Despite It All by Reese Knightley



Every inch of Greene’s big, thick cock fit tightly inside his ass, grounding him.

Sweat dripped from his forehead down to the man’s torso, and combined with Greene’s sweat, made their bodies slick.

He slammed down harder. With a raw, guttural grunt ripping from his throat, his lips pulled back from his teeth as he staved off coming.

The pace he set was brutal, and he needed this so fucking bad. Needed to be owned and taken without any thought of being physically hurt, and Greene gave that to him in spades. Sweat swept over his body and dripped to Greene’s chest.

Greene fucked him just as hard as he demanded, so perfectly matched, if only for this one moment. His hands fisted in Greene’s hair and he jammed down on the cock in his ass as he bit at the man’s mouth.

“Fuck me.”

Greene growled back and bit him hard, pulling at his lip, and he went with it.

“Oh, fuck yeah,” he moaned when that large hand fisted his hair and then he lifted him as if he weighed nothing. The room whirled and his back was on the sofa. Greene was over him, lifting his ass up and sliding in deep and fast, filling him hard. And he took it, every fucking inch of that long, thick dick.

Wrapping his legs around Greene, he scraped his short nails over the man’s arms and shoulders. Greene leaned over and thrust his tongue into his mouth and slammed inside of his body so far, he thought his insides would split open.

When Greene’s big cock pounded deep and repeatedly, knocking against that tight knot of nerves, he grew mindless with need. His body felt on fire, like he was flying high. He yelled, undulating, rolling his own cock against Greene’s hard, hair-covered stomach. He wanted to roll in the man’s sweat and soak it into his skin. The smell became all that he knew, all that he wanted.

Greene’s rhythm faltered and he curled his arms around the man’s shoulders, clenching him tight. Noooo… he wanted more, he needed more.

Don’t you dare stop!He turned savage with his demands, and Greene’s stride picked back up, meeting him thrust for thrust, and Greene’s pounding shot him to the sun.

His nuts drew up, his breath rasped from his throat, and when Greene reached between them to take his cock into his hard, calloused hand, he unloaded his come between them, warm, wet, stickiness coating their stomachs.

Greene gave a low guttural snarl and tensed, jerked, and then pumped his hips hard before spilling into the condom.

He was elated and felt edgy. Elated because he’d finally gotten a taste of Greene, and edgy that the guy would look away again, thinking this all a big mistake. Most of all, he just wanted to sleep and not think about how this may have changed his life forever. How he’d instinctively known a year ago that this man would be his end all. Stupid thinking over a little bit of sex, but it hadn’t been a little bit to him.

Greene pulled away, and his heart lurched, but the man tugged off the condom and tossed it on his discarded shirt before dropping back down to crush him into the cushions.

So much for making a break for it. Not that he was gonna, he would stay here like this forever. If Greene knew what he was thinking right at that moment, he’d surely run for the hills. He nuzzled into the man’s neck and the side of his face where short hairs grew along his jaw, enjoying the fresh smell of his body wash.

The soldier had thought him sleeping when he’d snuck up stairs earlier, but he hadn’t been. Like any sane gay man, he’d looked his fill of every inch when a shirtless Greene had entered and left his room.

Greene didn’t ask if he was too heavy and Forest didn’t make the mistake of moving. When Greene slid to his side, pulled him close, and flipped the blanket from the floor back over them, that was fine by him. He closed his eyes.

Let tomorrow take care of all the shit.

Right then, he needed sleep.

A throat cleared, dragging him out of a deep sleep, and he slapped at it and a sound brought his head up. Greene stood in the doorway, freshly showered, hair wet, looking fucking sexy.

“Mornin’,” he croaked and rubbed a hand over his face.

“Here.” Greene came closer and picked up a glass of orange juice he hadn’t seen on the table along with two aspirin.

“Where’d you get the orange juice?” He tossed back the pills and swallowed them down.

“In the freezer.”

He gazed at his raw knuckles.

“Joshua?” He hated the panic in his voice.

“Yeah?” Greene swung around.

“Don’t leave, okay?” he gritted out, hating asking for help, but he didn’t think he could do today alone.

Not after spending the night in bed with his dream man.

“Forest, I’m not going anywhere and the sooner you realize that, the better off we’ll both be.”

As a bodyguard. He got the message.

With that, he was presented with Greene’s back, the tight t-shirt, and jeans cupping that fine ass.

“Smug bastard,” he muttered and entered the bathroom for a much-needed shower.

With his head back, warm water poured over his face and body. He could have stayed beneath it forever if it didn’t start to cool off.

Toweling his hair, he winced when he found the knot on the back of his head. Pulling on a pair of loose, white cotton pants and a t-shirt, he slid into a pair of bright blue socks.

In the kitchen, he found it empty, but also spied a fresh pot of coffee. Pouring a cup, he glanced out the back patio and found Greene smoking.

His lips curved. The guy couldn’t seem to make it past a few hours at a time. Maybe soon, he’d make it longer.

He pushed open the glass and stepped out as Greene turned around.

Behind Greene, as far as the eye could see, stretched the ocean. The rain had cleared, leaving the sun shining bright. The sandy beach was a mixture of cream, blacks, and browns. The sun shot light streaking over the rippling surface.

“Starting later?” He turned from the beach and eyed the cigarette.

Greene grimaced, pulled in another lung full, and dumped the smoke into the glass from last night.

He watched curiously when Greene searched his pockets and then smiled when he pulled out the tin of mints he had kept on the kitchen counter.

“Are those yours?” He arched an eyebrow.

“Possession is nine tenths of the law.”

“I thought the saying was nine points of the law.”

“No, it isn’t. You’re whacked.”

“So says the whacker.” He rubbed at his ass for good measure.

Greene grinned and popped a few mints in his mouth and returned the tin to his jacket.

“I need them more than you,” Greene said, watching him like a hawk.

He made his way over beside Greene at the railing and stood sipping his coffee. The waves cresting against the shore billowed on the air and a seagull squawked loudly overhead before it flew low to retrieve something out of the sand.

The quiet had him glancing over at Greene. After a moment, he sat his coffee on the railing and turned sideways to lean a hip.

“Shouldn’t we talk about last night?”

Greene squeezed the railing and hunched his shoulders.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” came the rough reply.

Forest took a step closer to Greene, who let go of the railing and spun on him. A hand fisted in his shirt and he was yanked closer. His arms raced upward and his fingers laced in the thick, dark strands of Greene’s hair.

Greene’s head dropped and his mouth met his in a frantic kiss, with all the fire from the night before. And he knew two things without a shadow of doubt. That their lives would be forever entwined and Greene was right, this was probably a really bad idea.

He moaned into Greene’s mouth, biting at the man’s lips. The taste of mint exploded on his tongue when Greene shared the small candy with him.

Yes, fucking yes.He needed Greene. He couldn’t get over how much he needed him, and he rubbed his throbbing cock against Greene’s hip. Lack of oxygen to his brain had the world all but disappearing.

Large hands reached down and cupped his ass and lifted. A sigh escaped him and he spread his legs, wrapping them tightly around Greene’s waist. Stroking his hands up the man’s arms, he smoothed them over his shoulders, then cleaved his fingers into rich, dark hair. Greene moved, carrying him back into the house.

Yeah, this was a really bad idea, but if this were all to end, he was taking what he could with him. His touch, his taste, and the feel of his skin. The tender way he held him so close, he’d keep Greene’s smile forever near, locked away in a place only he could see.

“Joshua, Joshua,” he whispered, caressing kisses against his lips.