Alpha King by Sara Fields

Chapter 8


When I woke the next morning, I knew that my whole life had changed, and I wasn’t sure if it was for the better or for worse. Not only had I slept in a man’s bed for the first time, but the gentle ache on my shoulder told me that something far deeper had occurred. I’d heard of wolf shifters and humans pairing together, but I hadn’t believed it and I certainly never thought that it would happen to me. I was feeling the bond, the ever-pulsing energy that tied me to another through some sort of magical thread, a connection that bound me to him.

I took a deep breath, trying to keep myself still as I took stock of my limbs and the ceaseless pounding of my heart. There was almost a mystical energy to its constant drum in my chest, almost as if his and mine were beating as one. I didn’t want to move for fear of waking him up, but when his chin brushed against my shoulder, I knew that he was already awake.

“How did you sleep?” he purred.

The mark throbbed and so did the infuriatingly needy clit between my thighs.

When had his voice turned into such pure liquid sex?

“Well,” I answered, but my voice revealed just how aroused that simple question had made me.

He openly sniffed the air, and I couldn’t help myself as I pressed my legs together, hoping that I would be able to hide what I inevitably already knew was there.

“I’m glad,” he answered, and his fingers slipped between my thighs. “Just as wet as I left you,” he murmured, and I couldn’t stop the way my body responded to him with open invitation. My thighs parted of their own accord as his finger slid along my pussy. I gasped as fiery tendrils of pleasure raced up and down my legs.

Why was he so fucking good at that? Why did a single touch of his hand make me want to fall apart all over it?

“Lawson,” I whined.

“Hmmm. Would you like to come for me, little mate?” he whispered hoarsely, the gravelly tone of his voice brushing against the tiny hairs on my ear and driving me wild with need.

With him, I was insatiable.

“Yes. Please, alpha,” I answered excitedly, and his finger began to move faster and harder.

Fuck. He was going to make me come. Fast.

I don’t know how he managed it, but I was on the precipice of orgasm within seconds. I could feel it building inside of me, a tiny little ball of desire that was quickly beginning to spiral out of control.

“You will wait until I give you permission, mate. I’m only going to allow you to have one orgasm this morning, so make sure you come very long and very hard for me.”

His instruction only made holding on that much more difficult. My thighs began to shake at the effort it took to keep my orgasm at bay.

“If you fail to follow my instructions, I will spank that naughty little clit bright red and bring you downstairs wet, incredibly needy, and very sore.”

I squirmed, trying to avoid his skillful fingers, but it didn’t do much good. His arm held me captive around my waist as his touch danced on top of my clit, ceaseless and wonderful in the same breath.

“That’s not all, sweet mate. If you come before I give you permission, you’re not going to be allowed to wear anything at all today. I’m planning on introducing you to the rest of my pack today and it’s up to you whether you’ll be naked when I do it,” he warned, and I shook harder.

“Please,” I begged.

It terrified me how quickly he could turn me from a proud woman to a soaking wet whimpering mess needy for release.

For several more agonizing moments, he forced me to wait. To me, it felt like forever.

“Please, alpha!”

“Are you going to come long and hard for me, little mate?” he asked.

“Yes! Yes, alpha!”

“Good. Then come for me now, my pretty mate. Come as hard as you can for me,” he coaxed.

He didn’t have to tell me twice.

My entire body clamped down hard and I let go, finally basking in the ultimate bliss of release. There was no pain this time, only pleasure and it was glorious.

I moaned his name, and his fingers worked my clit even more firmly, dragging out every last second of ecstasy that he could. My thighs quivered. My spine arched hard, pressing my bottom against the very thick and hard length of his cock. It sat snugly between my bottom cheeks, and I blushed hard as the thought of him sliding it inside my bottom hole passed over me.

My orgasm only seemed to strengthen after that.

Fiery scalding hot bliss radiated through me, feeling like a warm beam of light passing over me. The heat blossomed over my heart, wrapping around me like a blanket and when my release finally began to fade, it left me feeling as though I was floating on air.

“Good girl,” he whispered, and another electrifying thrill raced straight to my heart.

As the pleasure ebbed away, I hummed softly with satisfaction.

“Thank you,” I murmured, and he pressed his lips against my throat. I could tell he was smiling, and it was infectious.

