Risk Taker by Sonia Stanizzo

Chapter 20

The next day, Holly called an Uber to take her to the studio. Ethan had messaged that he’d pick her up. That wouldn’t work. Firstly, she wanted to stop relying on people for everything. It was time to be more independent. And secondly, if Ethan showed up at her hotel room—he’d shared his plans, in explicit detail of what would happen when he arrived.

As enticing as it sounded, and she wanted him to do everything he promised in the message, it took all her effort to refuse. She didn’t have flexible hours. Even though Nancy wouldn’t fire her for being late, Holly didn’t want her to think she was taking advantage of her generosity.

In the makeup room, Holly busied herself getting the products ready for the day. She lined up foundation, moisturiser, eyeshadow and lip-gloss neatly on the bench. She spoke with Trinity before work about an advance and thank God, she agreed. Her pay would be in her account by this afternoon. It was a major relief to know she could afford cheap accommodation and food.

Every time she heard someone at the door, she glanced their way. Her heart tripping with anticipation hoping it was Ethan. Wanting to see him caused butterflies to flutter in her stomach. God, she needed to calm the hell down.

“He’s in wardrobe,” Nancy said.

Holly jumped not realising Nancy stood so close. “Who’s in wardrobe?” she asked while rearranging the brushes on the counter.

Nancy grinned. “My son. You’re watching the door every two seconds.”

“I wasn’t—”

“Speak of the devil. Good morning, sweetheart.” Nancy beamed at her son.

“Morning,” he said. “Hope you’re saying nice things about me?”

“Always.” Nancy winked and laughed.

He glanced at Holly for confirmation. Her tongue got stuck to the roof of her mouth. Unable to speak a word.

When Nancy said he was in wardrobe, she’d expected to see him turn up in the clothes he normally wore. Either a navy suit for a detective or one that had rips and burn marks all over it because he was chasing the bad guys. Now he wore only suit pants that hung low on his narrow hips and nothing else. His tanned broad shoulders, chest and washboard abs were some things she’d never tire of looking at.

Finally finding her voice she said, “I thought you were in wardrobe?”

He looked down at his legs and splayed his arms out wide. “This is from wardrobe. I’m doing a sex scene.”

Blood went rushing to her ears and she clutched the back of a chair because she felt a little light-headed. Of course, there’d be a sex scene. His movies always had one or two. She’d hide in the makeup trailer so she wouldn’t have to witness it. Because watching him getting hot and heavy with another woman, even if it was only for a movie, was something she’d rather not see. Not that she’d be jealous or anything. It would just be weird, that’s all. “Oh, so I… you don’t need…” She waved her hand up and down the length of his body. His near nakedness making her insides a little shaky even though she’d seen a lot more and done… well, she couldn’t think about that now.

“He still needs makeup. His chest, back and arms need to blend in with his face,” Nancy said. “I’ll leave you to it.” And she left the room.

Busying herself with what she needed, Holly led him to a chair and he sat down. He spread his legs and wedged her between them. “I missed you last night. I wanted to go to your hostel.” His hands slid up her thighs and clutched around her waist. “It was late. I thought you might be sleeping.”

Sleep had eluded her for hours because she couldn’t get him off her mind.

The pads of his thumbs found their way under her shirt and made small circling motions on her bare skin. God, she wanted to take this further. If she was going to have one more time with him, then it wouldn’t be in the makeup room or at work again.

She stepped out of his grasp before she succumbed to his wandering hands and his green hooded eyes.

“What did the police say about your car?” She needed the change of subject if she wanted to function like a normal person.

“Chances of finding it are slim. It’s probably already stripped and sold as spare parts.”

“I’m so sorry. I never should’ve taken you there,” she said squirting a dab of foundation on a sponge and applied it on his face.

“It’s insured. I’ll get another one in a couple of days. Besides, it was worth the adventure.” Their gazes collided and they laughed.

“We should do it again soon,” Holly joked.

Ethan scoffed. “An adventure I’m happy to pass on. We’ll have to think of something that doesn’t involve baseball bats and car thieves.”

They were discussing another date. Her heart jumped for joy, her head warned her to guard it and the sooner she put distance between them, the safer she’d be. Maybe she should cut all ties now and forget about one more time.

She gestured for Ethan to stand so she could do his back. The muscles bunched under her fingertips as she applied the makeup. She caressed the smooth skin on his toned shoulders down to the waistband of his pants. Once finished, she slowly walked to the front of him and brushed her hands across his chest, his heart pounded strong and fast under her palms. It pleased her to know that he was just as affected.

