The Beast by Hildie McQueen

Chapter Sixteen

The celebration was wonderful. Lavender sprays had been layered with greenery down the center of the long tables in the great hall. Candlelight from every space gave a magical appearance and the lively music made for a most wonderfully perfect gathering.

Her gown was a beautiful creation of cream and soft green that flowed with every movement.

When a familiar song played, everyone began singing. Some looking to her and Duncan as it was customary for the bride and groom to dance.

To her surprise, Duncan stood and took her hand. He led her down from the sideboard to the open area for dancing. His left arm circled her waist and with his right, he took her hand. Then they danced, circling the entire area. Although it was obvious he was not used to dancing and their movements were not perfect, it was like a wonderful dream to her.

When she stole a glance to where her mother sat, Lady Macdonald was wiping tears of joy. Beatrice smiled in her direction and her mother gave her a warm look.

At the next song, others joined them as they danced to a second song. However, when the tempo of the music changed to a much livelier tune, Duncan released Beatrice to join the other women who’d joined hands and danced in a circle.

It was one of the most enjoyable days of her life and Beatrice wanted the day to never end.

The room silenced when Darach stood and held up his cup. He turned first to those gathered and then to Beatrice and Duncan.

“I welcome ye, Beatrice Macdonald Ross, to our clan and family. May God grant ye and my brother happiness and long lives. That ye have healthy crops, healthy livestock, and many bairns.” The room erupted in cheers and Beatrice laughed.

The next in line by birth order was Caelan, who lifted his cup and met Duncan’s gaze. “I wish ye, my brother and closest friend, much happiness with yer beautiful bride. To ye Beatrice, we welcome ye with open arms and open hearts.”

As the rest of the brothers spoke, Beatrice had to wipe tears from her eyes. Duncan squeezed her hand when Evander stood.

“I am here as a representative of Clan Macdonald. My father sends his blessings to Beatrice and to ye, Duncan. Our clans are bound by marriage now twice and for that we are thankful; especially since the bond between our mothers has always been strong. We welcome ye, Duncan Ross, to our clan. I wish ye and my sister much happiness. Beatrice, do yer best to stay out of trouble.”

Everyone laughed at the last words.

Finally, the night was over, and Duncan carried a sleepy, happy Beatrice up the stairs to their bedchamber.

As they prepared for bed, he once again headed to the bed with his tunic on.

When he reached for a lantern to blow it out, Beatrice stopped him. “Please leave it on. I want to see ye fully bereft of clothing. I so enjoyed seeing yer face this morning when we made love.

He froze, as if unsure how to proceed. Beatrice walked to him as he considered the options.

“I must confess something to ye,” Beatrice said quietly. “By now, as ye are aware, I quite often do things without thinking them through. I did something before we married ye should know about.”

His gaze bore into hers. “What did ye do?”

“Well,” Beatrice bit her bottom lip. “Promise not to be angry”

“Beatrice. I cannot promise without knowing what ye are about to tell me.”

“Will ye at least sit then?”

When he sat down, she was surprised that he pulled her onto his lap, his arms loosely around her. “Tell me.”

“After Darach demanded we marry, I did not wish for ye to be forced into a marriage against yer will. After coming up with a plan, Ella and I decided to return to North Uist, so I could avoid us being married. Late that night, I snuck down the corridor to come speak to ye. Afraid of being overheard, I did not knock. Instead, I opened the door and came inside while ye slept.”

His brow furrowed as he listened. “I did not know. What is so wrong that ye confess to doing it? Obviously, ye did not wake me.”

“I did not. But ye were fully naked and had pushed the blankets down to just above yer bum.

Duncan’s eyes widened. “Did ye see me?”

“It was a full moon, and as ye know I am very curious,” Beatrice smiled at him. “Ye have a beautiful body Duncan, I quite enjoyed the view of it.”

He visibly swallowed. “Did ye see my front or the back?”

Once again, she bit her lip. “Are ye angry?”

“No.” The word however was curt and harsh.

“Ye are angry. I will not continue unless ye admit to it.”

“I am not angry. I am troubled.”

“Troubled. Very well then, it is not too bad.” Beatrice had to admit it all to him. “I had never seen a naked man before, other than catching a glimpse of Padraig once when he bathed in the loch and that was not enjoyable.”

Duncan remained tense, his entire attention on her. “Beatrice. Answer me.”

Beatrice let out a breath. “I circled yer bed. I am very aware that it is horrible to look upon a sleeping person who is not aware. Even worse, a man I was not married to. And although it makes me sound like a horrible person, I must admit to admiring what I saw that night. Yer back though scarred is so broad and yer bottom, it is perfectly formed. Yer chest and legs…”

To her astonishment, Duncan didn’t seem angry. Instead, his eyebrows lifted in surprise. “Ye sound like a man speaking about a woman’s body. I have never expected that ye would ogle a man.”

