Devaney’s Doctor Daddy by Honey Meyer

Chapter Five

His blood felt like a spill of gasoline someone had dropped a match on. Her tiny, pathetic, pleading words lit him up. This was what he was built for.

Eric wished he could see her cornflower blue eyes but the cool cloth across her eyes and forehead was hopefully easing her pain so he’d put his selfish desires aside for now.

“Good, that makes me very happy. And if you’re my special little patient, you don't have to call me Doctor Southerland. You can just call me Eric or D—”

Daddy. Call me Daddy, sweet little girl.

But even pushing as hard as he was, Eric wouldn’t push that far. Not yet. He didn’t want her to balk, didn’t want her to freak and run. Partly because he was serious about her not being in any condition to drive but also because he wanted, desperately, for her to stay. He could see this going somewhere if she didn’t entirely lose the neediness when she was feeling better.

So he cut himself off, and course corrected to “Doctor Eric.” That is, after all, what his little patients called him. And he liked it.


The corner of his mouth tilted up as Devy tested out his name on her tongue. It sounded nice coming out of her mouth, although he was sure “Daddy” would sound better. Well, they’d get there. Hopefully.

“That’s a good girl. Devy and Eric. Now we’re going to get you someplace more comfortable than this exam table.”

He’d unlocked the doors in the breezeway to the house on his way back here, and even left them slightly ajar in hopes that he’d be able to convince her to stay. He was glad now that he had so he could take her in his arms and bring her over. First things first, though, because he’d been so intent on touching her he’d forgotten to check on something important.

“I’m sorry, I should’ve asked before. Do you have touch sensitivity with your migraines?”

He didn’t think so because she’d seemed to like it when he petted her instead of flinching or crying out, but she also seemed to be a people pleaser. Yes, sometimes he wanted to hurt his littles, but always on purpose. He didn’t want what was meant to be soothing to feel like torture.

“No,” she said softly.

That confirmed, he didn’t hesitate, but scooped her up in his arms. Devaney gasped and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her face into his shoulder, the cloth from her forehead falling to the floor. Henry would deal with it when he arrived.

“Don’t worry, baby. I’ve got you.”

He carried her through the clinic and let himself into the breezeway to the house and strode through the first floor and up to the second. He did hesitate at the top of the stairs, wondering which room to put her in. The inpatient room? The actual guest room?

Nah, the guest room was a no go. She wasn’t his guest. She was his.

He enjoyed her warm, sultry breath through his shirt and the way she held onto him. Not like she thought he was going to drop her, but like she needed him.

Taking a deep breath, he nudged the door to the inpatient room open with his toe and carried her over to the standard hospital bed that was set in a reclining position. Then pulled the covers back before he settled her on the mattress and took off her shoes. He’d have to get her out of those constricting jeans and her sweater but he’d give her a few minutes to adjust and ask questions. Surely she’d have some.

For the most part it looked like a hospital room—granted a nice one, like the private rooms celebrities and moneyed people could afford, but still. Plus there was a big rocking chair in one corner, and cabinets where he stored medical supplies, some items for use with his littles, and toys for sex and kink—those were at least closed so she couldn’t see the contents. He wouldn’t keep them from her, but he wasn’t going to spring them on her when she wasn’t well.

Indeed, she did seem curious. She ran her fingers along the rail that was up on the other side of the bed. Her delicate brows creased.


“I have a room set up in my home where I can take care of my special little patients.”

He located the push button and handed it to her.

“If you need me at any time, you push this button and I’ll be here as soon as I can.”

He held up the transponder that would go off when the button was pushed and Devaney watched as he clipped it to his belt. “See? When you press that, this little thing buzzes against my hip like a little bee saying, ‘Devy needs you!’”

Devaney blinked at him, seeming both amused and perplexed before rolling her lips between her teeth.

“Um, okay, thanks. I’ll rest for a little while and then I’m sure I’ll feel good enough to go home.”

Eric clicked his tongue at her. “Oh no you don’t. You’re my patient now and you look like you’re going to faint or be sick to your stomach again. Not on my watch, Devy baby.”

Her eyes grew wide. “But you need to eat dinner and do your laundry. You said.”

“And you need to stop worrying so much about other people, buttercup. I can do those things after I put you to bed. You seem worn out and I know you don’t feel good. Sleep will be the best thing for you. So let’s get you changed and settled so you can get some much needed rest.”