“It was my pleasure, sweet mate. I wanted to make sure you enjoyed waking up in my bed for the first time,” he whispered. I giggled a little, a giddy combination of shame, satisfaction, and blissfully sated happiness.

He held me for a few minutes and when my heart stopped racing in my chest, he took me by the hand and led me into his closet. I walked on numb legs, but he was exceedingly patient with me until I was stable on my feet.

“I took the liberty of ordering you a few things before I came for you yesterday. You will find them hanging for you over there,” he guided, pointing to the left side rail.

He ordered more than a few things. He’d practically ordered me a wardrobe.

My mouth was slightly agape as I took a step toward what appeared to be at least forty different dresses. Some were a solid color, others covered in a simple hexagonal pattern, and even more consisted of soft flowy fabric decorated with a brilliant variety of brightly colored flowers.

“Pick your favorite and put it on for me. There’s shoes for you underneath on the wooden rack,” he explained.

“Are there any panties? Or maybe a bra?” I asked, looking around, and a ruthless smile crossed his lips.

“You won’t be wearing either today,” he answered.

His devilish grin only widened with diabolic intent, and I whined softly.

I don’t know why, but his expression made me weak. I couldn’t think of anything to say, so I said nothing at all. I looked down at the floor, trying to hide the way a flush of heat was burning up my cheeks. Wearing a dress without any panties beneath it seemed especially shameful and I chewed my lip anxiously knowing with every step I took today, he would know that I was bare underneath my skirt.

Swiftly, he came to me and forced a finger under my chin. He smiled knowingly and I squirmed, feeling my wetness slick against my thighs. I blushed harder, knowing that he could likely smell it. My nipples tightened and I was too proud to make a move to cover them up.


I bet he knew exactly what he was doing to me.

I jerked my head and pulled my chin from his grasp. He smirked, chuckling as he walked over to the other side of the closet. Desperate to cover my naked body, I chose the first garment that called to me, a soft flowy white wrap dress. The fabric was covered in a muted blue rose petal pattern that I liked very much. It wrapped around my waist, and I tied it tight, grateful for any kind of cloth to finally be covering my bare form.

It felt decadently shameful to not be wearing any panties though. I was distinctly aware of the heaviness in my breasts as well, knowing that I was going to feel them shake rather disgracefully with every step. My hard nipples would probably show through the fabric. I tried to put it out of my head, futile as I knew that would be.

I’d be thinking about it all day and the worst part of it all was that it was making me wet.

With a nervous fumble, I found the shoes he’d talked about and slipped my feet into a dark gray quilted pair of ballet flats. They were so soft and cozy, almost like walking on a pillow and I could only guess at what that sort of comfort cost.

When I was done, I turned to face him with a brave face. He’d adorned a black suit with a cream-colored button-up underneath. He was rifling through his ties, and I daringly wandered over, thumbing a burgundy one embroidered with gold thread. It stuck out to me, and I got the sudden urge to see it on him.

“Will you wear this one?” I asked cautiously.

“Gladly,” he smiled as he lifted my fingers to his lips. He kissed them softly and I shyly grinned in return. “Thanks for your help,” he added.

He went to lift it up over his head himself but paused when my fingers pressed against his wrist.

“Will you allow me?”

“Since you asked so nicely, little one,” he answered. I took the tie from his hands and wound it around his neck, tucking it beneath his collar and tying it in a neat square knot. When I was done, he inspected my work in a mirror and cleared his throat approvingly.

“I used to tie my father’s all the time. He was the one that taught me,” I said quietly.

“He taught you well, Ava,” Lawson said. “You did a really nice job.”

“Thanks,” I grinned.

“Now, let me show you around the house and you can meet a few members of my pack,” he said, and a tiny glimmer of excitement raced through me.

“Okay,” I replied, and I took his hand when he offered it. He guided me out of his room and with every step, I was reminded of how bare I felt beneath my skirt. I tried to swallow my desire for him to touch me again, but I soon realized there would be none of that.

If he was near, I’d probably be wet forever.

The hallway was quite grand, but at the same time it had a certain southern charm that was quite welcoming. The walls were painted a warm cream color and the dark wood crown molding gave it a rich character that spoke to the home’s age. There were some beautiful paintings along the walls that depicted various scenes in the bayou, from sunset to sunrise and everywhere in between. There were even a few renditions of the quarter and I paused by one that had Café Du Monde in the background.