“Not just a man. Ye. My husband. I suspect ye tried to hide the scars from me and that is why ye insist on making love in the dark and not allow me to touch ye. Which is why I am telling ye this. I very much want to touch every inch of ye.”

“This is the wrong time to be telling me this,” he said looking to the doorway. “I am going to kidnap ye and take ye to our house where ye can make all the noise ye wish.”

“Tomorrow?” Beatrice teased, pressing a kiss to the side of his mouth. “That is a long time to wait.”

The light of the one lantern was enough for her to see clearly as Duncan undressed. His gaze locked with hers for a moment and then he pulled the tunic over his head.

Her breath caught. The man was perfectly made, with a strong sculpted body and long muscled legs.

There was a light sprinkling of hair down the center of his chest that went past his stomach to just above the patch of dark hair over his sex.

At her perusal, his manhood moved, and a shiver went through her.

“Have ye had yer fill of ogling?” Duncan asked with obvious pride in knowing she found him desirable.

“I am not sure I ever will,” Beatrice replied. “Ye are beautiful.”

“Men are not beautiful,” he scoffed nearing the bed. “Can ye not think of another way to describe me?”

“Hmm,” she teased pressing a kiss to his shoulder, then trailing her mouth across to press a second one between the mounds of his chest. “Bonnie?”

He pulled her against his chest, his breathing already labored. “I do not wish to continue talking.”

When he kissed her, it was as if he’d been waiting for years. His mouth took hers with desperation and want.

Beatrice wrapped her arms around his shoulders and made circular patterns on the back of them. She wanted to explore his entire body, but it would take time. Duncan had undressed before her and that was the first monumental step of many to come.

The feel of his strong body against hers made her shiver with anticipation. “Take me, husband. I need ye desperately.”

“Will ye be quiet?” he asked in a soft tone.

“I very much doubt it,” Beatrice admitted.

The next fewdays were like a whirlwind. Her mother insisted on traveling to the village and upon spotting the peddler, spent an exorbitant amount of money purchasing trinkets. After spending three days at Keep Ross, Lady Macdonald was prepared to go to Beatrice and Duncan’s home.

Beatrice, her mother, and Orla climbed into the carriage. Lady Mariel, Isobel, and Ella would be visiting the next day. Once they spent a week at their home, they would all prepare to travel to North Uist.

“We cannot delay our return too long,” her mother said looking out the window. “Already the weather is turning colder, and very soon it will be impossible to travel.”

Beatrice followed her line of sight. “A season will be a long time to remain away from the keep. I am surprised Darach is considering going.”

“He has brothers to take his place. What of yer husband? He avoids talk of it.”

She’d yet to talk to Duncan about it. “I am sure he is going. Duncan is a private person, who prefers to be away from too many people.”

“It is expected that the man who marries a laird’s daughter would first seek permission. That did not happen, obviously. Therefore, it is imperative he meets with yer father to discuss expectations.”

“I understand, Mother. As son and brother to lairds, I am sure he is aware of the obligations.”

Her mother gave her a dubious look. “How do ye feel about him? Ye seem to enjoy each other’s company. I must admit to finding him unapproachable, intimidating even.”

“We are getting to know one another, and he is kind and patient with me.” Beatrice’s lips curved at how hard it had been for them to keep from making noises during sex the night before.

“From the dreamy look on yer face, I ascertained as much and I am glad for it,” Her mother smiled. “It settles my mind to know both ye and Isobel have husbands that treat ye well.”

Upon arriving at the house, her mother took it in. “It is a grand home, dear.”

“It is,” Beatrice said. “Very quiet, which I’ve grown used to.”

Evander and Duncan had ridden ahead. Thankfully, after the first day, the two had become somewhat friendly.

Beatrice was excitedto entertain and nervous once the others arrived, but thankfully Gara and Firtha handled everything perfectly.

The new chambermaid and her son were kept busy ensuring everyone had all they needed, and by the end of the visit everyone was exhausted.

Duncan let out a long breath as the carriages disappeared down the road. “I will need a sennight to recover from this.”

“We have only three days before leaving for North Uist. Ye may as well make the most of it.”

When he didn’t reply, Beatrice gave him a sharp look that he didn’t meet but instead kept his gaze on the road. With the servants near, she could not question him.

“Are ye going back inside,” she asked, turning to the house.

“Nay. I am going for a ride.” He walked to the stables, with the long strides of a man in a hurry.

Beatrice narrowed her eyes. Where did he have to be? There was packing to be done and preparations for a long season away.

Annoyed at her reclusive husband, she went back inside. She hurried to find Caelan, who was in his study. As usual, he was impeccably dressed. Upon seeing her, he stood and motioned to a chair. “Ye must be weary with all the meals and entertaining.” His gaze was warm. “Ye handled everything perfectly.”

