Breach of Honor by Naomi Porter

25 Miranda

GINA’S FACE LIT up as I walked into the LA Premier office. Our new secretary was the most chipper, chatty person I’d ever met. After her first week, I regretted hiring her. It wasn’t that she wasn’t a nice girl, a friendly girl, or had a poor work ethic. I was the problem.

Gina didn’t fit my work personality, which was focused and task-oriented. Chatting it up or hearing her gab on the phone gnawed on my nerves, but Lily and Tate wouldn’t give me their blessing for Paris until I hired someone to handle the phones and greet clients.

I hoped I’d get used to Gina and groom her into being a better fit for LA Premier and me.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Bradford! I have four messages for you, the mail is on your desk, Lily wants to speak to you, and flowers arrived an hour ago… from Will.” She sucked in a breath, cheeks flushing. She was totally crushing on my boyfriend.

Last week when Gina had met Will for the first time, she gaped, face red and speechless. I half expected her to go into cardiac arrest. Of course, Will was as charming as ever. We’d laughed in bed that night about the incident.

But now, when his name was mentioned, Gina blushed. Lord, the girl probably had dreams about him.

“Thank you, Gina.” I took the messages from her and continued back to my office. She truly was a sweet girl. And pretty. Long copper hair, cute freckles, and light hazel eyes. She was a senior in high school, and the world was her oyster.

I pulled the card from the spring arrangement. Thank you for saying yes to Paris. Yours, Will

“It’s sickening, you know.” Lily walked up beside me.

“What’s sickening?” I went around my desk and sat down, grinning like a fool.

“That you landed a billionaire boyfriend.”

“Jealous much?”

“Hell yeah! I want a billionaire boyfriend. I want flowers for no particular reason, and I want to go to Paris.” She plopped into the chair in front of my desk, pouting.

I steepled my hands against my lips and patiently waited for her to continue. She had a look that said: Don’t interrupt me; I’m on a roll.

“Simone thinks Will’s going to propose in Paris.”

I leaned forward, splaying my hands on the desk. Now I was the one at a loss for words.

“Yup, that’s what she predicts. Sickening, isn’t it?” Lily crossed her arms over her chest. “It’ll probably be by the Eiffel Tower with a videographer in tow to capture the romantic moment. After you say yes, fireworks will fill the air, your name written in the sky, and the whole city will celebrate your good fortune.”


She raised her hand, silencing me. “You’ll return with a massive rock on your finger that will give you arthritis, but you won’t care. I mean, who would complain about a diamond the size of a grape? You’ll turn into a crazy woman planning your wedding. It’ll be the social event of the year… the century.” She let out a melancholy sigh.

I fell back into my chair, processing everything Lily spouted off. A giddy feeling tickled my heart. “Do you really think he’ll propose?”

“Are you seriously asking me that?”

I nodded.

“Yeah, I think he will. You even said you’d know if Will was the one after three to four months. It’s been five months. Do you know if he’s the one?”

“Without a doubt.”

“Then I’m sure he’s come to the same conclusion. He’s meeting your parents this weekend, right?”

“Oh my God, this is huge! Do you think he’ll ask for my parents’ blessing? I mean, he’s kind of into traditions and etiquette.” I fanned myself, rocking in my chair. I wouldn’t put it past Will to propose, but we hadn’t even talked about marriage. Maybe he’d been talking to his mom or sister. “Did Simone say anything else?”

“No, but then she sounded sick last night on the phone. She keeps coming down with a bug. Since the spa, she’s been ill with a twenty-four-hour bug three times.”

“Huh, that is weird. Flu symptoms?”

“I think it’s food poisoning. It seems to happen when she goes out. We were supposed to meet for dinner tonight, but she canceled because she’s sick again.” The disappointment in Lily’s voice took me by surprise. Her and Simone had grown closer. I was glad she had a friend, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me a little sad too. Between work and Will, I didn’t have much time for anything or anyone else.

“I’m sorry, babe. But poor Simone. Want to come out to my place for dinner?”

“Can’t. You have a dinner meeting with a client.”

“I do?” I turned on my iPad to check my schedule. Had I forgotten?

“Yeah, you do. Check your messages.” Lily laughed. “That’s what Gina is here for, to answer calls and schedule appointments.”

“Shit, I didn’t even look at them.” I picked up the pink slips of papers Gina had handed me. Sure enough, dinner at seven, Boone/Franken. “Dammit! That means I won’t be home until after ten tonight… if I’m lucky.” I massaged my temples.

“Business is certainly picking up. How many dinners out does that make for the week?”

“Three. Will’s going to be disappointed.” Between his text earlier and the flowers, I was willing to bet he had dancing and sex on the brain. Like me. “Crap.”

“Hey, I forgot to ask. How’d your lady appointment go? Did the shot hurt?” Lily asked. Changing the subject was what I needed before I fell into a funk about the working dinner.

“It hurt a little. You know how I hate needles.” I shuddered, remembering the needle going into my butt cheek.

“I do.” Her red heart-shaped lips puckered. “I’ll leave you now so you can prepare for your business dinner.”