He went to one of the double-doored cabinets and pulled out a pale blue hospital gown. From the way she responded to him, Eric had more than an inkling that she might be a little, but he wasn’t sure she knew that herself so he’d keep the pretty pink and purple gowns with the unicorns and rainbows on them tucked away for now.

“Arms up, Devy.”

When she only bit her lip in response, he tipped his head.

“Do you remember what your only job is?”

Pink colored her cheeks as she looked at him wide-eyed. So pretty. She’d be prettier when she was well-rested and properly looked after but she was still beautiful now. Especially when she said softly, “To be a well-behaved girl?”

“Yes, that’s right. Do you think refusing to let me get you out of those clothes is well-behaved?”

“No, Eric.”

“That’s right, it’s not. So no more arguments. You’ll be more comfortable in this and I’ll put your clothes in the wash with mine so you have something clean to wear in the morning. This is the last time I tell you before you’ve earned a consequence.”

Her lips parted and he steeled himself for a snippy answer or for her to push out of bed no matter what condition she was in because that was just too much or a flat out fucking weird thing to say. If she did object, he’d apologize and order up a car to take her home because while he’d push and coax, he wouldn’t violate her consent. Instead of arguing though, she sat up and lifted her hands over her head slowly.

“That’s right,” he praised. “That’s a good, cooperative girl.”

He tugged the sweater over her head, careful to pull the neck wide so it wouldn’t get caught on her hair. There she was, generous creamy tits hugged by a pink lace bra. Did her panties match? Eric unhooked her bra in the back and drew the straps down her shoulders, letting her breasts spill out of the cups. They were big and soft and her nipples hardened almost immediately. It was all he could do to not take one of the firm buds into his mouth and suck.

For now though, he guided her arms into the short sleeves of the gown and tied the flimsy cotton behind her neck. Her hard nipples poked at the fabric as if to taunt him. After he got her to bed, he’d be rubbing one out for sure, thinking of playing with a healthy, happy Devy.

“Lie back, buttercup.”

She didn’t resist this time, or ask about the pet name. If anything, it seemed to soften her further, make her more compliant and submissive. Her lashes fluttered as he pushed the gown up to her waist and unbuttoned her jeans, slid them down her legs and peeled off her socks before reaching for the—yes, matching—pink lace panties and removing those too.

He wanted to look his fill, spread her legs and touch her but she was in too much pain for him to even suggest it. Yes, some people found arousal and getting off a good distraction or even relief from pain but he wasn’t sure if that applied to Devy and he wouldn’t risk the suggestion. Yet.

Instead, he pulled the hem of the gown to her thighs and tucked her in under the crisp white sheets and soft white blanket. There, that was better. He put her clothes in a pile by the door so he’d remember to take them downstairs to wash. He didn’t want her to worry about having nothing clean to wear in the morning. Now that she was dressed appropriately, he could get down to business.

“Devy baby, when’s the last time you ate?”

Even in the low light her skin had a greenish cast. “I can’t.”

“No, I know. I know you can’t eat. But I also want to make sure you’re getting some fluids and nutrients. So when was it? Has your tummy been upset for a while?”

“I…I grabbed a cup of coffee at breakfast?”

“And before that?”

“Mmm, I had a few bites of dinner the night before. I wasn’t really hungry and Logan is a bottomless pit these days.”

Eric sucked air through his teeth. Eating while you were nauseated was difficult at best, counterproductive at worst, he got it. But she couldn’t survive on air alone.

* * *

Guilt and embarrassment crowded Devaney’s lungs, made it hard to breathe. No, she wasn’t great at taking care of herself under the best circumstances and definitely not when she had one of her stupid migraines. There was always so much to do, so many things to manage. Just because she didn’t feel up to it didn’t mean she could just…not. Carter had made that very clear. So she’d always just pushed through.

Having Eric tell her that he didn’t expect that from her was both comforting and disconcerting. She didn’t know how to take it easy, felt that hot and twisty stomach-squeezing sensation like she was doing something wrong even as she was lying here. Even as she liked it, longed for more.

It would be nice, wouldn’t it, to just do as she was told? To believe that the only thing he wanted from her was to obey his instructions? To be the patient for once instead of the caregiver? But it felt so, so wrong. Like at any moment he was going to scold her for being a lazy, malingering bitch, which made it hard to relax at all and nearly impossible to give in to his caretaking.

