Breach of Honor by Naomi Porter

2 Will

WOMEN TURNED IN my direction, left and right. This was my normal.

My mother had said they smelled our money; she was never wrong. It was why I wasn’t interested in relationships and love. Too much damn work was involved trying to weed out the gold diggers. That and, per my father, I only had a few years left to screw around, live my life the way I saw fit before my obligation as a St. James was called into action.

Until then, I’d remain a free man.

Most of the ladies wore white shirts, illuminating their nipples and lace bras under spinning disco balls and flashing lights. No doubt most men would eat that shit up, but not me. I mean yeah, I’d eat it up and then send them home afterward without exchanging phone numbers.

Truth be told, it would take a special woman to become a St. James.

To find one who measured up and obtained Claire St. James’s seal of approval would rank up there with winning the lottery. My mother had the highest of standards, while my father had unattainable expectations. I was destined to remain single for the rest of my life.

Why did I agree to go out tonight?

And to a nightclub no less.

Anytime my dad lectured me about smart investing, it sent me into a sinkhole with a bottle of ten-year-old scotch. But not tonight. Jason was in town and wanted to get laid.

Whenever my old college roommate visited, I always felt obligated to do as he wished. I loved the guy like a brother when I didn’t hate him, which was more often the case. So why feed his ego and let him dictate what I did? Because Jason Sayton rarely showed his face in town, and right now, I didn’t hate him. The night was still young for those feelings to change.

My dick twitched to life when an exotic brunette brushed up against me. I’d experienced such calculated moves many times before. I raked my eyes over her curvy body. Thick hips, a solid triple-D cup… and not my type at all. She’d be perfect for a quick fuck in the bathroom, no talking and no commitments. My cock twitched again when she rubbed her ass on my thigh.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” Bootylicious fluttered her eyelashes. I bet she was sorry, about as sorry as my cock was for thinking bend over. Yeah, I was a cynical bastard.

“What’s that?” I yelled over the music. This wasn’t my first rodeo, but I’d play along.

“I didn’t mean to bump into you,” she hollered back, leaning into me.

“No problem. It felt good.” I winked. What I said was the straight-up truth. A round ass bumping into my thigh put all kinds of vulgar thoughts in my head.

Her smile widened as she pressed her voluptuous body to mine. “Yeah? Tell me more.”

I was about to suggest taking a stroll to the ladies’ lounge when a petite blonde walked in wearing a red skin-tight dress and lips to match. I watched her scan the room, tugging on her earring, looking every bit out of place as a kindergartener. She approached the bar nervously, and my heart quickened. Pouty lips, gorgeous blue eyes… She was my type.

I turned back toward the exotic nymph, ready to wipe the blonde beauty out of my mind with thighs of steel wrapped around my waist, but the Latina was gone. I searched the dance floor desperate to find her, aching to pound into her against a wall—any wall.

“Where did she go?” I craned my neck to see over the tops of partygoers.

“Who?” Jason asked. A cute Asian woman was cozied up to his side, looking enthralled to be with him. Poor thing didn’t know he was a dirtbag. He might look good on the outside, wearing my designer clothes and ordering drinks at the bar on my tab, but the dude was a poser.

“The dark-haired woman. I turned away for a second and she was gone.”

“Tough break.” Jason gazed passed me, and I knew exactly where his eyes landed.

In a moment of haste or maybe panic, and with a protectiveness I’d never felt before, I bolted toward the blonde beauty. The son of a bitch wouldn’t tarnish the lady in red. Jason flipped me off from across the bar.

I returned the bird, smirking at him. The asshole didn’t know a thing about love or respect; no way would I leave this innocent in his path.

“Hi. Can I buy you a drink?” I displayed my million-dollar smile.

“You sure can!” a different blonde answered.

“What would you like?” I asked like a dumbass, as the woman of my dreams faded back behind her… friend? “What about you, beautiful?”

She stared at me; the corner of her lip curled but she didn’t answer. Seconds passed, and a swell of something lodged in my throat as we gazed into each other’s eyes.

“She’ll have a vodka cranberry, Grey Goose, if you’re as classy as you look,” the other woman answered. “I’ll have a gin and tonic. What’s your name?” The chatty friend was stealing the show, and it pissed me off. If I was going to get anywhere with the sweet cherry-red princess, I’d have to play nice with the friend, faking it until I got the approving glance between them.

“Is she mute, or you just do all the talking for her?” I disregarded her question, flashing a playful smile.

“Snarky, she likes that. I like that.” She batted her false eyelashes.

Again, not my first rodeo. I’d have to play this smart or I’d be dismissed with a wave of the mouthy one’s hand.

