The Beast by Hildie McQueen

Chapter Eight

Duncan entered his brother’s study. “Ye know full well I will never marry. Why did ye make that statement.”

“Because it is obvious there is something between ye and her. Already she has been compromised. Someone else may have spied ye and her just now.” Darach met his gaze. “Sit down.”

His pulse raced as the reality of what was about to happen settled within. His brother would not relent in this and Duncan did not blame him. Their mother had walked in on what could only be described as a passionate interlude.

“Why do ye fight the idea of a future with a wife and family so much?” Darach asked while pouring whiskey into two glasses. He handed one to Duncan and sat across from him. “Tell me.”

Duncan blew out a breath. “There are many reasons.”

“He is a scared virgin,” Stuart said strolling in and went straight to the sideboard to get himself a drink. “We can get ye a woman to practice with.”

“I am not a virgin,” Duncan said staring daggers at their younger brother. Stuart could be his twin, with the same dark hair, and strong jaw. However, Stuart’s eyes were both hazel and he was built like the archer that he was, with slender hips, and strong shoulders and arms.

“When were ye with a woman last?” Darach asked, obviously believing Stuart’s statement.

“Before my entire body was covered in scars. Before a woman would scream in horror at the sight of me naked.” He set his jaw waiting for Stuart to make another humorous remark. He was prepared to punch him.

Instead, his younger brother shook his head. “Ye should not allow that to hold ye back. There are ways to enjoy lovemaking without having to remove all yer clothing.”

“I am aware,” Duncan retorted and swallowed down the contents of his glass. “I prefer not to.”

Darach looked at him. “Yer chest is not as scarred as yer back. When a woman is under ye or if she straddles ye, she will not see it.”

It was both embarrassing and endearing that his brothers began coming up with ways for him to enjoy bedsport without revealing his marred body.

“Ye cannot keep from marrying Miss Beatrice. She is beautiful and obviously taken with ye,” Stuart added. “Over time, ye can divulge more of yerself. Already she is aware of what happened to ye, that ye were stolen away when young.”

Duncan was sure once she saw what he looked like she would want nothing to do with him. It would be her choice and he would allow it. There would be no blame or resentment on his part because he already understood that most people would be repulsed at seeing evidence of torture.

“It isn’t fair to her. She deserves a husband to be proud of.”

“Let her decide, brother. I do believe she has a good heart,” Darach said. “The marriage will take place tomorrow.”

“I have to meet with the ship captain. We cannot allow him to sell the goods to someone else.”

Darach shook his head. “Stuart can go.”

“Stuart gets sick just looking at the sea,” Duncan argued. “It should be me.”

“I will go,” Stuart said, his face already seeming to turn green at the thought.

“I will speak to Ewan, he and ye can go. Catriona is well enough to be left alone now. Ella or Mother can go see about her while Ewan is gone,” Darach said to Stuart.

Stuart walked out, but Darach motioned for Duncan to stay. “I want ye to be happy; however, at the same time, I will insist ye consummate the marriage. Do not cross me on this. If ye do as we say, she will not see ye.”

“Women wish to touch while making love. I cannot control that.”

Darach nodded. “Ye were so young when ye left. I cannot imagine what lovemaking was like for ye then. When making love to a woman, ye must kiss and caress her until she is ready for ye.”

While Darach explained the mechanics of making love and instructing him on how to keep Beatrice from touching his back, Duncan listened intently. He wanted to know everything, to ensure Beatrice enjoyed her first time.

“There is something else,” Darach said. “It will be like yer first time as well. Do not expect it to be perfect. Over time ye will both learn what the other enjoys most and where to touch and kiss to bring more pleasure.”

“Thank ye,” Duncan said and leaned back.

“If ye ever have any questions, come to me,” Darach said and leaned forward to place a hand on Duncan’s shoulder. “I will always be here for ye.”

When he walked outside it was dark, and he looked up at the star-filled sky. When he was aboard one ship after another, usually tied up or laying on the deck too injured to move, he would often look up at the stars. It was the only constant in his life, the lighted night sky, the time when he would sleep and dream of home and the green fields of his homeland.

If ever there were days when he’d not been mistreated, he would climb up to the mast and imagined reaching up to grab a star.


He turned to find Isobel, his brother’s wife. “How do ye feel?”

It was an interesting question. He would have thought she’d be with Beatrice doing much what Darach had. Explaining to her what to expect in the marriage bed.

“I am well.” He met her gaze. “How is Beatrice?”

Isobel smiled. “She is fast asleep. We talked, but it has been a long day. I believe she is looking forward to tomorrow.”

“My apologies for the way things happened.”

“Do not apologize for the situation my sister put ye in. It is I who should apologize for my sister’s actions. Now ye are to be forced into marriage and after yer life, I would hope that ye would have a say in something so important.”

“I am not against marrying yer sister. To have her as a wife is a priceless gift. She deserves more than me.”

Isobel’s lips curved into a warm smile. “She has chosen ye. Beatrice is not the delicate creature some think. I believe she made a choice and did what she could to claim ye.”

“Then I am a fortunate man,” Duncan replied.

When left alone, once again he looked up to the skies. He’d had sexual relations after ten and four. However, he had not been a willing participant and it was something he never ever thought about.

In the shadows,a figure skulked away, slipping further into the darkness, a soft chuckle swallowed by the sounds of the wind.