The Iriduan’s Mate by Susan Trombley

Author’s Note

I hope you all enjoyed reading Shulgi and Molly’s story. If you did, I’d love it if you left a review to let other readers know about it! Reviews have such a huge impact on spreading the word! But regardless of whether you leave a review or not, I still want to thank you SO much for giving my book a chance. I know time is precious and the fact that you wanted to spend some of yours in one of my worlds really means a lot to me.

I am always amazed and honored by all the support and encouragement I receive from my fantastic readers! You all make this endeavor so worthwhile that it brings me back to the keyboard time and time again. I can’t thank you enough for allowing me to live my lifelong dream of being an author!

I also really want to thank the amazing friends I’ve made in the romance writing community. You all know who you are, and you are all incredibly talented and inspiring. Thank you for being such a wonderful group!

This author’s note will be much briefer than my usual end note, but I am eager to get this book published so that you all can read it, so I won’t take long on this part, but I hope I can answer some of the questions that might be raised in this book.

Ava’s story is definitely planned, but it isn’t the next book in the series. That one is a surprise that I hope you all will love, and it will be very unexpected, I think. The characters in it you haven’t met before... well, except for one, but I don’t think you’ll expect to see him again. ;)

Mogrol and Grundon will eventually have their own books. I have plans for both of them, and I’m eager to explain some of the culture and lore of the Ultimen more in their stories, as well as revisit these two characters that I fell in love with while writing this book!

Urbarra will appear in future books, probably, as the rebellion against the Iriduan Empire gains steam. I have some tentative ideas for a book for him, but nothing concrete yet. If you’d like to see more of this mystery rebel, let me know! I’d love to get further into the chaos cells and the rebellion, and Urbarra is a fascinating character to write. I would have added more about him in this book but I didn’t want to go off on a tangent. ;)

Luna will eventually have her own story, but I plan on writing Ava’s first. The idea for Luna came to me in a dream and I knew she belonged in this book. I’m often inspired by dreams. I don’t generally share that, because I get some sideways looks when I do, lol. I have many ideas for Luna’s story, and even though she is an “alien” heroine, I think she will still be very relatable to my readers, as she has a very human mind. I hope you’ll agree when I get around to writing her story.

Briana is exactly where she wants to be in her own version of a happily ever after, so she won’t be getting her own book, but she might appear in the books of other characters from time to time.

If there are any other stories you’d love to see in this series, please let me know! I have so many ideas for the Iriduan Test Subjects universe that I am sometimes overwhelmed when trying to figure out what to write for the next book! Your suggestions help to narrow down the options for my next project!

I will be beginning a new project soon, as well as picking up where I left off on Kevos’ story, so stay tuned to my social media (I know I’m really slow to post, sorry!) and be sure to follow my newsletter for exclusive sneak peeks and updates!

Thank you all again for taking the time to read my book.

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Iriduan Test Subjects series

The Iriduans are up to no good, determined to rule the galaxy by creating unstoppable warriors using monstrous creatures found on their colony worlds. Can the courageous heroines captured by the Iriduans to be breeders to these monsters end up taming them and turning the tables on the Iriduans themselves? This is an action-packed science fiction romance series where each book features a new couple, though there is an overarching storyline in addition to each individual happily-ever-after.

The Scorpion’s Mate

The Kraken’s Mate

The Serpent’s Mate

The Warrior’s Mate

The Hunter's Mate

The Fractured Mate

Into the Dead Fall series

Ordinary human women are abducted by an enigmatic force that pulls them into a parallel universe. They end up on a world that is in the aftermath of a devastating apocalypse and is now just a vast, inter-dimensional junkyard. There they will encounter alien beings from many different dimensions and discover the kind of love they never imagined, forming a life for themselves out of the ashes of a lost civilization. This series is an exciting reverse-harem, post-apocalyptic alien romance that introduces beings from many different worlds and includes a mystery that spans the entire series, though each book ends on a happy note.

Into the Dead Fall

Key to the Dead Fall

Minotaur's Curse

Chimera’s Gift

Veraza’s Choice

Shadows in Sanctuary series

The humans of Dome City have been raised to view the horned and winged umbrose as demons, but when their separate worlds collide, these brave heroines must face the truth that nothing is ever what it seems. Can love alone bridge the divide between human and umbrose and put a stop to the tyranny of the adurians, who are the enemies of both? This futuristic science fiction romance series features a new take on the demon/angel paradigm on a world where humans have forgotten their origin, but still cling to their humanity. Each book features a new couple and can be read as a standalone with an HEA, though there is an overarching story throughout the series.

Lilith’s Fall

Balfor’s Salvation

Jessabelle’s Beast

Fantasy series—Breath of the Divine

When a princess is cursed and transforms into a dragon, she falls in love with a dragon god and sparks a series of events that plunge the world of Altraya into grave danger. Myth and magic collide with the cold ambitions of mankind as those who seek power will do anything to get it. The dragon gods work to stop the coming danger, but it might be the love of a human woman that holds the key to the salvation of the world. This fantasy series features a different couple in each book and a satisfying ending to each story, but there is also an overarching story throughout the series.

The Princess Dragon

The Child of the Dragon Gods

Light of the Dragon

Standalones or Collaborations

The well-known story of Rapunzel gets a science-fiction twist in this fairytale retelling featuring an artificial intelligence and a plucky princess determined to prove herself to be much more than a pretty face. This is a futuristic science fiction romance that introduces a new universe where humans live on colony worlds after being forced to flee a deadly AI on Earth centuries prior to the story.


Children of the Ajda

Guardian of the Dark Paths

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