects.

“No one said anything about whoring, Wave. I’m just going to help him with the swagger.”

“Dear lord, please don’t say that word and act like you have any,” Waverly retorts.

“It worked on you, babe,” Hayes fires back.

“No, that was the tequila that clouded my judgment.”

“Yeah, but look at what you got out of it.” He waves his hand up and down his body and smirks at his wife.

“I’m going to have to agree with Hayes, Wave,” Silas chimes in. “Look at what tequila got me.” He tosses his chin in my direction and then winks at me. “Best tequila story ever.”

“I agree.” I stare down at the princess cut diamond on my finger, smiling at the reminder that my clit knew Silas was the one for me before my head ever caught up.

Note to you, ladies: Sometimes you have to trust your clit. It may be smarter than your head or your heart.

“I will have to refrain from sharing my tequila stories,” Wes says, as in plural. “Several of mine did not end happily.”

Shayla moves over to him, still holding the baby, but kissing him on the cheek. “It’s okay, babe. I don’t have a happy tequila story either.” Then she turns back to face me. “So when’s the wedding?”

I nearly choke on my water. “We just had a baby and got engaged…can you give my vagina a moment to heal before we start talking weddings, Shayla?”

She shrugs and starts walking back into the room as the baby begins to fuss. “I was only trying to get an idea of where your head is at.”

“Currently it’s focused on the fact that my boobs are burning from my milk coming in as I listen to my son cry. So bring him over here, please.” I wave her to me and reach for my baby with outstretched arms, intercepting him and then reaching for the clasp on my nursing bra, pulling down the strap of my shirt and bra at the same time.

“Uh, Chloe…what are you doing?” Hayes asks, eyes locked on my chest.

“I’m getting ready to feed my son, Hayes. If giant, swollen tits make you nervous, look away, man.” He lowers his head back down to his precious chicken as I shove my boob in Santino’s mouth and the little guy starts to feast, relief and contentment rushing through me as he does. “Get used to this for a while, Hayes. Who knows, maybe one day Waverly’s tits will get this big too.”

He veers his eyes over to his wife. “I’m knocking you up tonight, woman.”

“Jesus, Hayes.” Wes smacks him on the back of the head. “You’re never gonna learn, are you?”

Hayes finds my eyes again and winks. “Nope. I’m a slow learner.”

“I’m calling it now. Wave and Shayla will both be knocked up within a year.”

“Um, I don’t think so,” Shayla disagrees.

“Nope. You’re both gonna get baby fever from being around Santino, and then your ovaries will start yelling at you.” I peer down at my baby again, breathing in a sigh of serenity.

“Wanna bet on it?” Silas asks from the kitchen as I swing my head in his direction, grinning in shock at the man.

“You wanna make a bet against me?”

He shrugs with a snarky smile on his face. “Yup. I think watching us go through the first year of parenthood is only going to deter our friends from joining the parenting club.”

I chuckle and then reach out my free hand. “Fine. You’re on, Mr. De Luca.”

And as he walks toward me, the heat of his gaze searing my skin, I realize what I just called him—a name he rather prefers for me to use in bed.

Four more weeks and we can revisit those moments, a reunion I’m both looking forward to and insanely terrified of at the same time.

I laugh at my fiancé and baby daddy, and then sit back and watch my friends—my family—move around each other and talk about any and everything as I hold my son in my arms.

I never thought I’d have this. I never thought I’d want it.

But now—I know I would never want to live without it.

Growing up without parents always made me feel like I was missing out on something, even though I knew my parents weren’t good people and their selfish decisions ultimately left me alone.

But then I met Shayla, and I found the other part of my soul in another person. She became my family, my support, the only person I could count on.

And now I have Silas, and in him I found the other half of my heart—the piece I didn’t think was missing, but now I know was vacant, just waiting on him.

And then my heart doubled in size the moment I met my son.

It was a rocky road to get here, full of self-doubt, buffalo wings, and irrational reactions. But I wouldn’t change this journey for anything.

I now have a purpose. I now have love. And I now have a family of my own.