Cautiously, I reached out to touch it, lightly tracing my fingertip across the textured surface. Lawson still held my hand in his and squeezed it in support.

“Together,” he murmured.

I didn’t answer. I wasn’t quite sure what all of this meant for me yet. I was certain of one thing though.

I was going to make the Venuti pay for what they’d done to my father.

When I was ready, I dropped my hand and allowed him to lead me through the rest of the house. He guided me through one guestroom after another as well as a number of extravagantly decorated offices including his own. There were sitting rooms, balcony gardens, and even more guestrooms on the upper floors. It was oddly deserted for such a massive home, but I didn’t say anything about it yet. It wasn’t until we descended to the ground floor that we came across anyone at all. I blushed and smiled tentatively when I saw who it was.

Toboe was waiting outside a set of carved wooden doors that looked like they belonged at the entryway of a church. He grinned once he saw the two of us and I found that his unending happiness was endearing. I liked him, even if he’d seen his alpha take my virgin asshole for the first time.

I blushed and tried to put my embarrassment out of my mind. Thankfully, Lawson and Toboe started talking to one another, leaving me alone to stew in my own unexpectedly delayed mortification.

“Most of the pack is gathered inside, boss, at least the ones we could spare. I took the liberty of directing a fair number of them to guard the perimeter and stationed more than usual in the quarter. I figured you’d approve,” Toboe explained to him.

“I do approve,” Lawson answered. “Any recent changes I should know about?”

“No. Not yet,” Toboe replied.

“I want to know immediately if you sense anything. I mean it. Anything at all,” Lawson commanded.

“You’ll be the first to know,” Toboe answered, his voice laden with firm resolve.

Lawson nodded once, effectively ending the conversation. He opened the big door, revealing what looked to be a fairly large amphitheater behind them. Most of the seats were filled. There were far more members of the Crescent Moon Pack than I’d anticipated.

The room was circular, and down in the center was a platform with two leather chairs set up almost like a pair of thrones. Lawson began to descend the stairs, striding toward the middle with me in tow. Many of the seats were full, men and women of his pack watching as we walked by. There were small details I noticed as we walked down the aisle; the beautiful hard wood beneath our feet, the molding along the edges as well as the carved handrails along the aisle. The southern charm I’d seen throughout the house wasn’t lost in this room and I found that I liked it just as much as the rest.

When we reached the bottom, Lawson sat down in the largest chair and pointed at the one next to him, directing me to sit too. With a bit of trepidation, I sat down beside him, looking out at those gathered in the room with us. Their expressions were ones of curiosity and a mild sense of reservation as they studied me, but I could understand that.

I was a stranger in their midst, and I was sitting right next to their king.

Instead of letting it get to me, I lifted my head with confidence. Lawson cleared his throat, and I crossed my legs as I leaned back against the chair, playing the part of a queen in their midst. It felt kind of nice the longer I embraced it.

“Welcome, pack members,” he said, his words echoing loudly all around us. A hush fell over the crowd, and they turned toward him, at least for a minute or two. It didn’t take them long to give into temptation and look back at me. I stayed quiet, enjoying the feeling of being encased in mystery, for a little while longer anyway.

“I called you here to talk to you about a few things, the first being some rather precarious developments in our ongoing situation with the Venuti Clan. It appears they’ve undermined our authority here in the quarter more than any of us have realized for months now, and it’s about time we reminded them that the Crescent Moon Pack has just as much, if not more power, than they do,” he began.

A cheer rang out over the audience and Lawson waited patiently for them to quiet back down. I glanced from him to the pack, trying to figure out what he had in mind. His pack looked at him with quiet apprehension, but it was overshadowed by an overwhelming sense of loyalty and respect. The more I watched them, the more I could see that they both loved and feared him. I don’t know why, but I decided that I liked that.

“Unbeknownst to them however, I have a secret weapon that may very well be the key to their downfall. Everyone, I want you to meet my mate, Ava Winters,” Lawson continued. His pronouncement was a bit irksome, but I swallowed it down.

I noticed some movement at the back of the room, and I watched as Toboe entered through the big set of wooden doors. He stood at the back of the aisle and observed over the proceedings, his gaze passing over the excited members of his pack at the announcement that their alpha had found his mate.

Lawson glanced at me, and we locked eyes for just a moment, but it was enough to send my body into a tailspin of desire.

My nipples pebbled and I pressed my palms against my thighs in an effort to keep my arousal at bay. It was frustrating not having control over my own body and it was starting to infuriate me.

