The Devil’s Laird by Brenda Jernigan

Chapter 20

As they descended the steep path by the falls, Siena noticed Roderick had stumbled a couple of times, which wasn’t like him at all.

“Are you all right?”

Roderick sighed. His back ached between the shoulders as if he’d been hit several times with a log. “Just a wee bit dizzy is all. I’ve no’ slept in a couple of days.” He pulled out his flask and took a sip, then offered it to Siena. “Once we reach Hercules, we’ll make camp since ’tis late and then head for home tomorrow. I ken the danger is behind us now.”

“That sounds wonderful as I’m tired also.”

They finished their descent along the falls and then through the thick forest until they burst through the greenery to the setting sun.

Hercules snorted when he saw them emerge out of the dark green foliage. There were three other horses there also. Apparently, the knight only took his mount when he left.

A strong gust of wind blew around them. Siena could smell the rain that would be falling on them shortly. Thunder rumbled. “Why don’t we stay in that abandoned church so we don’t get soaked and you can get some rest. We can put the horses in there too for protection.”

Parts of the roof were missing and there were holes in the walls but in several places, there was good shelter from the rain and wind. They unsaddled the horses and gave them some grain. An old bucket stood in the corner, so Siena used her magic to fill it with rainwater so the animals would have something to drink. Good thing all soldiers were trained to bring food for their mounts when they traveled, but Siena also produced some hay, so the horses would be comfortable. Roderick was too tired to ask where she got the hay from, and she was glad.

Siena set off to gather wood and branches so Roderick could start a fire in the fireplace that was thankfully not damaged. She had just gotten the last bundle in when the storm hit, and the rain fell out of the sky in sheets. Thank goodness the roof didn’t leak where they were.

Roderick was having a hard time starting the fire until Siena nudged her pink stone which produced an instant blazing fire.

“Och, it started fast,” Roderick said as he jumped back in surprise.

Even though it was spring, tonight would be cool. “Look in my bag, lass. There are a couple of bannocks and some cheese. “’Tisn’t much but it will get us through tonight. Glad that I am that we have a bit of shelter tonight.”

Siena placed the saddles so they could lean against them, then spread the blankets and tartans out in front of the fire. Next, she placed the food down and took her seat.

Roderick slipped off his boots. Then he grabbed a pouch from his saddle and offered Siena a drink while he settled himself. “Come, lean against my knee so I can see you while we talk.”

Siena started coughing. “This is whisky. I was expecting water. I should know by now.” She smiled. “I will say that the more I drink whisky the better I like it.”

Roderick chuckled. “Fine Scottish whisky is smooth, lass.” He waved an arm around. “What does this remind ye of?”

Siena tore off a chunk of bread. “The cave we stayed in months ago. That seems so long ago.” She sighed. “Tell me about Michael.”

Roderick smiled for the first time in two days. “My son followed yer instructions and met us on the road. I couldna believe it when I saw him. Thank you. Ye’ve made my life complete.”

“And you have made mine.” Siena smiled, then said, “I hope my father does not try anything else. It was the only reason I agreed to take Malcolm to the Grail. I didn’t want any Scott to be hurt because of me.”

“Lass, ye have little faith in me and that is one thing that needs to change, but you need not worry about yer father.”

“What makes you think so?”

“An eye for an eye, Siena.” Roderick’s left eyebrow rose a fraction. “Your father was behind all the murderin’ not mentioning keeping my son locked up for a year. That couldna have gone unpunished. We attacked the castle at dawn. Your father did have a fightin’ chance against me. ‘Twas a fair fight, but I killed him.”

Siena swallowed hard; however, her eyes never left her husband’s gaze as she said, “He was never a father to me. Perhaps now we can live in peace.”

“Och, I like the sound of that.”

A flash of lightning streaked across the sky, just as Siena took another swig of whisky. She jumped and spilled whisky down her chin.

Roderick removed the pouch from her hand, then reached over and pulled Siena into his arms. “Here let me help you he said as he ran his tongue over her chin. “Ye taste good, wife.” Her rose-red lips were definitely made for kissing, he thought.

