The Billionaire’s Bride by L. Steele



"Bitch, give me that." The man lunges for me and I scream. The phone slips from my fingers. I turn toward the door that leads to the restaurant but he’s already there.

The breath catches in my throat and my heart begins to race. I pivot, heading up the alleyway, with the man in hot pursuit.

I’d finished at the restroom, come out into the corridor, but hadn’t wanted to return. It would have been more of the same. The two of them going at each other like dogs fighting over a bone. Damn them, they have reduced me to thisa dog bone.

How could they? Are they both so blind that they can’t see what it is doing to me to be stuck in the middle like this? I don’t want to come between them, really. At the same time, I can’t choose between them. My mind is too confused. And my heart? It’s simply not going to be able to take another snarled comment from either of them.

They don’t mean to hurt me, though. I am sure of that. They are just so busy trying to get one up on the other, even as they try to figure out a way to give me some space to figure out what I want. Ha, as if… I am giving them too much credit. They are thinking with their dicks, getting all possessive, when the other so much as looks at me. Yeah, this arrangement of the three of us spending time together is all going tits up.

I’d turned away from the dining room and walked toward the back door, instead. I’d pushed it open, stepped out into the cool night air. The sounds of the restaurant had faded away as the door had shut behind me. I’d stood there, simply enjoying the silence, when a man had pushed away from the wall where he’d been leaning. He’d asked me if I had a light, and I had said no. He’d come toward me and I’d stiffened as I’d recognized him. I’d reached into the bag, gotten my phone, and called Baron before he’d realized what was happening. That’s when he’d reached for me. I’d evaded him, managed to speak to Baron, and he’d lunged for me.

Now, I pump my legs…trying to go faster… Well, as fast as my heels will allow. Damnit, today of all days, I had forgone my flats in favor of these kitten heels. That’s what happens when you have two men in your life. You lose perspective. And when your brain is addled with trying to figure out who you want more, you screw up all other parts of your life. I can’t believe I wasn’t more careful. After being attacked twice now, you’d have thought I’d have a better sense of self preservation, but apparently, not.

His footsteps sound closer. I turn to glance over my shoulder and cry out. He’s right behind me. Ohmigod, oh, my god! I straighten, put on a burst of speed, then scream when he grabs my arm. He yanks me back and I stumble against him. The stench of sweat and cigarette smoke engulfs me. My guts churn; the blood thuds at my temples. I try to pull away, but his grasp tightens.

"I am going to teach you a lesson, bitch. Thanks to you, my friends are in trouble. You deserve to pay for what you did to them."

"I did to them?" I growl, "Asshole, the three of you attacked me. They deserve what happened to them.

"Oh, yeah?"

He releases me, only to raise his hand. I duck…too late. He catches me at the side of my face and my vision blurs. Pain slices through my head; sparks of white flare behind my eyes. I lurch back, my knees give way, and I collapse. He straddles me, shackles his fingers around my neck. He presses down and my lungs burn. I try to take in a breath, cough. Spots of black flicker at the corners of my eyes. Terror bubbles up and my stomach churns. I paw at his wrists, his hands, but he doesn’t release me. My vision wavers, darkness closing in. The next second, his weight is pulled off of me. I drag in a lungful of air, then scream when someone bends over me.

"Ava, it’s me, Edward."

"Ed?" My chin wobbles and hot tears spill over as Edward touches my cheek. I wince and his beautiful features harden. I hear the sounds of a struggle, the unmistakable echoes of someone getting beaten. The ground seems to shake. I wince and Edward’s scowl deepens. He rises, scoops me up in his arms.

"Your wound," I protest.

"Fuck that," he growls, and I begin to laugh.

"What?" He frowns. "What’s wrong?

"I’ll always remember how you said 'Fuck my vows’ when you came to see me, right before you—"

"Left," he says in a sorrowful voice.

"Oh, Ed." I press my aching forehead against his chest. Behind me, I hear the pounding of footsteps as my attacker races away. Then Baron walks over to us.

"Bastard got away," he swears as he shakes out his fist. His shirt is torn, his jacket blood-stained, his hair is mussed up and he looks…glorious.

Fuck, what’s wrong with me? These men saved my life again, and all I can do is think about how I want them to touch me.

"You okay, Eve?" He places his hand against my unhurt cheek and I burst into tears.

"What the—?" He glances at me, then at Ed, "What did I say?"

"N… nothing," I blubber, It’s just…he…he…"

"He’s gone," Baron says softly. "He won’t hurt you again. Not as long as I—"

"—we," Edward corrects him.

"Not as long as we have anything to do with it," he agrees, and that only makes me cry harder.

"Shit, don’t cry, Ava." Baron cups my cheek and I turn my face into the palm of his hand.

I coil into Edward’s chest and allow the tears to fall.

Edward rocks me, Baron moves in closer and his crisp mountain air scent weaves with Edward’s cut grass scent. Heat from both of their bodies envelops me, sinks into my blood.

"Shh," Edward croons, "you’re safe with us."

I know.

Baron runs his fingers through my hair and I shiver. I hunch my shoulders, try to swallow down the sobs, and finally…finally…manage to turn down the waterworks.

"Better?" Baron whispers.

I nod.

"Sure?" Edward asks. "If you want, we could punch each other?"

"Wha—?" I stare up at him from under my spiky eyelashes. "Why would you do that?"