“As your alpha, I demand that you show her the same deference and loyalty that you give me. She may be human, but she is also my mate,” he continued. “I expect every single one of you to respect that.”

His possessiveness left me unsettled, balanced somewhere on the edge of annoyance and desire. There was a burning sort of fury brewing inside me and I couldn’t seem to keep it at bay. He kept speaking and I wondered if he was going to allow me to say anything about what I was here for. I didn’t like it, but I swallowed that feeling, deciding to just let him continue to speak.

At least for now.

“She has the capability to create a rather special, very advanced weapon that is extremely effective against the Venuti, and she is going to share that with all of us,” he said next, and my fury exploded.

The fuck I was. That knowledge was mine and I wasn’t about to begin sharing it.

There was no containing myself now, no biting my lip and keeping myself quiet. I was going to tell him exactly how I felt, and he was going to listen to every word I said. I didn’t much care if he liked any of it either.

Sure, he may insist on calling me his mate and I couldn’t change how my body was continually responding to his presence, but that didn’t mean I was going to share my father’s work with him.

I didn’t need him or his pack. I’d only ever needed myself and that wasn’t going to change just because I bore his mark on my neck.

“That was never a part of the plan, Lawson. I don’t need your help and I’m certainly not going to give away my father’s lifework to you and your pack. I can handle the Venuti myself,” I declared proudly.

The room went silent. The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife and I could have sworn everyone in the audience stopped breathing. Lawson cleared his throat, and I lifted my chin even higher in defiance. My palms felt oddly sweaty, and I squeezed my fingers into tight little fists in order to try to ignore it.

“No. You won’t, little mate. You’re going to teach all of us how to make your sunfire bullets and we are going to make sure the Venuti never treads on our territory again. We’re going to do it together, as a pack,” he replied. His words were thick with warning, and I knew that I was angering him. To be honest, I didn’t much care.

I was too wet, too needy, and far too angry to listen to the small voice of reason in the back of my head.

“You may have forced me to be your mate, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to obey your every command. I didn’t choose to be a part of your pack. You can’t order me around like a dog,” I retorted, making sure that he could hear the defiance in every syllable that came out of my mouth.

He sighed, and it made my stomach drop precipitously to my toes. With a deep breath, I tried to remain brave as he pushed himself out of the seat, but even that began to waver as he walked toward me. I didn’t run. Maybe I should have in that moment, but by the time he grasped my upper arm and pulled me out of my own chair it was far too late.

I gritted my teeth, firmly setting my mouth in a thin line as I pulled every ounce of brazen courage inside me that I could manage. His eyes were dark, glinting with unspoken warning. The first tendril of regret played at my heart as his fingers tightened just enough to pull me back toward his seat.

With his other hand, he swiftly untied the wrap dress and roughly pulled it open. I fought him, but his movements were faster as he forced it down the length of my arm. Quickly, he grasped my other arm and did the same on the other side, baring me swiftly and effectively before I could do anything to stop it.

He’d stripped me in front of his entire pack.

After he was finished, he stood there and just let the fact that I was completely naked sink in. My ability to speak words flew out the window and I tried to move to cover myself, but he quickly pinned my arms behind my back, putting all of my body on display for his pack. He forced me to look out at the crowd and my tongue went dry. I could see them watching me, looking up and down my body with open interest and a soft keening whine escaped my throat.

“It is unfortunate that your introduction to my pack had to go this way, little mate,” he purred, and my body revolted.

My nipples pebbled and a single drop of wetness slid down the expanse of my right inner thigh.

“Your feisty nature has a time and a place, Ava, but now is not it. I am alpha of this pack, and no one questions my authority, not even you. I do not tolerate defiance and you will be punished, but since you refused me in front of everyone here, they all are going to watch as you learn a very shameful lesson,” he warned, and I froze.

He couldn’t mean that.

I tried to rip my hands from his grasp, but his grip was too strong. I bent forward, attempting to throw him over my shoulder even though he was more than twice my size. Not surprisingly, that didn’t work either. I tried every maneuver that I knew, but nothing was enough to free me from his hold.

He kicked my seat out of the way and while holding me firmly with one hand, moved the other into the center of the platform. I tried to take advantage of that single moment, but he moved too quickly and before I knew it, he was sitting down and pulling me toward him. He released my wrists and took hold of my hand, jerking me forward hard enough to make me lose my balance and fall face down over his lap.

