The Witch of Black Isle by Keira Montclair

Chapter Twenty-Five

Three days later, Jennet traipsed inside the great hall, heading for her sire’s chamber. It was time to check his wound and see if finding that sharp piece of wood buried deep in his flesh had caused all of his problems. She left her mantle at the door, hoping her mother was here too.

Turning back to the hall, she stopped dead in her tracks. There, over by the hearth, sat her father playing with Lise, Liliana, and Kyler. Lily and Kyle were breaking their fast at a nearby table.

Stopping just to stare, she had to fight her tears back because the sound of her father’s laughter brought her more pleasure than anything else could have. Well, almost.

“Jennet!” Her father pushed himself to a standing position with his walking stick, and, while he was a wee bit thin, he was still tall and handsome as could be.

“Papa. You’re up!” She rushed over to him and gave him a light hug.

He held her an arm’s length away to speak. “I owe you much, Jennet. Thanks for fixing me, and apologies for my horrendous behavior. I still cannot believe I did what I did. I hope you can forgive me.”

Her mother came out of the kitchens carrying a tray of fruit tarts fresh from the oven. The aroma was heavenly, but Jennet saw something better that she hadn’t seen in a long time.

Her mother had a wide smile on her face. “Look, my wee sweetlings. I have more fruit tarts for you.”

Lise and Liliana raced over to the table where their parents sat. Kyle said, “Brenna, the twins don’t need another fruit tart. They’ve had enough.” Lise sat on one side of Kyle while Liliana sat on the other.

Liliana started, “But Papa…”

“We only had…” Lise added.

“One each. And ’tis a…”

“Special day because…”

“Grandpapa is here…”

“With us.”

Kyle held his hands over his head and said, “You know I don’t like it when you set me up like this. One on each side of me so I have to keep turning my head. Lily, why do you not stop them when they do this? And you’ve had enough sweets, both of you.”

Lily laughed, and the twins continued their assault.

“Grandmama said this…”

“Is a rare time…”

“Because the berries are…”

“So plentiful and…”

He threw his arms up in the air again and said, “Fine. Have all you want.”

The twins each kissed a cheek and said, “We love you…”

“Papa.” And they were off after their fruit tart.


Her mother said, “Jennet, I’m so glad you’re here. Look at the improvement in your sire, thanks to you. Come have some porridge and a fruit tart.”

“If the twins leave any for you, Jennet.” Kyle got up from the table and motioned to Kyler to follow him.

Jennet grabbed a tart and took two bites of the sweet confection. She was taking another sweet bite when the door opened. Gavin stood there with a wide grin on his face. “Someone here to see you, Jennet.”

He stood back from the door and Ethan entered. He was dressed in a dark tunic and trews, his Matheson plaid over it, and he carried a large bouquet of flowers.

He glanced at Gavin, who pointed toward the sitting area. “The tall man standing near the hearth.”

Ethan first nodded to Jennet and said, “Nice to see you, Jennet, and I brought these for you.” He held the flowers out to her.

With a fruit tart in one hand, she accepted the flowers but couldn’t speak because she was still stunned.

“But I came to speak with your sire.” He stepped over to stand in front of her father.

Lily came over and whispered in Jennet’s ear. “Close your mouth. ’Tis still open and not becoming. I’ll take care of the flowers for you.”

Everyone had instantly quieted, even the twins, as Ethan prepared to make his announcements. Every set of eyes were upon him, curious to hear what he had to say. The door opened and Marcas entered with Brigid, Shaw, and Tara behind them, followed by Gisela with Padraig.

No one said a word.

“My lord,” Ethan said to her father. “My name is Ethan Matheson. I have spent a great deal of time with your daughter, and I have fallen in love with her for many reasons. She has wisdom beyond her years, a quick mind, a warm heart, and I’d like your permission to court her, if I may. I vow to always protect her and act honorably at all times.”

Her father glanced over at her with a wide smile, then returned his attention to Ethan and said, “Since, according to my brother, you are the man who saved her from a trial of witchery and a pile of bricks bringing certain death, I will give you the permission you ask for and wish you both much happiness. Please join us for a brief respite.”

The hall erupted in cheers as Ethan strode to Jennet, wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her quickly on the lips.

Jennet was speechless.