His Gymnast by Darcy Rose



As I walk outof the police station, I see Ace leaned against his car in the parking lot. I was expecting him to maybe send one of the twins to collect me or even Archer, but no, it’s Ace himself instead.

I stop in front of him and wait for him to speak. “How was it?”

I scoff. “I was stuck in a holding cell. The bench was hard, it smelled like piss, and the pigs were fucking rude. You know, the usual.”

He nods with a small smile before walking around and slipping into the driver's seat. As I slide into the other side and he takes off, I ask the only thing that’s been running through my mind for the past few hours. “How is Aria? Did you check up on her?”

“I tried, but by the time I got your call and made it to your place, she was gone.”

I snap my gaze to him. “What do you mean, gone?”

“Like not there. Gone.”

My blood starts to boil, and I can feel the supernova inside me start to get brighter and brighter, ready to explode. “No, shit! Turn around!”

He busts a U-turn in the middle of the road, ignoring the blaring horns and screams from pissed-off drivers. “Terrace Way?” he asks, like he’s barely remembering she’s the one who needed protection.

I nod. “And make it fast.”

The playful smile on his lips is replaced with a stern line. He knows I don’t care about shit, so seeing me so worked up over a girl makes him realize how serious this is. He runs every stop sign and red light so we make it to Aria’s house—or rather her old house—in record time.

I barrel out of the door before he can even come to a complete stop. The tunnel vision that took over the last time I was here is back, but this time, I’m ready to finish the fucking job.

When I kick in the newly replaced door, it isn’t the short fat fuck I find. Instead, it’s the woman who I’m assuming is Aria’s mom—a sorry excuse for a mom at that.

“Where is she?” I hiss.

The fat bitch does nothing but sob and mumble bullshit. “She took him. She took my man. She’s nothing but an ungrateful bitch!”

“Where is she?” I try again, raising my voice. My hands shake as I ball them into fists beside me.

“I told her to stay away from him. Told her to stop trying to steal him, but she didn’t listen. He’s only obsessed with her because she looks like me.”

I internally gag with her words. The woman standing in front of me doesn’t resemble Aria at all. She has gray, greasy hair, saggy tits, and she’s wider than me.

“Where the fuck is she!” I roar for the last time.

“She’s gone!” she spits back. “And she took him with her!”

Blinding rage takes over. I raise my hand and send the back of it across the cunt’s cheek. She stumbles sideways, clenching her face with tears welling in her eyes.

Now that she’s shut the fuck up and I have her attention, I step closer, leaning down so my nose is right against hers, and whisper, “Tell me where the fuck she is, or I’ll slit your throat and finger the fucking hole until the blood stops pumping.”

Her chest vibrates drastically with fear. “He-he has a cabin.”

“Continue, piggy,” Ace chimes from behind me.

“It’s outside of town. He uses it when he hunts.” Her voice trembles.

“And?” I grind out.

“Seventy-eight thirty-one County Road Nine. That’s the address.” She flinches when I raise back to my full height and tower over her.

“Was that so fucking hard, you old hag?”

She shakes her head vigorously, making her double chin wobble. “Don’t hurt him, please,” she whispers as I turn around to leave.

“Hurt him?” I laugh and stop in my tracks. “Oh, I’m going to do more than hurt him. I’m going to sever his head and send it to you in a box. Maybe I’ll even cut off his puny dick, so you have something to remember him by on the lonely nights.”

Sobs wrack her body as she falls to her knees and crawls in front of me. “Please, no! Please!” she begs at my feet with her hands folded in front of her.

I look at Ace over my shoulder. “Give me your gun.”

He raises an eyebrow but gives in to my demand, handing over his Glock. I place the barrel to her head and pull the hammer back. “You’re a sorry excuse for a mother and an even sorrier excuse of a human.”

I pull the trigger before she can say anything else, happy to finally silence her annoying cries.

When I turn back around, Ace is staring at me with pride in his eyes as he reaches for his gun. “Never thought I’d see the day you would use a gun.”

I push past him and start back to the car. “There was no time for torture or relishing in her death. I need to get my woman.”

By the time I make it back to the car, he’s right behind me, sliding in and starting toward the address the cunt gave us.

The entire drive drags. County Road Nine is less than thirty minutes from where we were, but it feels like a fucking lifetime. All I can think about is what he’s doing to her. Are his dirty hands on her body? Is he hurting her? I answer yes to both because I saw what he’s capable of, and that only sends me into all the ways I’m going to hurt him. How I’m going to fucking kill him.

“Go faster, Ace!” I yell, getting more pissed off for every second longer it takes to get me to her.

“I’m going. When we get there, make that motherfucker wish he was never born. I don’t care what it takes to clean up or how much it takes to keep shit quiet. You just do what needs to be done.”

I nod and crack my knuckles, getting ready to unleash all hell as we pass the mile marker letting us know we’re almost there.