He was going to spank me in front of everyone.

I struggled hard once that realization hit me, but he was prepared for that. Without ceremony, he tipped me forward and forced a leg over the back of one of mine. The effect of the position was instantaneous, putting everything in between my thighs on display for everyone to see. With one hand, he pinned me to his lap and no matter how much I pushed at his leg beneath my hips, I didn’t budge the slightest bit.

“You already know that the scent of your arousal is especially enticing to me, but you should know that the rest of my pack can smell it too. All of us knew you were wet before I put you over my knee, but now all of us can see just how soaked that naughty little pussy is, can’t they, little mate?” he asked.

I cried out in dismay.

He swatted between my legs firmly, sending a stinging frisson of pain radiating across my sensitive folds. I tried to squeeze my thighs shut, but his leg prevented that. Instead, I managed to kick my other leg, yet it did nothing to make him let me go. I stopped moving once I realized I was just exposing myself even more when I did that.

“Answer me, mate,” he demanded sternly, and I growled in frustration.

His hand settled on my backside, still and threatening all the same.

“Don’t!” I screeched and he spanked my bottom hard, causing my right cheek to jiggle just enough to expose the entirety of my pussy to those watching. He did the same to the left side and I vowed that I wouldn’t make a sound, no matter how hard he spanked me.

I should have known better.

His hand was ruthlessly cruel. He spanked me with purpose, wanting to punish me and maybe on some level, to break me so that he could teach me a lesson for undermining him in front of his pack. He punished up and down my thighs, over every square inch of my backside and he even used his hands to spread open my bottom cheeks so he could spank there too. Those were especially hard, and I struggled to take them, but I didn’t have much of a choice.

From the very start, he spanked me so hard that it felt as if my ass had caught fire. Every smack smoldered and sizzled with stinging pain. Prickles of sharp agony blossomed across each cheek, spreading and settling inward until it reached the center of my core. My pussy quivered and I knew that I was getting wetter the longer this went on.

I wanted to beg him to stop, but I kept my mouth shut. The punishing bite of his hand never lessened, but he eventually paused long enough for me to catch my breath. I renewed my vow to keep quiet, banking on my inner courage to help me keep it.

“I expect a proper answer, little mate,” he demanded. I refused to give him one.

“Fuck you,” I said instead. I don’t know why I continued to challenge him, and I don’t know where I found the bravery to do it, but I did.

The sound of his pack gasping in shock was audible and my insides twisted in sudden anxiety. I whimpered quietly, actively regretting the words immediately after they left my mouth. They had been foolishly brazen, and I knew at once that I was going to pay dearly for them.

“Toboe. Do me the honor of fetching a wooden spoon from the kitchen, please,” Lawson called out.

“You got it, boss,” Toboe answered with far too much glee.

“No!” I shrieked, but Lawson cut me off before I could finish.

“Little mate, you should know I will thoroughly take you in hand no matter where we are or who we are with. I will deal with you properly whenever you need it. Right now, you need your bare little bottom spanked hard with a wooden spoon until you’re sobbing over my knee. That should make you nervous, but the part that should really make you nervous is going to come after that,” he declared, and a hot shiver raced down my spine.

“You can’t,” I gasped.

“I can and I will. You need to be punished and I intend to do exactly that,” he said darkly.

“You don’t have to do this,” I said softly, trying to volley for his mercy even though I knew the chances of him taking the bait were slim to none.

Instead of answering right away, he slipped his fingers between my thighs, and I gasped. I was immediately ashamed of just how easily his thick digits slid along my slick folds and of how everyone watching could see him touch me like that.

“Ava, you’re protesting an awful lot for a little girl with a pussy this soaking wet,” he observed and the heat that had been creeping along my face very nearly exploded with sizzling intensity.

I heard the wooden doors open and close. Toboe’s footsteps echoed as he jogged down the stairs and joined us. Lawson’s fingers pulled away from my pussy and soon enough, the cool surface of the spoon pressed against my backside.

I couldn’t shake the overwhelming sense of doom that was about to rain down on me.

He tapped the spoon lightly against my bottom and a soft sound of quiet nervousness escaped me. He popped my right cheek gently, but the resulting sting was enough to catch me off guard. Maybe I was right to fear it.

