The Billionaire’s Bride by L. Steele



"Is that a proposal?"

"If that's what you want it to be."

I stare at him. "You sure are romantic." I strive for a light tone, but my voice comes out all breathless.

The expression on his face doesn't change. He holds my gaze, "Well?" He tilts his head, "What do you say?"

"Okay." I blow out a breath,

"Is that a yes?"

"It's..." I swallow, "It's a yes."

"Good." He releases the nape of my neck, steps up and around me. "Come." He jerks his head.


"I'll show you to your room."

Right.I bend to pick up the clothes I had kicked aside earlier, then grab my bag from the counter and trail behind him. He leads me down the short corridor and pauses at the first room on the right. He pushes the door open, gestures for me to enter. I walk in, take in the double bed, the nightstand, the walk-in closet in the corner, the dresser pushed up against one wall, a writing table and chair on the other side. My feet sink into the thick carpet, and I wriggle my toes. "It's nice," I say.

"It'll do."

He retreats to the exit and I stop him, "Wait."

He turns to glance at me.

"Where...where are you sleeping?"

"My room is across the hallway."

"So...uh, we're not sleeping together?"

"When you're in my bed, you won't be doing much of that."

Oh, my god. He sure has a way with words. And that's not the only thing he knows his way around. My breasts feel too heavy, my scalp tingles, and moisture beads between my legs. His nostril's flare and his eyes gleam. Damn it, he knows exactly what his words do to me.

"So...we are going to have separate bedrooms?"

"Only until the wedding." He turns to leave and I take a step forward.

"But why?" I blurt out. "Why this distance?"

He pauses, then continues toward the door.

"Is it because you want to punish me for not coming to you sooner?"

He doesn’t say anything, but the set of his shoulders, the way he holds himself so erect that his spine is totally upright gives him away.

"Just so you know," I lower my hands to my sides, and my stuff falls to the floor, "I am not going anywhere."

He stares straight ahead.

"Also, it's really not fair that you judge me this harshly. You were there, Baron. You saw how conflicted I was between the two of you. It was difficult for me to untangle what I felt for each of you."

He holds up a hand, and I firm my lips. Damn him. Only Baron can have this effect on me. His one gesture, and I want to follow his lead. His one look, and I want to throw myself at his feet and ask him to take me. His one touch, and I am ready to debase myself to please him. This...this is what I missed. The surety of his demeanor. The way he can be hard toward me and yet gentle, at the same time.

There is a poetry to his actions... A certain push-pull at play that always keeps me on the edge. It makes me want to hit him, then kiss him again. The way he constantly challenges me, forces me to become a better version of myself. And the fact that he loved me enough to walk away from me...? It's what clarified everything for me.

Not that Edward wouldn't have made me happy. He'd have loved me and protected me. Hell, he took a bullet for me, for hell's sake... But Baron wanted my happiness enough to turn his back on me. He thought that I deserved to be with the man I had confessed to love. He still thinks that I don’t love him enough.

But he's wrong. He'd been there for me when I’d needed someone the most. Second to losing my mother, the time I had been away from him were the worst days of my life... Especially because I hadn't been able to put a name to the emptiness, the desperate sensations that had eaten away at me from the inside. It had taken me a while to figure out what it was. Luckily, Edward had loved me enough to point me in the right direction. As soon as I had sorted out everything in my head, I had come to him.

And I am not leaving. Not now. Not ever. This is it for me. But how do I convince him?

He takes another step toward the door and I call out again, "Wait, if I am moving in here, then what about my stuff?"

"We can go get it tomorrow."

"And my classes, my studio?"

He turns so I can see his face in profile, "None of that needs to change. I want you for my wife, not my captive."

He faces forward, and I call out. "Wait..."

He glances over his shoulder.

"I... I need a T-shirt or something to change into for bed."

He looks me up and down, "You can survive for one night. I'll arrange to have your things delivered tomorrow."

This time when he leaves the room, I don’t try to stop him.

I glance around the room, then back at the door. Shit, shit, shit. So that’s it? We live under the same roof, have our own rooms, then we get married and what? He fucks me?

I chose to come to him…and he what? Holds me at arm’s length? This is not the kind of welcome I foresaw. When he’d asked me to bend over, I’d been sure he’d fuck me… Instead…he’d aroused me, brought me to the edge of an orgasm, and then he’d pulled away. Bastard. What the hell is he trying to do here?