Finally done, she stepped back and drew in a shuddery breath. “Finished.”

She risked glancing at him. His eyes slammed into her with the force of a hurricane. Ethan reached for her and Holly took a step back.

“Not here,” she said, turning her back to put away the products she was using. God, he was making it hard to stay strong around him.

Victoria and Flora walked into the room; the actress draped in a silk robe. Shrugging it off her shoulders with confidence, she stood in front of the mirrors wearing only a black bra and G-string. Flora began working on her makeup.

Holly glanced at Ethan. Was he unaffected by her near nudity? They were once seeing each other. Sleeping together. Was he still attracted to her? He showed no signs of interest, though how could he not? She was gorgeous. Any man would have a hard time keeping their eyes to themselves.

“Filming today’s going to be easy,” Victoria said, looking at Ethan through the reflection of the mirror.

“Why?” he asked.

She gathered her long hair in one hand and held it above her head so Flora could powder her shoulders. The motion causing her breasts to rise. Holly would poke Ethan’s eyes out if he looked.

“It’s a sex scene, darling. We both know how hot we are in bed. I know it won’t be long before you’re back in mine.”

“Victoria,” he said her name with a deep warning tone.

Did she even realise Holly was standing in the same room? Of course she did. A small smirk played on her lips.

What hit hard was Victoria was right. Once Ethan and Holly went their separate ways, he probably would end up in her bed again. Pain sliced through her chest at the thought of him with another woman.

Trudy walked in next. “They’re ready for you on set,” she said to Ethan and Victoria.

“Be right there,” Ethan said.

“I need a few more minutes with Victoria,” Flora said.

Trudy nodded at Holly. “You’re needed for touch-ups.”

“Me?” Holly squeaked. No, she was going to hide away in the makeup room until filming the sex scene stopped.

“Yes, you can’t expect Nancy to do it. That would be awkward.” Trudy giggled, probably not realising how awkward it would be for Holly. If she looked up from her clipboard once in a while, she’d see what was going on in front of her face.

“Oh, right… yes… of course,” Holly stammered. “I’ll just get my bag.” She grabbed the pouch off the counter and fumbled with the strap as she tried hooking it around her waist.

“Don’t forget to pack the Vaseline and water spray,” Trudy said.

Holly paused. “What for?”

“It’s a sex scene. It will help Ethan look like he’s been working hard and getting nice and sweaty.” Trudy smirked.

“I’m sorry you have to do this,” Ethan whispered in her ear.

Oh God, what was Holly about to walk into?

* * *

Ethan got to set. The stage crew were running around putting the finishing details together for filming. Today’s shoot was in a living room. A dark-blue couch, matching armchairs, timber coffee table, TV on the wall and nick-nicks scattered around to help it appear lived in. Nothing suggested what kind of scene they’d be shooting except for the fact Ethan only wore trousers and Victoria, who was having her hair touched-up, was in black lace underwear. She winked at him when she caught him staring at her. He was staring because this drop-dead gorgeous woman dressed to bring any hot-blooded man to his knees didn’t spark an ounce of interest. Anything he’d physically felt for her, had been snuffed out as quick as a candle the moment his eyes had landed on Holly dressed as a sex worker.

It would be difficult filming a sex scene, no matter what Victoria said, when he had another woman on his mind. One that only moments ago had had her hands all over his body. Her palms skimming over his chest made him want to skip filming so they could do a hell of a lot more with their hands.

He had a job to do, one he didn’t want Holly to watch. When had that ever bothered him before? This was acting. Nothing about a sex scene was sexy when dozens of people were on set with cameras practically shoved up his arse. He shouldn’t have a problem with her watching and yet, his stomach clenched.

Another unexpected problem plaguing him was Holly’s ex, Oliver texting her out of the blue. He hadn’t been prepared for the jolt of jealously. Holly was adamant she wanted nothing to do with her ex. It didn’t stop the urge to want to threaten him with bodily harm to leave Holly the fuck alone.

The director hollered for them to take their places forcing him to concentrate on the scene he needed to shoot and not what his feelings for Holly meant. The scene leading up to this point was scheduled for another day, so Ethan and Victoria had to get straight into getting busy.

“And… action!” Stan yelled.

Ethan grabbed Victoria by the shoulders, pushed her up against the wall and pressed his body into her as he kissed a trail from her neck to the top of her breasts. They moved away from the wall and Ethan propped Victoria on the back of a sofa, knocking over a lamp. She made all the right noises—panting, moaning and caressed her hands down his back. Ethan grinded his hips between her legs, reached behind her back and he ripped off her bra. It got tangled in his fingers and he tried to shake it off like he had mud on his hand.