“I’m going to enjoy reminding you of your place very much, little mate, but I’m quite certain you’re not going to feel the same way,” he murmured, and I jerked hard just before the spoon connected with my left cheek much harder than the warning tap he’d threatened me with before.

The sting was instantaneous, but far sharper and more overwhelming than his hand or even his belt. A cry escaped my lips and I slammed them back together, trying to swallow the sound. Another hard spank with the spoon followed on the opposite side, harsh and ruthless and it was then that my punishment truly began.

There was nothing other than my naked bottom and that dreadful spoon. My world became one with the vicious pain that radiated across my entire backside with every cruel spank. He left no spot unpunished, thoroughly disciplining the entire expanse of my cheeks and my thighs. He even spread open my bottom and exposed me to the crowd as he used the spoon to punish the inside of my cleft. I shrieked at the intense sting, trying to take it with dignity, but I was quickly losing that. I’d broken my vow.

I don’t know how long I lasted without making a sound, but it didn’t much matter really. That spoon was vicious, and I fought him with every breath, trying to squirm and escape its bite. I never did. That spoon met its mark every time, cruel and brutal, and as it continued, I began to feel like I was losing control.

He had taken that control and he wasn’t letting go.

He started to punish the lower curve of my bottom and the tops of my thighs even harder than before, and my breath caught in the back of my throat. I blinked several times as I tried to stop the inevitable, but I knew it was a losing battle. My eyes watered and no matter what I did to try to hold it back, the first tear dripped down my cheek of its own accord. Another followed. Then another, until a volley of tears stained my cheeks.

As I sobbed, it was as if the fight had drained out of me. I no longer kicked or fought. The spanks still came, harsh and mean, but they’d also started to slow. Eventually, he stopped, and I was left to suffer the full stinging weight of the aftermath of that dreaded spoon. I was still though, suffering with my red bottom on display.

“Open your legs, little mate. You have three more to take on that naughty little pussy,” he commanded. I sobbed harder, but I obeyed. I was showcasing myself to the audience and I knew they would be able to see just how wet my punishment had made me, but it didn’t much matter. My alpha had given me an instruction and I needed to follow it.

Fearfully, I spread my thighs as much as I could. He placed the back of the spoon against the bare lips of my pussy.

“These are going to hurt, mate, but I want you to always remember to follow your alpha’s command. I want you to remember how sore your pussy was after you defied me. Do you understand me?” he pressed.

“Yes, alpha,” I whispered fearfully, yet at the same time my inner walls fluttered with need.

“You will count them for me, pretty mate,” he continued, and I shivered hard. My whole world centered between my thighs, focused entirely on the back of that spoon spanking my pussy bright red.

The first one took my breath away. The sharp, cruel sting was so much more than I expected, radiating across my sensitive flesh. The vicious bite lasted far longer than I was prepared for and only after several seconds did it began to abate.

A brutal wave of pleasure followed.

“One, alpha,” I finally managed. My voice was hoarse and shaky with fright.

The second one was even harder.

I whimpered through the aftermath, trying to be brave and take what he wanted to give me, but suffering all the same. The sting was brighter, but the desire that came after was even fiercer.

“Two, alpha,” I breathed.

The third was hardest of all.

I screamed, my voice breaking with several whining cries as the pain blossomed across my pussy. The pain was harsh and swift, much more than all the rest and I struggled to take it. A fresh wave of tears dripped down my cheeks.

The need that followed that last punishing spank was the roughest part. With tears streaming down my cheeks, I realized that the only thing I wanted was his cock sinking deep into my pussy, ravaging me, taking me and making me fall apart all over it.

The spoon clattered to the floor and his fingers dipped in between my thighs.

“I know what you need, little mate, but I want you to ask me for it. You will make sure that everyone hears it too, even those sitting in the back of the room,” my alpha commanded.

I whined in shame.

I opened my mouth, once, twice before I clamped it shut. His fingers continued to tease me, circling around my clit. I didn’t just want his fingers. I wanted his cock.

“What do you need, little mate?” he pressed.

“I need you to fuck me, alpha,” I said, the words flying out of my mouth unprecedented. I couldn’t do anything about them now that they were out in the open. I’d spoken out loud and he’d heard me.

“Louder,” he demanded.

“Please. Will you fuck me, alpha?” I cried out, doing my best to be as loud as I could. My face heated with sizzling fire and for once, I was happy to be face down over his knee so that no one could see just how embarrassed I was.