But she was also tired. And it was nice to be in a clean, comfortable bed without having to worry about getting dinner on the table or helping Logan with math homework or Chase memorize his state capitols, or face her boss’s barely veiled hostility at her not being able to cover someone else’s shift at the last minute.

Of course she was fretting about other things, but maybe she could just rest here in this calm, quiet house with this handsome man fussing over her for a few hours and then she’d go back through the looking glass to her real life.

She closed her eyes—or rather, stopped fighting so hard to keep them open—and then opened them again when Doctor Southerland—no, he’d told her to call him Eric—when Eric took her hand and shifted her arm with his gloved fingers, rubbed something wet and cool over the sensitive skin of the inside of her forearm.

“Just giving you some IV fluids. I’m sure you’re dehydrated if you haven’t been able to get anything in your tummy and running around like nothing’s wrong. Plus vomiting can contribute to dehydration.”

She should protest. This seemed like a lot of trouble for someone she barely knew to be going to. Yeah, she definitely felt lethargic and weak, but she always did during the unpleasant days of her monthly migraines. She’d survived it before.

But Eric genuinely didn’t seem to feel that she was imposing. If anything, he seemed to care more about her wellbeing than anyone she knew. Of course the kids would be concerned if they thought she was actually sick but she didn’t like to worry Chase, and Logan was wrapped up in his teenage world of lacrosse and video games plus she suspected he was starting to notice girls. So maybe she just wouldn’t get in Eric’s way.

“There’s going to be a little pinch, okay?”

She nodded and turned her head. Needles were not her favorite and she didn’t like to see them puncture her skin. She’d never passed out but it definitely made her feel faint.

Eric was right that there was a pinchy-stabby sensation and she winced as the needle went in but it was over as quickly as it started and then he was taping a square of gauze over where he’d slid the needle into her vein. Then he checked the tubing and the bag he’d hung on a stand she hadn’t noticed and nodded to himself as he stripped off his gloves and tossed them in the trash.

Sleep was about to claim her again when her head began to lower as the bed flattened and she blinked her eyes open.


“Since you can’t tolerate anything in your stomach, we’re going to get you some calories and nutrients and medicine in your system a different way. And take your temperature too.”

Mindful of her IV, Eric drew down the covers, turned her over with no more effort than if she was a child and settled her over a firm foam wedge that forced her bottom into the air. The short gown that hadn’t felt so small when she was under the covers slid over her hips, leaving her backside exposed to the air.

Mortified, Devaney tried to reach back and cover herself but Eric held her down while she squirmed. And when she didn’t stop, there was a sharp smack on her backside that made her gasp.

“Devy, no. I’m going to strap you down to help you behave. Be still while I restrain you or you’ll get a real spanking. You promised to be a well-behaved cooperative girl and you need to be still right now.”

Being strapped down? A spanking?

She still felt like crap, but there was a definite pulse of arousal as he chastised her. A pulse that grew stronger as he drew a strap across the bottom of her ribcage and fastened it snugly, and more insistent still when he buckled some sort of padded cuffs onto her ankles and fastened them to the edges of the bed. It was electrifying to have her legs spread this way with her ass in the air—thrilling but humiliating at the same time, knowing Eric could see everything.

“Can you behave now or do I need to restrain your hands too?”

“I—I can behave,” she insisted, even though part of her didn’t want to. A very loud part of her was shouting that it wasn’t that she wanted to be disobedient, but she did want the feeling of having any control of her body taken away. If she didn’t have any control then she couldn’t fight back, couldn’t leave, and she’d just have to let Eric do whatever he wanted. She’d simply have to lie here and let him take care of her.

There must have been something on her face or in the tone of her voice that betrayed her most secret wishes because Eric clucked at her and shook his head.

“I don’t think I’m going to take that chance. Little girls can hurt themselves if they’re too squirmy.”

She mewled wordlessly but didn’t otherwise protest as he buckled more cuffs around her wrists and tugged those to the edges of the bed too, fastening them to attachment points.

Devaney really did not remember hospital beds being equipped like this when she’d delivered the boys. To be fair, she’d been a little busy at the time but she couldn’t believe she’d forget something like this.