“Yeah? What else does she like?” I shrugged, making my intentions known as I hailed the bartender.

“Well, okay then. I’m Lily, but my friend doesn’t have a name.”

I furrowed my brow.

“She’s not interested in getting to know anyone on a personal level if you know what I mean.” She pursed her lips together, hiking an expertly manicured brow. Better believe I knew what she meant. My night just took a nose-dive into the pit of hell.

“What can I get you?”

Saved by the bartender, maybe. I placed the order, keeping my eye on Miss No Name. Her blue eyes darted around the club as if canvassing the joint for a potential hookup. It pissed me the fuck off, quite honestly, when I was mere feet away.

Everything about this woman screamed class, etiquette, and respect. I knew the type, grew up with the type, avoided the type. Hell, my mother would jump on this woman, work her charm, and I’d be engaged to her by Christmas if Mumsy deemed her worthy.

Why was she here? She didn’t fit the norm.

But damn did she fit me.

I passed Lily her drink and held out the vodka cranberry to my secret desire. “Grey Goose, just for you, doll.”

She reached for it timidly, but I didn’t release the glass. She stared, seducing me without saying a word when out of nowhere my breathing hitched. A familiar sensation vibrated against the back of my thigh. Bootylicious.

“Hey, handsome! I saw my girl across the room, had to talk to her, but I’m back! Aww, is that for me?” The bitch swiped the drink right out of my hand before me and—

“Shit, she’s gone!” I turned left, then right. My angel in red was nowhere to be found.

“Who?” the Latina asked, as if interested. It was as fake as her long-ass neon-pink nails.

“I knew you were a douche,” Lily scoffed. “You’re probably not even a good lay. Just talk, smiles, and money. What a disappointment.”

This was not going as it should. I needed to act fast before Jason took advantage of my epic fail of a pickup. No doubt he’d try to steal the girl right out from under me.

“Baby… I want you.” A hand snaked around my stomach, waking the sleeping giant in my pants. This was a bitch of a dilemma.

I could pound the JLo-wannabe, leave, and get on with my life, never thinking of this night again. Or I could follow my gut, which was never wrong and talk to the lady in red.

Talk? Shit, she’d gotten under my skin and I hadn’t even heard her voice. She could have the whiniest voice in the world for all I knew.

There was no sign of the red dress, but Jason was still at the bar with his Asian queen. Good.

Mamacita had finished her drink, both hands pawing me, and my father’s voice blared like a siren in my mind. “Goddammit, William! When are you going to take this job seriously? I didn’t raise a dumbass! Straighten up or get out of SJI. I hear the Mouse is hiring cast members.”

He had said those exact words earlier today during our working lunch. Every time he mentioned that damn theme park, it sent me off the fucking rails.

I turned around to face a sure thing. “What’s your name, honey?”


“You’re shitting me?” I couldn’t help but roar with laughter. “Let me guess, Maid in Manhattan is your favorite movie?”

“Ha! Close but not quite. I’m more of a Fifty Shades of Grey kind of girl.” She took my hand and held it firmly as she led me to a long dark hallway. I knew it well, having been down it a time or two, but I wasn’t feeling it tonight.

Along the way, I searched for her, again to no avail. She would have stood out among all the white in that hot-as-hell dress.

I followed Jennifer, not quite sure why other than I wasn’t ready for a relationship and the blonde bombshell was relationship material. I felt in my bones, as I would when the stock market shifted and my bank account grew exponentially.

I needed to screw her out of my head.

The next thing I knew, I was pushed into a corner—a first for me, as I was usually the aggressor. Full lips crashed to mine as the slimiest tongue I’d ever experienced entered my mouth. I nearly choked on the wave of saliva dripping down my throat.

“What’s your pleasure?” she asked through her nauseating kisses.

I roughly cupped her face, stopping her. “Suck my cock.” That would put her mouth to better use.

She licked her lips, pleased with my request, and dropped to her knees. My steel rod sprang toward her when she released it from my pants.

“Mmm, gladly.” That fucking tongue of hers lapped over my dick as if it were an ice-cream cone. Giddy as all get out, Jennifer purred and hummed in delight. She clearly liked to suck cock, so why not mine?

My eyes closed as she took me into her mouth. It was just as I suspected, warm and sopping wet, but that was okay. I could fuck her mouth no problem, but there was no way in hell I’d kiss her again. And if she wanted reciprocation, I’d have to disappoint her.

People were in and out of the bathrooms, not giving a shit about the oral activity in our corner. That was telling if you asked me. A scene as erotic as a woman kneeling before a man in public should have been jaw-dropping, but here in Club Rendezvous, it was business as usual.

Oh well, what did I care? I relaxed along the wall, awaiting my explosive release.