He didn’t answer. Instead, he lifted me off his lap and bent me over the back of the chair.

“Place your hands on the seat. I’m going to fuck you right here, little mate, and everyone is going to watch you break on my cock,” he said darkly, and my pussy squeezed tight.

I couldn’t contain the arousal that surged through me at the knowledge that I was going to get fucked.

In public.

And everyone was going to see it.

As I struggled with my fear, raging mortification, and primal arousal, I didn’t hear him undo his belt. I wasn’t ready for his cock to slam into me, but my body opened for him nonetheless.

It hurt from the very start.

He was so big, so thick that no matter how many times he fucked me, I knew that it was always going to leave me sore. My pussy stretched wide, and his entry burned hot. Despite all that, my inner walls clutched greedily at him, and I sighed in relief at the sensation of fullness.

He’d been right. I’d wanted this. I’d needed this.

His fingers wound in the hair at the back of my head, and he clutched it tight, forcing a blooming flower of pain to spread across my scalp. He made me look straight into the faces of everyone watching.

“When you come for me, I want everyone to see it. I want them to see the beauty of my mate’s face when she comes on her alpha’s cock,” he demanded, and my pussy squeezed tight around him.

I wondered if he was going to make me come more than once. Something deep inside me hoped that he would.

He thrust into me so hard that I feared the chair would fall over. It didn’t though. It was strong, steady, and it didn’t move an inch no matter how hard his cock viciously pistoned into my pussy.

Already sore and very well punished from the wooden spoon, my ability to keep myself under control was long gone. My orgasm brewed with a terrifying swiftness. My alpha had spanked me for a very real reason in front of his entire pack and that was making it difficult to fight the rising tide of arousal in my veins.

I cried out and my voice was hoarse with need.

“Beg me for permission, little mate. Don’t make me spank that wet little pussy again,” he growled.

My response was immediate because I was already so desperate.

“Please, alpha. Please let me come,” I begged.

“Do you really want to come, bright red bottom and soaking wet pussy on display? Do you really want to come with everyone watching?” he asked.

“Yes, alpha! Please!” I keened.

I was so close to losing control. I needed to come, and I desperately wanted to avoid another lesson with that awful wooden spoon between my thighs. My legs were shaking, and my nipples were so hard that the feeling of them against the leather of the chair was driving me insane.

His grip on my hair tightened as he forced me to look out at the members of his pack. Every thrust felt harder, faster, and I pleaded even more.

“Please. Please,” I murmured.

“Come for me, little mate. Scream for me so loud that everyone watching can see you break for your alpha,” he ordered.

My orgasm crashed over me at his words.

I writhed, pushing my hips back and taking him deeper. Every part of me convulsed around his massive cock, milking him and taking all that he gave me. My arousal was hot and heavy from the start, all-consuming and I found myself drowning in the intensity of it.

At first, I was quiet, taking my release in silence before I couldn’t help it any longer. I started to moan and just a few moments after that I began to scream.

Exquisitely hot bliss poured over me, surging through my veins in hot steady pulses that threatened to never end. That orgasm was deeply satisfying in a way I’d never known, beautiful and dangerous and far more taboo than anything I’d ever felt before.

This was filthy and I loved it.

The best part was that he showed no signs of slowing down. He was going to make me come again and I wasn’t going to be able to do a thing about it.

I got hotter, my bliss stronger, and I thrashed beneath him. I stopped thinking about how embarrassed I was to be getting fucked before the pack and started to shamelessly give into each and every thrust. My hips rocked back, and I lifted my bottom up as he slammed into me, taking him deeper than ever.

My core ballooned outward with pleasure, curling and twisting with every passing second, filling with unmatched desire so much so that I knew my next orgasm was already imminent.

My fingers grasped at the seat of the chair, tightening at the edges as I tried to hold on to the wild ride that was coming for him time and time again. My thighs trembled and a needy wail came from my lips unbidden.

His hand tightened in my hair and that was all I needed to fall apart on his cock once again. I’m not sure how he did it, but he toyed with my body as if I was a musical instrument that only he knew how to play.

I quaked hard and my world fractured. My eyes rolled back in my head as his grasp on my hips tightened, holding me up when my legs shook hard enough so that I wasn’t sure if I was even capable of standing anymore. My toes curled and everything inside me tightened into a pleasurable little ball, exploding outward and coming together in one beautiful display of fiery passion.