Roderick caressed her earlobes with his lips, then pressed tender kisses down her neck. Siena shuddered beneath his subtle seduction. His lips produced a warm, tantalizing blush that covered her body with fever and created the most unusual yearning for something more. Her heart yearned for his touch and so did her body. She wanted to be held and protected in Roderick’s arms. Hadn’t she always wanted this?

Roderick pushed Siena back so he could pull his shirt over his head and rid himself of his kilt. Then he began removing her clothing, trailing his hands over her body. When he had removed her last garment, he threaded his fingers in her hair and said, “I love you.” Slowly, his lips touched hers and devoured her with ravenous kisses, leaving her mouth burning with fire. She knew the flooding of uncontrollable joy.

A flash of lightning illuminated the glistening bodies of the two lovers as they came to know each other. Caressing, touching, sharing themselves as they never had with anyone else. Siena and Roderick were caught in their own whirlwind, seeking a release that only they could provide.

She slipped her hands around his neck, drowning in this new world of sensuality. Her breasts were crushed against Roderick’s chest. His dark, curling hairs rubbed the tips of her nipples into firm, taut peaks. Reaching up, she laced her fingers through his dark hair and pulled his lips to within her reach. She gazed deep into Roderick’s mesmerizing eyes, finding a burning passion that she intended to quench.

His tongue plunged into her mouth, mating with hers. Soon their kisses matched the fury of the storm, becoming hotter and bolder as the fire between them built to a boiling point.

Roderick’s hands glided along Siena’s silky thighs before moving back to her ripe breasts. Trailing kisses down her neck, he lowered his head until he found her rose-tipped nipples, where he licked circles around the tight nubs. Her skin held the luster of creamy satin, and it felt smooth against him. He captured one trembling peak in his mouth, teasing it to the hardness of stone. She gasped as his other hand continued its path with agonizing slowness and found the tempting flesh she offered him. With a little coaxing, she parted her legs, and his fingers slid through the curls down to her moist warmth. God, she was tight. You would think that she was still a virgin, but he knew better. Groaning, he could wait no longer. His hunger consumed his self-control.

He had to have her—Now!

He flipped her over until he was on top. Spreading her legs further apart with his knee, he positioned himself above her and drove deep inside her warmth.

Slowly, he started to move, feeling her tightness surrounding his manhood. He shivered. She was driving him crazy with desire. He moved with the rhythm of love, building, driving, and finally consuming them both with a white heat that demanded satisfaction.

Siena cried out with fulfillment. Slowly, she floated back down to earth on a cloud of contentment. Wrapped in the warmth of Roderick’s arms, she felt a sense of peace. At long last, she felt safe.

“I love you, Roderick,” she murmured just before she fell asleep.

* * *

For two days they traveled,enjoying each other’s company and making mad passionate love at night. It was as if the rest of the world didn’t exist.

On the third morning, Siena actually did feel like she was going home, and it was a nice feeling. She’d missed everyone.

“I have a surprise for you,” Roderick said.

“What is it?”

“Ye’ll have to wait and see.”

They rode until the sun was almost setting. Finally, they were on the hill that overlooked Black Dawn just like when she first arrived at Roderick’s home. But it was different.

“Oh my. Look!” Siena pointed. “It is no longer black,” Siena said in amazement. She remembered the conversation they had a long time ago.

“Do you suppose that one day you’ll paint the walls of Black Dawn white again?” Siena asked.

Roderick sighed. “One day when I can put the past completely behind me.”

Siena gave him a small smile, hoping that one day the castle would once again be white and their awful past behind them.

“Did you know about this?”

“Aye.” Roderick smiled, then said. “They have worked hard, my love, to restore the castle back to White Dawn. I ken it would please ye. The past is behind us and only good times lie ahead.”

“Thank you,” she said, leaning over to kiss him. “Let’s go home.”

When they rode through the gates people were cheering that their laird and lady were home once more. Standing on the steps of the great hall was everyone Siena loved.

Agatha was beaming, and Michael was jumping up and down waving. Elen was smoking her pipe and someone had brought her a chair since she was 105, but she was smiling, and Roderick’s brothers were surrounded by their men who were cheering.

At last, Siena had found what she’d always wanted. A family who loved and wanted her.

Who could ask for more?

And if they didn’t behave, then she had her magic stones and she’d simply turn them all into frogs.