"To distract you, so you’d stop crying?"

"Like that would work?" I sniffle.

He stares at me and I hiccough. "Fine, fine," I mumble. "Be like that."

"You feeling better, Ava?" Baron peers into my face, "I think we need to get your face looked at."

"I’m fine," I mutter. "Just get me some aspirin for my headache and I’ll be as good as new. Speaking of," I glance around us, "where’s my bag, and my phone? I think I may have dropped them earlier."

Baron pivots, walks around the space. He pulls out his phone, shines the light close to the ground. "There." He picks up my bag, then spots my phone not far from it. He returns and hands both items over.

"Thanks," I mutter.

"There’s water in the car," Edward tells him.

At Baron’s nod, he turns, and they make their way to Baron’s SUV.

He unlocks the car, opens the back and Edward lowers me onto the seat. He straightens and I grab his hand, "Thanks, Ed."

His features soften. "Anytime." He rubs his knuckles across my unhurt cheek, then straightens.

Baron comes around the other side, and slides into the back seat, next to me. Edward gets into the driver’s seat, holds out his hand for the keys.

"You promise you’ll treat her with respect?" Baron scowls at Ed.

Her?I glance between them. Who are they talking about?

Edward glares back at Baron in the rearview mirror, "Stop fussing."

"Not until you promise."

"Jeez." Edward cracks his neck, and Baron’s scowl deepens. "Fine, fine." Edward blows out a breath, "I solemnly swear that I will drive Scarlet O’Cara with the due respect that she deserves."

I blink, "Did you just say Scarlet O’Cara?"

"That’s what Baron calls his car." Edward smirks.

I lean my aching head against the side of the car. "You named your car after a fictional character?"

"Not just any celebrity." Baron frowns "It’s Scarlet."

"A character."

"So?" He shifts uncomfortably.

"So...nothing." I stab my tongue into the inside of my cheek.

Baron holds up the key fob and Edward snatches it. He slams the door shut, then pauses.

"The bill for the dinner?" he asks.

Baron nods at his phone, "Just emailing the manager to take care of it."

"You also need to text Archer so he doesn’t wait for me," I remind him.

"Already done." He flashes me a smile and my heart lurches. Shit, I am definitely a goner. And more confused than ever. My body doesn’t seem to be able to differentiate between these two men. Neither does my mind. And my heart? What about my heart?

Edward glances about the space, then snatches the bottle of water from its receptacle and hands it over to me. I accept it, dig out the aspirin from my bag and swallow it.

"You okay?" Ed asks as I cap the bottle and stow it below the window.

"Yeah." I lean my forehead against the car window. "Thanks for taking care of me."

"You don’t have to thank me, Ava. You know that, right?" Our gazes catch, hold.

Despite my befuddled state, heat flushes my skin. I swallow. "I know," I whisper.

Baron pockets his phone. Then reaches over and tucks me into his side. "How’s your face?"

"It hurts," I whine.

"Let’s stop at a supermarket and get some ice for her, " Baron tells Edward, who nods. He sets the car in motion. I slide down, place my head in Baron’s lap.

He runs his fingers through my hair and my eyes close. The next thing I know, something cold touches my swollen cheek. I sigh in relief as the throbbing instantly recedes. I hear the guys speaking in a low tones, as the movement of the vehicle rocks me to sleep again.

When I wake up next, it’s to find that I am being carried into a house. "Where are we?" I yawn.

"At Edward’s place," Baron answers.

"Edward has his own place?" I yawn so widely that my jaw cracks.

"I do now," Edward replies.

I am aware of being carried by Baron into a bedroom. Edward pulls back the sheets. Baron places me on the bed, removes my shoes, and then pulls the duvet to under my chin.

"Sleep." He bends to kiss my forehead. I am aware of another soft touch to the top of my head, and sleep, once more, overcomes me.

When I wake up next, I am alone. Light floods in through the crack between the curtains of the window. I sit up and every part of me feels sore, but I feel rested. I touch my face and it doesn’t hurt as much. I push off the covers, swing my legs over the side. That’s when I notice the glass of water and a bottle of ibuprofen next to it. Guess the guys must have left it for me. I swallow down a couple of tablets with the water, then walk into the bathroom. I shower, and brush my teeth with the toothbrush and paste I find; spot a bathrobe, and not wanting to wear the clothes from last night, slip it on, then gather my clothes. I’ll have to look for a washing machine, I guess.

I bundle my clothes under my arm, walk out of the bedroom. The landing is square-shaped with two other rooms leading off from it. I peek into one, find it empty; so is the other. I walk down the steps to the ground floor and the smell of coffee greets me. The low murmur of voices draws me and I head toward it. When I reach the kitchen, I pause. The scent of coffee and food reaches me. How long have these guys been up? I peek inside to find Baron and Edward seated at the dining table. The plates in front of them indicate the remnants of their breakfast.

"Why would they do this?" Baron growls, "Why are they targeting her?"

"Fuck, if I know." Edward rubs the back of his neck. "The only reason I can think of is—"

He exchanges a glance with Baron, who blows out a breath. "Us," Baron declares. "Fucking hell. I should have been more careful. I returned to town, led them straight to her."

"I am as much to blame," Edward rumbles. "I should have realized that being seen with her would draw their attention straight to her."

"Whose attention?" Both men turn to glance at me.