This was perfection.

That second orgasm faded, and I hesitantly realized that it still wasn’t over. His thrusts got harder, more persistent, and I realized then that he was using me for his own pleasure now.

“You’ve got one more orgasm, little mate,” he demanded, and my heart pounded with a sense of panic.

The first two orgasms had been so strong that there was no doubt in my mind that this final one was going to be the hardest of all to take. I also knew on some level it was going to hurt quite a bit.

He pounded into me so roughly that I knew it would leave me sore for some time after this was all over. That only served to make me burn hotter, moan louder, and made my need swirl inside me with fervor once again.

“Oh, please, alpha,” I begged.

“You will ask for permission before that orgasm, mate,” he commanded and I whimpered softly, taking every last inch of his cock and burning for more.

I drifted along that wave of pleasure for as long as I was able until all at once it became too much. It was as if I was riding the tallest roller coaster in existence and that dreaded fall was just fractions of a second away. There was no stopping what was coming and that made it all the more frightening and arousing all at the same time.

“Please let me come, alpha,” I pleaded.

He was silent for a few moments, and I panicked a little, unsure if I would be able to hold myself back for much longer. I feared disobeying him at the same time that it aroused me, and I wasn’t sure which one would win out in the end.

I begged for him shamelessly.

“Please. I can’t take any more, alpha. Please. I’m sorry I disobeyed you. Please have mercy. Please let me come for you,” I cried. My voice was pitifully needy, shaking and weak and more than a little broken.

“Have you learned your lesson not to defy your alpha, mate?” he pressed.

“Yes, alpha,” I keened, so desperate and frantic that I almost didn’t recognize myself.

“You may come for me now, mate. Come hard for your alpha while he marks your pretty little cunt with his seed,” he roared and the first blazing hot surge of his seed pelted against my inner walls, driving me mad and forcing that next orgasm over me without warning.

I screamed hard once more, shaking and shivering and losing all of myself with my alpha’s cock deep inside me. His cum continued to spurt inside me, fiery tendrils of his need and mine combined. I shook and trembled, shamelessly writhing beneath him as I took everything he had to give me.

The pleasure was soon overwhelmed by a wave of pain. At first it was viciously ruthless in its intensity, but it soon molded into the passionate need raging on inside me. Pain and pleasure came together into a single endless sensation that left me quivering and entirely captive in its terribly wonderful embrace.

My inner walls clutched greedily at his length, taking him as deep as he could go. I could feel his seed spurting against my cervix, burning hot and utterly possessive. With every single one, my orgasm compounded on itself, marking me as his so thoroughly that I would be forever changed. I could fight it all I want, but that didn’t change the truth.

I loved him.

As my orgasm raged on, he turned my head just enough so that he could capture my lips in a brutal kiss that left them sore. He kissed me roughly enough that I knew I would feel it long after, but as those final moments of my release tore through me, my heart beat for him.

Only for him.

When that orgasm finally began to ebb away, my entire body felt numb. My pussy throbbed intermittently, reminding me of what had just happened and making me blush because of it. He groaned and released my hair at last, sliding out of me and gathering me in his arms immediately. I was hardly aware of Toboe passing Lawson a blanket, but as it wrapped around me, I shivered with appreciation.

Lawson sat back down in the chair I’d just gotten fucked over and pulled me into his lap.

For a period of time, we were quiet. His pack watched in silence, and I pressed my head against his shoulder, basking in the protection the warmth of his body was providing. I floated for a while, somewhere in the midst of shame and thorough satisfaction at the events that had just taken place in this room.

“Good girl,” he whispered, and my breath caught in the back of my throat.

His thumb traced across my cheek lightly, back and forth. It was hypnotic in a way, and I quickly decided that it was the most incredible caress I’d ever had the pleasure of experiencing.

I whimpered softly and he hugged me tighter.

“Shhh. There’s my good girl. I’ve got you now. You’re safe with me. You’ll always be safe with your alpha,” he purred.

His voice captivated me, and I closed my eyes, exhausted.

“Rest now, little mate. We’ll come up with a plan for the Venuti later,” he murmured.

“I love you,” I answered. I hadn’t meant to say the words, but they just fell out of me. I couldn’t have stopped them even if I knew they were coming.

“I love you too, Ava. From the first moment I saw you, I’ve loved you.”