The Wolf’s Billionaire by Layla Silver

Chapter 13 – Ainsley

You were right,” I admitted, staring out over the ocean from the balcony of Bass Cancun penthouse suite. Coming here was a good idea.”

Id been dubious at first, convinced he simply thought Id run away if he let me out of his sight. But while my rented apartment was close to the beach on the island, it was nothing like this. The penthouse was enormous and flooded with natural light during the day. Now that twilight was setting in, the mostly-white interior was splashed with the colors of the sunset. Far below us, lights were winking on around the pool and cafés where people in their evening finery mingled. The dull roar of the ocean waves lapping at the sand just past the edge of the resort muted all other noise, lending the tableau an ethereal beauty.

Bass arms came around my waist and he pressed his warm body against my back. The glamorous vintage-style halter dress hed bought me earlier in the afternoon left most of my back and shoulders bare and the soft fabric of his dress shirt brushing against my skin made me shiver with desire. Not that I was lacking in arousal.

Wed taken an early dinner at the most expensive restaurant in town and Bas had spent the whole meal with his eyes on me, the hungry gleam in them making my blood run hot and need pool in my core. Over delectable steak and perfectly-cooked sides, wed begun to tell each other all the things we hadnt dared say before. I told him about the packs collapse and Kaias fight to rebuild it. He told me about his mothers death, his fraught relationship with his father, and his dreams of having his own business. Every new layer peeled back and every secret shared at barely above a whisper reinforced my fragile belief that this love between us would, in fact, work.

Back at the room, Id wandered out to enjoy the view while he ordered us dessert and champagne. As in Arizona, the champagne was the most expensive bottle on the menu.

Mmm,” Bas mouthed a line of kisses along my exposed shoulder.

Its going to take some getting used to,” I sighed, tipping my head to give him better access.

What is?” His arms tightened around me.

Being spoiled like this.”

Well,” he said reasonably, then well just have to get in as much practice as possible until youre comfortable, wont we?

I laughed, then caught my breath as his hips rocked into mine. He was hard beneath his finely-cut pants and the awareness of it called forth an answering throb in me. I swallowed a groan.

Dessert is coming,” I reminded him breathlessly. We cant be naked.”

I can leave your dress on,” he offered agreeably, one hand sneaking up so that he could run a finger lightly down my sternum where the neckline of my dress plunged precipitously between my breasts.

Bas,” I protested, biting my tongue with a whine when he twisted his hand to run the backs of his knuckles over my still-covered nipple.

The crushed velvet of my gown was thin and, while the ruching hid any visual evidence when my nipples pearled, it did nothing to mute the sensation of his touch.

Keep that up,” I mock scolded, and I wont be able to walk to the door to sign for the order.”

That sounds promising,” he murmured against my skin, huffing with laughter and angling away when I tried to poke him with my elbow.

Come to bed, Love,” he coaxed. Ill leave my pants on and answer the door when dessert comes—if they dont take too long.”

I snorted but let myself be drawn back inside.

The bedroom was massive, its glass treated so that we had a crystal-clear view out but no one from outside could see in. Bas left the interior lights off and the glittering pinpricks of illumination from outside reminded me of our first night together, how the citys glow had appeared like a host of fireflies dancing in echo to our happiness.

True to his joking promise, Bas left my dress on as he pulled me onto the bed with him. The matching thong I wore underneath was little more than a scrap of satin that felt as daring and sexy now as it had when Id first shimmied into it earlier. Thin as it was, it hid none of the heat when Bas helped me settle astride his lap. The skirt of my dress spread out around us, a bright pop of color against the white linens. Leaning back against the tufted headboard, Bas eased one shoulder of the dress down and curved his hands beneath my rear, tipping me forward to bring one of my breasts to his mouth.

I gasped with pleasure as he nuzzled and nipped, licked and suckled. Electricity hummed down my nerves, arcing out to my fingers and toes and then back up my spine in a never-ending loop. As he had our first time together, he kept his touch tempered and languid, building heat inside me until my blood seemed to sizzle and fizz in my veins, then easing off and letting me cool down before starting again. Each time the cycle repeated, I got a little more breathless and a little closer to coming apart before he dialed things down again.

By the time he started on my other breast, I was rocking against him, working myself against his hardness and whimpering at the sweet friction. My thong was soaked with my slick and tiny shivers ran though me at every stroke.

Bas pulled back and tugged my straps back into place. I whined. Bas!”

Dessert should be here soon,” he said, feigning seriousness.

They can leave it outside,” I said, trying to sound stern.

With champagne that expensive?” His eyebrows went up but his lips twitched treacherously. After you were so worried about the cost?”

I growled and he had the audacity to laugh. Are you that close, Love?”

Without waiting for an answer, he tucked his hand under my skirt, his thumb ducking beneath the fabric of my thong and unerringly finding my clit. The sound I made was purely feral and I thrust myself shamelessly against the touch.

Oh, yes,” he approved, his voice nearly a croon. Just like that. Let me watch you, Love.”

He said it as if I could do anything else but my body was in control now, single-mindedly pursuing release.

Bas rubbed just off the side of my clit in perfect timing as I ground myself against his covered hardness. My orgasm swept up like a wave, catching me and flinging me out to sea. I gasped, clutching at Bass shoulders as my whole body went deliciously tight and then blissfully loose. Collapsing forward against his chest, I sighed happily.

