The Therapist by B.A. Paris



First and foremost, thank you to my amazing agent Camilla Bolton. After five books together, you are so much more than my agent. I’m proud and honoured to call you my friend.

Thank you to Kate Mills at HQ and Catherine Richards at St Martin’s Press for your precious input and unwavering support. And to all my other editors abroad, more than forty of you now! Your continued faith in my books is humbling.

Huge thanks also to the following:

The teams who work with my editors to proofread, design, promote and market my books. I wish I could mention each of you by name. But you know who you are and I also hope you know how grateful I am for your hard work and enthusiasm.

My fellow authors, who kindly take time out from their busy lives to read my books. In particular, I would like to thank Louise Candlish, Jane Corry and Tim Logan for their generous quotes in relation to The Therapist.

The bloggers and readers, who give up their precious time to read and review my books.

My friends, both in France and in the UK, for always being interested in what I am writing, and for buying my books when they are eventually published.

And, of course, my thanks to the wonderful members of the Curran and MacDougall families, most of all my husband Calum and my daughters, Sophie, Chloë, Céline, Eloïse and Margaux. You hold me up.