Butterfly by Nelle L’Amour



“How did you find out where I work?”

“Worked,” he corrects. “You work for me now. But, in answer to your question, it wasn’t easy.”

“You stalked me?”

“I’d say researched.”

Clasping my hand, he’s barreling downtown at the speed of a locomotive. Breathless, I have to practically jog to keep up with him. My knee hurts.

“What if I don’t want to work for you?”

“You do. I’m paying you handsomely. Here’s the deal. It’s a temporary job. Let’s say for three months or until you find another one you like better. Whatever comes first.”

“What are you offering me?”

“Ten thousand dollars a month plus all expenses paid.”

Yikes! That’s about five times what I’ve been making, including tips.

“What does it entail?” From today’s behavior in the salon, it better not include sexual favors. At the memory of his foot bringing me to an orgasm, my breath hitches and I stumble. He balances me before I tumble.

“Are you okay? Is it your knee?”

“Yes, and it’s fine.” He resumes his stride, slowing down a tad. “So, tell me what are the job requirements.”

“Very few. I just want you to inspire me.”

“Inspire you?”

“Yes. You already have, Butterfly.”

Me, an inspiration? That’s got to be a joke. Who would be inspired by my humdrum life? Perplexed, I let him continue.

“I’ve been struggling with my next collection, but after you left yesterday, it came to me. I want it to be inspired by butterflies. I want you to help me.” He pauses. “Be my muse.”

I mull over his offer. I know just where to start.