“Cut! Wardrobe, get Victoria put back together,” Stan called.

While Victoria sashayed off set, he glanced over at Holly standing in the shadows, her expression blank. He couldn’t read any emotion. But her hands clutched, white knuckle tight in front of her. The only sign she wasn’t happy witnessing the scene. He didn’t want her here either.

Victoria got back into position and filming resumed. They repeatedly shot the foreplay. Ethan finally removed her bra without messing it up and, after a few takes, Victoria stayed topless and exchanged her black panties for a flesh-coloured G-string to give the illusion of being naked. In the next take, Ethan had her leg on his hip, a hand on her arse and he kissed her long and hard. They broke apart taking deep breaths and Victoria pulled his trousers down, flashing his bare arse to the crew. Putting a hand on his chest, she pushed him so he fell onto the sofa and kneeled before him. She slid her hands up his thighs and dropped her head into his lap. Ethan tilted his head back and made facial expressions to show he was in ecstasy.

During a quick break, Holly touched up his face and chest with makeup Victoria had kissed and rubbed off with her hands. And then moved onto Victoria without saying a word. Her cheeks turning red when she reapplied makeup to Victoria’s breasts.

Ethan grabbed her arm, stopping her before she took her place back in the shadows. “Are you okay?” She’d been noticeably quiet during filming and he hated that he was the cause.

“Sure,” she said through a bright smile belying the tension etched on her face. This couldn’t be easy for her to watch. Hell, it wasn’t easy for him to do. It felt like cheating. What the hell was wrong with him?

“Holly, this will be over soon.”

“Ethan, go to wardrobe please,” Stan called as he sat behind the monitor.

He wanted more time to reassure her, but the sooner he got this over with the happier they’d both be.

In the wardrobe department, he pulled the trousers off and placed a privacy sock on. He took his position on set and removed the towel he’d wrapped round his waist, throwing it out of shot.

“And… Action!”

There was more moaning and groaning with the director yelling, “Hand on her breast, raise her leg higher around your waist, pound harder.”

For the next few hours, they stopped and started so many times, Ethan wanted to scream and not in the way the director wanted him to.

Stan called for another break and he summoned Holly to put a smear of Vaseline and spray water on Ethan’s chest and back to give him a sweaty sheen. She slapped it on a little harder than necessary. Damn, he hated upsetting her.

He tried catching her eye to reassure her again. She was focused on what she was doing or probably just avoiding eye contact. “I hate that you have to watch this. It’ll be over soon.”

Victoria strolled over. “We’re actors, honey. It’s our job, nothing for you to get upset about. We know our way around each other’s body well that’s why it looks so convincing.” She winked at Ethan. She wore a burgundy silk robe, unfastened enough to see the curves of her full breasts.

Not helping Victoria. With the gleam of mischief in her eye, he knew she was trying to cause trouble, not stop Holly from being upset.

Slap. Slap. Slap.Holly didn’t say a word.

Ethan pulled Holly away from Victoria. “Don’t listen to her. It’s acting. Nothing more,” he tried explaining.

She sprayed his chest with freezing water.

Not taking the hint that he wanted a moment alone with Holly, Victoria sashayed back to them. She trailed a finger along Ethan’s jaw. “Bring those moves to my house tonight lover,” she said, not caring that Holly stood next to him.

Ethan’s gaze followed her as she continued onto the set. She dropped the robe; she was extremely comfortable standing in a room full of people while practically naked.

After a beat, he realised Holly was glaring daggers at him. “You know I’m not going.”

“I need to touch-up your back,” her tone was sharp and she spun him not so gently around and applied makeup.

“Holly, are you done?” the director called.

“Yes, he’s all yours,” she answered.

Ethan turned to look at her, but she’d marched off set.

As he took his position on set, the crew burst out laughing and he glanced at them. They aimed their smiling faces at him. He frowned, not knowing what was so damn hilarious.

“What?” he snapped. Not enjoying being the butt of their private joke. Did they think Holly storming away from him funny?

Trudy pointed at him. “Check out your back.”

He flicked his head from side to side trying to see his back, looking much like a dog trying to catch its tail.

Trudy clutched him around the arm and led him to a mirror on the living room set and turned his back to it.

“Have I suddenly, grown wings?” he asked

Trudy smirked. “See for yourself.” She pointed to the mirror.

He glanced over his shoulder, there were no wings.

Ethan chuckled.