I smiled, watching my beautiful friend exit my office. The flowers captured my attention again. With a heavy heart, I’d call Will and hoped he wouldn’t be too upset.

The soon-to-be Mrs. Kale Boone had to be a relative of Gina’s, save for the copper hair and freckles. Joyce had a one-track mind. I tried like hell to control the topics during dinner, but she always found her way back to Will.

How did we meet? Is he romantic? Will I become Mrs. William St. James III?

And then the most outrageous of all questions…

Is it true he has secret babies scattered around the world?

Like what the hell?

That had done it, and I’d grabbed the ill-mannered bull by the horns and firmly told her: Enough! My boyfriend and personal life are off-limits.

Toward the end of the God-awful meeting, Mr. Boone had finished his fifth gin and tonic and had glassy eyes. Couldn’t say I blamed him for getting drunk. Had I not been working in a professional capacity, I’d have gotten sloshed too.

Eventually, I’d collected all the information I needed to put together a portfolio of ideas for their spring wedding in two years. I was less than thrilled about working with the woman. I had a feeling she would be a bridezilla.

I hoped Kale knew what he was signing on for with nosy Joyce.

I tiptoed into the house a little after eleven. The lights were off except for the desk lamp Will must’ve left on after he retired to the bedroom. I put my bags on the chair beside the desk, set my keys in the bowl I’d bought in Carmel, and stared at the gold monogrammed starfish keychain. I hated disappointing Will.

With a heavy sigh, I went to the bedroom.

“Hi,” I whispered, a slight grimace on my face. I felt horrible about working so late. I went to his side of the bed and sat next to him. He laid his Business Weekly magazine on his lap. I loved that he didn’t read on his iPad, preferring to turn physical pages like me.

Will cradled my face gently. “I missed you. I hope this doesn’t become a regular thing. Three nights this week is a lot.” His intense gaze spoke volumes, frustration and disappointment.

My throat constricted as waves of guilt splashed over my heart. He was right. It was a lot, especially when you added on Fridays for setting up and Saturdays, the typical day of a big event.

“I missed you, baby,” he repeated, his voice low and husky.


His mouth crashed to mine. With clear neediness in each nibble and slip of his tongue, Will kissed me firmly. A ravenous hunger seemed to possess him as he moved over my mouth, drawing on my lower lip. I tasted bourbon and smelled his cologne. Though faded at the end of the day, its spicy scent with vanilla notes and tobacco mixed with his natural musk liquified me.

I gripped the back of his head, tilting mine to deepen the kiss. I wanted to make it up to him for being late, for another working dinner and another missed evening together.

“I’m sorry. Gina scheduled the appointment while I was at the doctor’s.” I breathed against his mouth, pressing my forehead to his as I stroked his scruffy jaw.

“Okay… I’m not upset anymore.”

Anymore?” I pulled back as my stomach flip-flopped.

“Yeah, anymore.” He stroked my cheek, offering me a relaxed smile. It put me at ease—sort of. “I’m over it. I know how important your work is to you. I got a little jealous.” He shrugged. “But I’m over it. Ride the wave of success as far and long as it will take you. I’ll support you always.”

“I appreciate that, I do. But I admit, it’s been a struggle to manage everything. I’m trying, Will. I really am.” I stood and went to the closet to undress for bed.

“You’re a remarkable woman. You’ll get a handle on it.”

Though his tone was calm and supportive, I hated that I’d disappointed him. “Yeah, but you were upset. That’s not okay with me. Not okay at all.” Inside the walk-in closet, I kicked off my pumps, slipped off my blouse, bra and skirt, then pulled on one of Will’s T-shirts.

“Sweetheart, you’re doing a magnificent job. You’re fucking Wonder Woman.”

“Really?” I popped my head out, giving him an unamused look. “Don’t placate me, Will.” I grabbed for the terry robe Will had bought me for Valentine’s—bought us. We had matching white terry cloth robes hanging side by side. I tied a loose knot before exiting the closet.

“Come to bed. Let me tire you out.” He flashed me a playful smile.

“I have to wash my face and brush my teeth first.”

“Fine, but don’t have anything on underneath your robe. That’s the point. Saves time, baby.”

I rolled my eyes, waving him off.

Not long after washing up, I was on my stomach, gasping for air, sandwiched between the mattress and Will. He’d plum worn me out. The heat from his body seared my sweaty skin as his hands continued to cruise over my thighs and ass. He had the stamina of one hundred strapping men.

But I couldn’t go another round even if I wanted to. He’d fucked the last bit of energy out of me.

“I can’t breathe…” I mumbled, my face smashing into the pillow.

“Sorry, my delicious sex goddess.” Will climbed off me, collected the two used condoms off the floor, and sauntered into the bathroom to clean up.

I sucked in a large breath and rolled onto my back. The cool air in the room engulfed my hot body and made me shiver. I pulled the sheet over me, turning onto my side, and closed my eyes. My breathing steadied as I smiled, fading fast to sleep and deliriously in love with Will.

The bed dipped behind me as he crawled into bed and spooned me. “I love you, M. I can’t wait to get you alone in Paris.”

I hummed, feeling his lips on my earlobe. “Me too.”