Breach of Honor by Naomi Porter

40 Will

THE SKY GLOWED in warm shades of pink, orange, and yellow, marking the end of another day. High tide rolled in with forceful waves pushing the water onto the beach. It hypnotized me as I stared out the window in the living room. Miranda was on the sofa, working on her iPad. It was another quiet, uneventful evening together; I cherished every second of it.

Our routine was predictably comfortable for my understated tastes and hers. All I wanted was for each day with Miranda to last forever, not end in the blink of an eye.

Time wasn’t on my side. The last five days had been a mural of flowers, candlelit dinners, romantic walks on the beach at sunset, and dancing before I carried Miranda off to bed to make love to her.

Then the clock would strike twelve, ending the day I had held onto with a death grip. Not wealth or power could stop time. I had never felt so helpless.

Whether Miranda had noticed the changes in me or not, she didn’t mention it and delighted in all the romance I showered upon her. I desperately wanted to prove my love to her, so she’d never doubt my affections.

Miranda expressed her gratitude liberally through sweet whispers of thanks and when she tenderly stroked my cheek. Her radiant smile and sparkling eyes were all I need to know I’d succeed.

I’d never known anyone who wore their heart on their sleeve until Miranda. Knowing what was to come, her transparency was a gift. I’d be able to see subtle changes in her so I could head off her worry. I’d reassure her of my love every chance I got.

But would it be enough?

My heart screamed throughout the day that faking an affair would break Miranda. But what other choice did I have in this unbelievable situation? It wasn’t like I had asked to be part of the FBI’s crazy as fuck plan.

I was as much a victim in all this as Miranda.

Earlier in the day, I’d gotten a couple of texts from the last two people I’d ever wanted to hear from—Jason and Cori. Jason had arrived and wanted to celebrate his new move. An hour later, I got a text from Cori.

Cori: Sayton’s docked. Tell me when and where you’ll be. My hair will be red.

The Feds’ plan was about to be put into action.

I’d give up the St. James name, power, and money if it meant I could walk away from everything with Miranda by my side. I could live a humble life with the woman I loved and create a houseful of kids, and I’d be the happiest man on the planet.

A sudden pang hit me as the precious fantasy entered my mind. I turned to Miranda, desperate to feel her in my arms.

“Baby, dance with me.” I pushed play on the sound system’s remote. “When I See You Smile” started as I extended my hand to her.

“I’d love to.” She hopped off the sofa and clutched my hand. I tugged her close and our bodies melted into one. Her lips went on my neck and my arms wrapped around her waist protectively. “Who sings this song? You’ve played it the last few nights.”

“Bad English. Do you like it?”

“I do. I’ve never heard of them before.”

“They’re a late eighties rock band from L.A. They were the first band I saw in concert. It was Henry’s thirteenth birthday, and Uncle Peter took us. It was so freaking awesome.” I grinned, remembering the crowds going nuts in the pit. My father would have never taken me, but Uncle Peter had always been the cooler brother.

“Ah, the band burned into your soul then, huh?”

“They did, and I want you to burn the lyrics of this song into your memory, okay?”

“Anything for you. Does my smile help you face the world?” She kissed a trail along my jaw. I inhaled, swallowing the painful truth to her question. It fucking choked me up. If she only knew what she did to me. How torn up I was over keeping secrets.

I clung to her, swaying gently to the song. “It does, baby. Your smile gives me life, strength, and courage.”

She pressed her hands to my cheeks, studying me.

My heart raced, fearing she’d read right through me, that she’d want answers I couldn’t give her. Her curious eyes softened. All I could see was adoration in her blue depths.

I nearly cried.

“I love you, Will. More than anything. You know that, right?”

“I do.”

“I’m yours, and you’re mine.”

The back of my throat burned with salty tears. If the Feds didn’t take Jason down fast, I might go insane. This woman deserved truth and honesty. Love and happiness.

“Yes, M. I’m yours. I’ll only ever be yours. Never forget that, okay?”

“I won’t.” Her arms wrapped around my neck, fingers threading through the hair at the base of my head.

We held each other as the sky grew dark. At the edge of the ocean, a new day would begin as the sun woke and it couldn’t be stopped.

