Lucan “The End” by Adriana Brinne

About the Author

Adriana Brinne is a new author, who fell in love with reading from a very young age, but never felt brave enough to share her words with the world. She was born and raised in a tropical island surrounded by only beauty and water called Puerto Rico. She is a full-time IT specialist, and, on her downtime, you can find her reading new adult romances by her favorite authors, reviewing books and watching The Big Bang Theory.

She has a love for all things dark in romance and almost every trope created except cheating and the death trope. She hates them and you won’t catch her writing or reading about it. The Holy Trinity characters are screaming to have their stories told and she plans to do just that. From her, you can expect all the feels, strong girls and asshole heroes that worship the ground they walk on.