Bas disentangled his hand from under my clothing and kissed my hair, murmuring sweet nothings. He was still hard beneath me and I tried to rouse myself, wanting him inside me now. But before I could pull myself together there was a low buzz from the other room.

Ah.” Bas sounded amused. Dessert. Perfect timing.”

With easy grace and a grin, he rolled me off his lap onto the bed and stood. Turning my head from where I sprawled, I watched him adjust himself enough to walk somewhat normally before striding out of the bedroom.

Satisfaction tumbled through me at the knowledge that he was hard for me. Because he found me, of all people, too alluring to resist. It was still difficult to wrap my head around.

There was the low back and forth of voices and the clink of glassware and then the click of the door. A moment later, Bas was back. This time, he stripped off his clothing as he crossed the room, baring his handsome body to my gaze. Instead of crawling into bed to join me, however, he tugged me to the edge of the mattress.



Coaxing me to my unsteady feet, he guided me to where two thickly stuffed chairs faced the enormous windows. Dropping into one of the chairs, he positioned me in front of him.

The sun was fully set now, the three-quarter moon glittering off the ocean waves. Its beauty overshadowed everything else, making it feel as if we were alone beneath the stars even in our protected, private space.

Bass hands caught the hem of my dress and I shivered with fresh desire as he skimmed his fingertips up the outside of my legs, lifting my skirt. His hands were warm, the velvet cool; a stark contrast that made both sensations more vibrant as they moved in tandem over my skin.

When his hands reached my waist, he bunched the fabric up in one hand and hooked a finger through the thin strap of the thong where it stretched over my hip. With a single sharp tug he snapped it.

Hey!” I objected, twisting my head to look back at him as the fabric fluttered to the floor. That was brand new!”

Ill buy you more,” he promised, unfazed. His free hand caught my thigh and nudged me back into his lap.

The single-minded focus of his expression brought a wash of fondness and the sight of his erection bobbing thick and long, its tip beaded with pre-cum, made my inner walls clench. Bracing my palms on the arms of the chair to help hold my weight and for balance, I let him guide me back until the tip of him pressed against my slit.

I sank back slowly with a moan, taking him inside me one incredible inch at a time. Bas hissed with the intensity of it and the effort of staying still as I took him deep inside me until the backs of my thighs rested atop his. With my legs together it was almost too much and I shifted, settling with my knees outside of his.

Ainsley.” Letting go of my dress, Bas wrapped his left arm around me, leaning forward to press himself against my back. I want to give you the world, you know that, dont you? I want to make love to you overlooking every great wonder of the world—a score of cities. Show you everything you ever wanted to see.”

I nuzzled back into him, angling my head to pepper kisses across his cheeks are forehead. I dont need any of that. Just you.”

He kissed me, long and urgent, and it tugged at my heart. How could it be that my beloved Bas, with seemingly everything the world could offer at his feet, had longed to be loved as completely and surely as I had?

His right hand fumbled with my dress and then I sucked in a breath as two of his fingers stroked my slit. I didnt have much range of movement in this position, but I rocked against them as best I could. Bas muffed a curse against my shoulder as my tiny movements teased him, sliding me minutely back and forth along his shaft and making me squeeze around him with fluttery spasms. Each barely-there rock made me newly aware of how full I was and how headily good it felt when the tip of him bumped some particularly sensitive spot inside me.

Seemingly intent on torturing us both, Bas fell into a pattern, stroking my folds and circling my clit with his fingers, then falling back to draw abstract patterns on my thighs until I was mewling for him to touch me again. Then hed stroke me again until I was writhing and gasping, my inner walls seizing around him and making us both cry out. When I was so close I could taste my release, hed back off again, starting over.

Bas,” I gasped after the third cycle. Youre going to kill me.”

His chuckle was strained. Dying of pleasure is a good way to go, isnt it?”

Growling again, I hitched up my skirts and grabbed his wrist, forcing his fingers back to the apex of my thighs. Huffing, he kissed the back of my neck. Youre just impatient for dessert, arent you?”

Still, he swept his fingers exactly where I needed them. Once, twice—I shattered with a keen, every muscle locking tight, straight down to the curling of my toes as I came. Bas gave a choked-off curse and then flooded me with warmth as he found his own release. We stayed there until his softening erection slipped out of me, leaving me loose-limbed and floating. Floppy as a rag doll, I slumped happily against his chest when he turned me so that I sat sideways in his lap, my head pillowed against his shoulder.

I felt drenched with joy, gratified to the depths of my soul in ways that I hadnt known existed. It would take work to make this relationship strong and lasting, but I no longer had any doubts that we could do it. Hed been right that first day at the hotel. Finding each other had been fate. There was no other possible explanation.

Shifting beneath me, Bas pressed a kiss to my forehead. I am afraid,” he said, sounding as spent and pleased as I felt, that your dress is going to need a cleaning.”

I laughed and tilted my head to smile up into his blue eyes.

I think I need one, too,” I confessed. Our combined slick had started to dry on my thighs, making them sticky whenever I shifted.

Same.” He tucked a loose strand of sweat-damp hair behind my ear. What do you say we take our dessert to the tub and enjoy a nice long soak?”

Yes,” I sighed, delighted by the suggestion. I crooked a smile at him. And maybe we can do this again in the morning?”

Bas kissed me thoroughly. Every morning,” he agreed. For the rest of our lives.”