Monk by Ivy Black

Chapter Twenty-Six


I can hear X in the room behind Spencer, yelling at him, and Spencer yelling back. Their voices are too muffled and I’m too panicked to worry about what they’re saying. The thing scaring me the most is the constant rain of blows falling on the door. I hear wood splintering and cracking and know it’s only a matter of moments before that door crashes inward. If that happens and I’m not through this window, I am absolutely screwed.

Grunting and panting, I squeeze myself through the narrow window. I’m only about halfway through. Maybe not even that. My breasts are hanging me up and making it difficult to propel myself through. I draw in a deep breath and hold it, giving myself another push.

“Fuck,” I scream.

The door frame vibrates as it sounds like both Spencer and X are hammering on it now. The one thing I’ll say for old cabins is they knew how to build them. They’re sturdy as hell—a fact I’m absolutely grateful for at the moment.

“Come on, come on,” I cry as I give myself another push.

I can’t help but feel like a baby struggling out of the birth canal right now. And regretting having that third pancake this morning. I kick my legs, trying to give myself another boost forward, but I remain right where I am, stuck in the window by my tits. The only thing going for me right now is that if they get through that door before I manage to unstick myself, they’ll have just as hard of a time pulling me back in as I’m having pushing myself out.

Another flurry of blows lands on the door and I hear a sharp crack. That door is coming down in the next five seconds, I know it. With one Herculean push, I thrust myself forward and feel my breasts sliding over the windowsill.

“Yes! Oh my god, yes!” I cry.

The door crashes inward with a sound like thunder. I feel hands on my feet and hear Spencer shouting at me, though I can’t make out individual words. He’s so pissed, he’s screaming. Ordinarily, I’d stop to mock him, but I don’t hear X and have a very bad feeling that he’s finally figured out that he can go around the outside and cut me off.

I almost want to laugh that these two idiots didn’t come to that obvious conclusion earlier, and I may still. But not until I manage to extricate myself from this window once and for all and get the hell away.

To that end, with Spencer grabbing onto my left foot, I draw all the strength I can muster and piston my right foot backward. It hits something solid and I feel it give way beneath my shoe. The sound of something cracking fills my ears, and it’s quickly followed by Spencer’s howls of pain.

Knowing I’ll have to savor the moment later, I thrust myself all the way out and hit the ground, landing awkwardly on my shoulder. The pain flares up instantly and I have to bite back the cry and my tears. No time for that. I get to my feet and sprint for the tree line. I hear a man shouting behind me and then the sharp crack of a gunshot.

Expecting to feel a hot bullet punch through me at any moment, I run as hard and fast as I can. I pass the wide trunk of a sequoia just as something slams into it, sending chips of bark spraying everywhere. I feel a line of fire slicing my cheek, then the warm, wet flow of my blood. I yelp and push on, hearing the man yelling incomprehensibly behind me.

It’s only when I’m deep in the shadows and gloom of the forest, shielded by the massive trunk of a fallen giant hundreds of years old, that I dare stop. I lean out, peering around the moldering wood, and see that the trail is clear. Just in case the guy knows how to track, I make a circuitous route, doubling back over my tracks at some points, sprinting up small rises, and doing all I can to lay a confusing trail.

I let out a sigh of relief and try to catch my breath as long as I’m able. The muscles in my thighs are burning and my calves feel like they’re on the verge of cramping up. The only thing I’m running on right now is adrenaline. And I hope that can sustain me for a while longer.

The sound of Spencer’s and X’s voices carry to me. Those are followed by the sound of gunshots. I guess they’re firing at shadows, or maybe trying to flush me out. I can’t tell exactly where they are, though. The heavy air and the massive trunks of the trees play hell with the acoustics in here. But I have a general idea they’re a little way off, still, and to my right. I need to keep moving.

With a groan, I get to my feet and plunge deeper into the forest, running like the Devil himself is chasing me because in this case, he kind of is.