I pick up my bag, place it on the nightstand, and drape my clothes over the chair. I grab a quick shower then slip into my panties and camisole, before sliding under the covers with my phone. I dial Isla. Her phone rings, then she picks up the call. Her face appears on the screen.

"Hellooo," she sing-songs. I hear voices in the background, see lights, a blur of people…

"Sorry, are you busy?"

"Not for you, babe." She steps out of the room; a door closes behind her and the sounds fade.

"Where are you?"

"Out with a bride who needed a shoulder to cry on."

"You mean…" I lower my chin

"Yeah," she blows out a breath, "the bride of the man who shall not be named." Her lips firm. "Except for the one wedding rehearsal, asshole didn’t turn up for any of the tastings or for any of the other meetings. It’s like he really doesn’t care. I really feel sorry for the bride…so…"

"So…you’re hanging out with her?"


"So, you broke your rule about not socializing with the clients."

"She was just sooo sad." Isla grimaces, "When she asked me out for a drink, I couldn’t refuse."

"Or maybe, you wanted to get more info on Li—"

She frowns.

"I mean, the man who shall not be named."

"Of course, not." She purses her lips. "Not really. I mean, I did lend a sympathetic ear to her as she poured out the details of their relationship, which is beyond dysfunctional, but really, I was just doing my job."

"Hmm," I scowl, "if you say so."

"And we are not here to talk about me." She raises an eyebrow. "What’s up? Everything okay with you and Baron?"

"Wait, what?" I blink, "How did you know about…?"

"Why else would you be calling me?

"You mean, I only call you when I need a sounding board?"

She smirks.

"Iz…" I scowl.

"Not that I mind. I mean, your life is far more interesting than mine right now."

"Trust me, I’d trade mine for something tame and boring…" I mutter.

Her gaze narrows, and I rush to add, "Not that I could ever accuse you of that. Not now that what’s-his-face is occupying so much of your time."

She glowers and I motion zipping my mouth, "Okay, won’t go there."

"So... Baron?"

I deflate a little. "I am at his place."

"Finally." She blows out a breath, "I mean, honestly woman, what took you so long?"

"I just needed some time to cleanse my palate."

She stares at me and I point a finger at the screen. "I didn’t mean it that way."

"Then how did you mean it?"

"Just that I needed a little bit of space from both of them… Enough to sort out my thoughts." I raise a shoulder, "I mean, I admit I surprised myself when I realized it wasn’t Edward but…Baron that I want… But uh, I may have needed a little bit of time to get my courage up to face him, you know?"


"And what?"

"You’re in his house, but you’re not with him…so?"

I narrow my gaze, "Jesus, woman, give me a chance to tell my story."

"Go on…" she says impatiently, "why the hell isn’t he ravishing you as we speak?"

My cheeks pink. "Uh, I thought that’s what he was going to do."

"And then?"

"Then he pulled away."

"Like, literally pulled away?"

My cheeks heat, "He, uh, asked me to marry him."

"He what…?" She opens and shuts her mouth.

"Yeah." I bite the inside of my cheek. "It surprised me too. As much as him putting me in another room and telling me that he isn’t going to sleep with me until after the wedding."

"And you agreed?"

I raise my shoulders, "Umm…yeah?"

"So, you are going to, once more, toe the line."

"Uh, not sure he gave me a choice."

"So, first he…comes onto you physically, only to retreat and ask you to marry him. Then he puts you up in his guest room."

I nod.

She taps her cheek, "Seems to me, your alphahole is insecure."

"Well, that’s an oxymoron. Alphaholes don’t get insecure… But," I hunch my shoulders, "I have to concede, you may be right, in this case. He did ask me if I was going to change my mind again."

"How dare he?" She grimaces, "I mean, it’s a valid question. But seriously, how could he question your intent?"

"Yeah," I nod, "I mean, I am here; I am not going anywhere. This is where I want to be. With him. And I told him so, and I thought he believed it, but—"

"He’s having trouble accepting it."

I nod.

"His mind gets it, but it hasn’t quite sunk in."


"So, you know what you have to do, right?"


"Come on, Ava, do I have to tell you everything?"

"Gah." I sit up in bed, clutching the sheets under my arms "Can you please tell me what you’re thinking?"

Her eyes twinkle. "If he doesn't come to you, you'll have to go to him, Ava."