“I must admit to being proud,” Beatrice replied with a smile. “I came to ask ye something that perplexes me.”

“Oh?” Caelan looked to the door. “Should I close the door?”


Once he closed the door and settled into a chair next to hers, Beatrice let out a breath. “It is about Duncan.”

“I suspected so,” Caelan said.

“I am afraid he will not travel to North Uist. My family will not take well to the slight. Each time I bring it up, he remains silent.”

“If ye wish, I will speak to him.” Caelan met her gaze. “Where is he now?”

For some reason her eyes became watery. “I mentioned that we will be leaving in three days and he did not reply. Then he hurried to the stables, saying he was going for a ride.”

Caelan was pensive. “He may be doing it to clear his head and consider the upcoming trip. Duncan understands it is imperative he goes to see yer father. If he is hesitant, there is a good reason for it. Do not worry, I will ensure he clarifies things.”

Feeling somewhat better, Beatrice stood. “Thank ye for everything.”

Caelan kissed her cheek. “All will be well. Do not fret.”

The day progressed quickly, Beatrice and Orla were excited when the seamstress arrived with their dresses. They spent an hour trying them on, while the woman made last-minute adjustments.

When Duncan arrived, Caelan asked to speak to him, and they went back outside. From the great room windows, Beatrice caught glimpses of them. Both seemed calm until Duncan pulled his hair from the plait and raked his fingers through it.

Caelan held up both hands, as if exasperated.

“I wish I could read lips,” Beatrice said to Orla, who came to stand next to her. “It seems as if my husband is not happy.”

“Neither is Mister Caelan,” Orla added.

Duncan paced while talking, while Caelan crossed his arms and leaned on the stone wall.

During last meal,it was as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Duncan was mostly quiet, but that was not unusual, whilst Caelan regaled her with a story about his time away at boarding school.

Beatrice didn’t linger after the meal, as she was not in the mood to listen to a conversation about the last game’s competition.

Once in her bedchamber, she became annoyed. She and Duncan had not made love in days, mostly because the last two days she’d been too exhausted to remain awake. She’d heard the adjoining door open but hadn’t been able to gather the strength to wake fully.

This day, she wasn’t as exhausted. The family had left after first meal, leaving the rest of the day to pack some things and she’d even napped.

As she undressed, the adjoining door opened.

A shiver of excitement traveled up her spine and she turned to find Duncan stalking toward her.

He lifted her off the floor, their mouths joined, his tongue immediately probing past her lips. Beatrice lost her breath when he lowered her to the floor and tugged the gown off her shoulders. It slipped down and pooled at her feet.

Between kisses, she helped him remove his clothing until he too stood fully bare before her.

He was magnificent. From his broad shoulders and muscular chest that tapered to slender hips. His thighs were thick and toned from horseback riding. What took her attention was the thick erect shaft between them.

“Ye are perfect,” she said trailing her gaze up to meet his gaze. “I need to feel every inch of ye against me.” Too excited to wait, she tugged him toward the bed.

Duncan picked her up and placed her on the bed and then climbed in and lay next to her. Facing each other, he ran a hand down her side from under her arm to just below her hip. “I have never seen a more beautiful sight than ye here with me.”

It was as if every place his gaze landed came to life, the skin tingled and she shivered in anticipation of what was to come.

She was not disappointed. They made love in a way that was new. Uninhibited, tumbling into different positions until they were breathless and drenched.

Sprawled across Duncan, too spent to move, Beatrice lifted her face and peered up at him. “I believe to have fallen in love with ye,” she admitted. “Is it too soon?”

His body quivered and he blew out a breath. “No. It is not. I fell in love with ye a long time ago.”

The idea of it gave her strength to climb over him, she looked down at her husband. “And ye did not think I needed to know?”

His lips curved. “Ye are enticing like that.”

“Ye annoy me,” Beatrice informed him with a playful nip to his bottom lip. “Say it.”


“Ye know.”

“I love ye, Beatrice.”

Her heart was filled with so much joy, she expected it to burst. Instead, she began to cry.

“What did I do?” Duncan pulled her against his chest. “Are ye hurt?”

“No,” Beatrice said looking up at him. “I am happy. I am crying because I am happy.”

Three days later,as the bìrlinns set sail, Beatrice continued to scan the shore hoping to see a horseman arrive. But no one appeared.

“I am sorry,” Darach said. “I do not know why my brother left and did not return.”

Beatrice blew out a breath to keep the tears at bay. “In my heart, I suspected he would not come. And I cannot forgive him for it.”

“Perhaps he will follow. Ye can reprimand him then,” Isobel said with a worried look, as she too looked toward the shore.

“No. He will not come. And I will never return.”