Such a Pretty Face by Annabelle Costa

Chapter 25

I get this twinge of excitement whenever I see Brody’s number pop up on my phone. We’re on a nightly phone call basis right now—meaning, on nights we don’t see each other, he almost always calls. He calls me on the late side, which I’ve realized means he’s calling me from his bed after Mike has already left for the night.

Some nights we just talk. I can’t even tell you what we talk about. One night we spent like three hours talking about cartoons we used to watch as kids and got in a pretty intense discussion about the Power Puff Girls. Another night, we compared Crazy Mother stories. I’ve gotten so comfortable with Brody—I could talk to him about anything.

Most nights, we just talk. But at least a couple of times a week, things get a little steamier. If you know what I mean.

It started one night when we were talking on the phone, and Brody blurted out, out of nowhere, “You have the sexiest breasts I’ve ever seen. I wish I were touching them right now.”

If he had said that to me while we were together, I would have blushed. But because we were on the phone, I giggled. “Oh yeah? And what would you do with them?”

Brody replied in a voice that wasn’t at all joking: “I’d lick them all over. And then I’d lick your whole body all over.”

That was the beginning of Brody and I having some pretty amazing phone sex.

Brody is good at phone sex. He’s fantastic at it. Really. And this isn’t exactly a phone sex virgin talking. In fact, you could call me a bit of a phone sex slut. Brody knows what to say and how to say it. As he speaks, I can close my eyes and picture everything he’s saying. It’s intense, to say the least.

But here’s the thing: a lot of the things Brody describes are things he can’t actually do. He describes ripping my shirt open, throwing me onto his bed, climbing on top of me, and plunging his large, erect penis into me. It’s all very sexy the way he describes it all in painstaking detail, but let’s face it, he can’t do any of those things in real life. It’s all a lie.

Brody and me in real life is the G-rated version of Brody and me on the phone. In real life, we mostly just kiss. Sometimes there’s a little above the belt licking, so maybe it’s PG-13. But sometimes I look across the table at him, and I know what he’s thinking about, and my entire body tingles.

If only we could make it into reality.

The day after a particularly steamy, graphic phone sex session, I come over to his house for our usual dinner and a make-out session. As I watch Mike transfer him to the couch, I can’t help but feel a little frustrated. This can only go so far tonight.

“I’m sorry,” Brody says to me as I sit next to him on the couch in my usual spot. “I know what you’re thinking.”

“I’m not thinking anything,” I say innocently.

“Yeah, right,” he mumbles.

“I’m not,” I insist, even though I’m totally lying.

“I want to do all those things to you that I said last night,” he says. “You have no idea how much.”

I shrug. “Really, no big deal.”

“Yes, it is a big deal,” he says. He reaches out and touches my face with his curled fingers. “Listen, I want to satisfy you, Emily. Maybe I can’t do all the things I said on the phone, but I can do something for you. And I will.”

There’s a determination in his voice that’s incredibly sexy. I lean in very close to him. His aftershave smells so good. “I’m already satisfied.”

“No, you’re not,” he says. “But you will be.”

I don’t want to call bullshit on him, but I’m skeptical. How is he supposed to satisfy me so thoroughly? I mean, the guy can’t move. Still, it’s sexy that he wants to try so badly. And we have a nice make-out session, and I love the way his mouth feels on my lips, neck, and nipples. That will do. After all, it has to.