Devaney’s Doctor Daddy by Honey Meyer

Chapter Eighteen

No way was he going to deny her because he needed her right back. Had been craving her since he’d tasted her at her apartment. His need was almost disturbing in its potency and it had taken every ounce of patience and fortitude he’d had to get her fed instead of bending her over the table.

But he’d reminded himself she probably hadn’t been eating well since he’d left her and that she might be anemic after having her period, so feed her he did. And apparently that had been foreplay for them both.

He untied the silk bonds from her wrists and rubbed the pink marks where she’d pulled against the soft fabric. As much as he liked her bound, the effect it obviously had on her, he also needed her clear-headed for the coming conversation and not flitting off in la-la-land or sunk into subspace. Didn’t really count as consent when your partner was already halfway gone.

“I want you so bad, Devy, but I also want to make sure we’re on the same page before we get started. Because I know once I taste you again, I’m not going to want to stop until I’ve devoured you. But I want to make it clear anytime you need to stop, we stop. You just say the word.”

“I don’t want to stop,” she blurted, and grabbed his hands.

“Me either,” he assured her, rubbing his thumbs against the undersides of her wrists. “But I get the feeling it’s been awhile since you were intimate with anyone?”

She looked away then, pink cresting on her cheekbones. “Mm-hmm.”

“Hey, nothing to be embarrassed about. I wouldn’t care if you were a virgin or if you’d slept with a thousand people, got me? I only mention it because physical intimacy can be overwhelming, bring up all kinds of feels, and I don’t want you to feel rushed or carried away to somewhere you don’t want to go. As much as I want you, I’m a patient man and I’m in this for the long haul, not a one night blowout.”

It maybe wasn’t wise to wear his heart on his sleeve, but Devy didn’t seem the type to take advantage. Nah, his little girl wasn’t some man-eater femme fatale. She’d been married to a man who didn’t seem to like her very much and he was never going to risk making her feel unwanted by playing games. Besides which, that just wasn’t his style.

“’Kay,” she agreed shyly.

“So let me ask you something. You wanted to know what I meant about you being my little patient even when you’re not sick?”

Devy looked up at him, curious. “Yes, Daddy.”

“How would you feel about me showing you instead of telling you?”

It would be fine if she said no, if she wanted a narrative complete with diagrams and footnotes and a bibliography—some people really didn’t like surprises and they needed to feel like they’d been educated about everything before it happened. Not that Devy seemed like an impulsive, go-with-the-flow kind of girl, but she was a sensuous, tactile creature, an inquisitive little kitten.

“I think I’d like that, a lot.”

“Me, too, babygirl. Me, too.”

She gave him a hopeful, maybe nervous smile of anticipation that he returned with all the warmth and reassurance he could. He was going to make her feel so, so good. So good she’d forget everything else that was weighing on her. So good she’d never want to leave.

* * *

Eric took her hand and helped her up, threaded his fingers through hers, and she took the opportunity to press herself against him, lean her head against his chest where she could feel the steady beat of his heart. She was buzzing with excitement and nerves and it helped to hear the rhythmic thumping. It boosted her confidence too that she could feel the thick heat of his erection pressing into her belly. He wanted her.

“I thought we’d do a play exam. Like a regular physical but sexy. Sound good?”

She nodded against him, breathing in the smell of him—his skin, his laundry detergent. She didn’t think he wore cologne but he smelled wonderful all the same.

Going to the doctor had never excited her—to the contrary, it almost always made her a nervous wreck, made her steel herself to be patronized or dismissed. But with Eric in an explicit game? That was something she could probably get onboard with.

“Do you have a certain age you want to be for your exam? Some people like to be their real age, some people like to pretend they’re about to start a new school, or it’s their first pelvic exam, or even that they’re smaller than that. Usually they’ll have their caregiver with them if they’re very young though.”

“Mmm,” she said, running through those various scenarios in her mind. As much as she liked being Eric’s babygirl she didn’t think she’d like to pretend to be that little for this. Also, while she’d never enjoyed getting a pap smear, there was something about having her feet cradled in the stirrups and her legs spread wide that had always seemed like it had the potential to be sexy.

“Maybe my first pelvic exam?”

“That sounds good,” he said, kissing the top of her head and rubbing her back with the hand that wasn’t clasped with his. “And are you a goody-two-shoes virgin or a naughty fast girl who likes to fool around with anyone she can get her hands on?”

If she’d thought Eric really believed women could only fit neatly into a madonna-whore dichotomy, she’d stomp on his foot and have some words for him but this was playtime and he’d never treated her like either one of those things. “Virgin.”

“That’s what I thought.”

She could hear the smile in his voice as he drew her closer, and she gasped at how hard and big his cock was against her. Yes, he liked the idea of toying with innocent little Devy and she liked it too. No mother of two, no bad marriage, no shame, and no responsibilities bearing down on her. Just the butterflies-in-her-belly, hot-cheeked embarrassment of having a very handsome doctor look at her down there.

“Anything off limits? Anything I should know? And I mean physically or emotionally. Like maybe you don’t like being called names or maybe you’ve got a bum knee or maybe you’re not down for anal sex.”

Devaney had to snort into his chest because sure those were equivalent.

“Um, I wouldn’t like being called names. I don’t mind being a little embarrassed but I don’t want to be humiliated or degraded.”

“I got you, baby,” he said, and rocked her a little from side to side in a way that reached right into her and soothed her heart. He really did.

“I don’t have any injuries or allergies.”

“Okay. I’ll put that in your chart,” Eric teased, and she slapped him lightly on his ribcage while smiling against the crisp cotton of his shirt.

“I don’t object to anything we’ve done so far but I don’t think I’m ready for full on…your-dick-in-my-ass. Yet.”

It was Eric’s turn to snort. “You’re so surprising, Devy. Shy Devy, sweet Devy and then with the dick-in-your-ass comments.”

“You asked!” she giggled.

“I know, and I’m glad you’re being honest with me. I just think it’s more fun to laugh about this stuff than to be super serious. Do you want me to stop joking around?”

“No, I like it too.”

She thought more about what would be okay, what wouldn’t, and realized she probably didn’t even know what she should be considering. It had been a while since she’d felt naive but she did now. This was a whole different world she knew nothing about. But what else would be important for Eric to know?

“I have an IUD and I haven’t been with anyone since Carter. I don’t think he was unfaithful but I don’t know for sure. I liked it when you’ve restrained me. And I…I like the idea of being spanked, and I want you to fuck me. Like, a lot.”

His arm tightened around her and he squeezed her hand. It sounded as though his breath might’ve caught too. “I think all that can be arranged, and I’ve got condoms. I did want you to know, too…”

Eric leaned away from her and tipped up her chin so she had to look at him. Not exactly a hardship, that.

“I mentioned that I see patients on the weekends. Not usually the kids from my pediatric practice but I do see grown-ups who enjoy age play—so acting like kids or babies—and/or medical fetish stuff. Does that bother you?”