Tomorrow would come, and our lives would change.

Club Rendezvous made my skin crawl with shame and disgust. The hallway where “Jenny from the Block” had blown me while Miranda stared in awe snorted mockingly at my predicament as I passed. I wanted to turn around and run through the VIP door where we’d just entered.

The only good thing about this place had been Miranda in her mesmerizing red dress. Fate had brought us together that night, I was sure of it. Other than finding the girl of my dreams here, there was nothing respectable about the place.

On the other hand, Jason beamed like a neon dildo, licking his chops at the scantily clad women. I was embarrassed I’d once thought of this place as fun. Mortified was a better word.

I wasn’t the same immature and entitled man I’d been seven months ago. That night felt like a lifetime ago.

For years, my parents had urged me to take SJI seriously, but I’d laughed and mocked them like a spoiled brat. Now I would be making the ultimate sacrifice for them, hoping it might make up for all the years of neglecting my responsibilities.

“The energy in this place is rocking!” Jason yelled.

I didn’t respond, approaching the bar.

“What’ll you have?” the bartender asked.

“Two scotches, neat,” Jason said. “What’s Miranda up to tonight?”

Now was the time I had to appear annoyed. “Work, again. It’s always work.”

“How much does she work?”

“Sometimes sixty hours a week!” That was a bit of an exaggeration, but he’d never know the difference. “Here I thought having a girlfriend would be awesome.”

Jason smirked, eyeing me. “Sounds like trouble in paradise.”

The bartender placed our glasses on the bar. I handed him my credit card. “Start a tab.”

He nodded and was gone.

I raised my glass, and Jason did the same. “It’s good to see you. And even better that you’re local now.”

“Thanks. And just in the nick of time. No more lonely nights for you!” He grinned, elbowing me. I wanted to choke the asshole for fucking with my family and SJI.

“Here’s to perfect fucking timing!” I clinked my glass to his and drank down a large gulp.

A half an hour later, and we were on our third drink. Jason talked to several women but hadn’t settled on one yet. I was about to come out of my fucking skin, waiting for Cori to show up. Sweaty armpits, elevated heart rate, stomach in knots, I hated everything about tonight.

Flirting looks were coming from all directions. If Cori didn’t show up soon, I might be forced to talk to one of the women.

“Hey, hottie at the end of the bar.” Jason kicked my shoe. I clenched my jaw, fisting my hand ready to knock his teeth out.

I let my gaze travel to “the hottie” just to appease him—scarlet-red hair. I narrowed my eyes to focus better; to my relief, it was Cori. How ironic Jason would notice her first. “What about her?” I played it off like I wasn’t interested. It would challenge Jason to convince me otherwise.

“Seriously, you were just complaining about Miranda working so damn much. Now you’re going to blow off a redheaded siren? She’s definitely interested.”

“She’s not my type.” I knew my stubbornness would get him excited, but why wasn’t he attempting to beat me to the punch? Since college, Jason had tried to get the girl before me. What was up with him?

“Even better! She’d be good for a little fun on the side. And if you marry Miranda, the perfect trophy wife, you’d have the best of both worlds.”

I knew it. He’d be all for me cheating on Miranda. What an asshole.

“You want me to cheat on her?”

“She’d never know, working every weekend. Besides, lots of billionaires have a mistress on the side.” While that may be true, not every wealthy man was a douchebag. Typical, ignorant Jason was stereotyping. “Just go talk to her.” He kicked my foot, and I about hauled off and punched him, but I didn’t. I needed to keep my cool.

“Fine. I’ll talk to her.”

I strolled over to Cori, pulling out my old swagger. Anything to get away from Jason. I slid up beside her hailing the bartender. “Hey there. Can I buy you a drink?”

“I’m on duty so something fruity… girly.”

“What can I get you?” a different bartender asked. I ordered Cori a strawberry Daiquiri, which she nodded her approval at.

Jason flicked his gaze at me regularly while he cozied up to a blonde. Each time he not-so-tactfully looked our way, Cori would throw her head back and pretend to laugh. The joke was on him, quite literally.

I relaxed some as we talked about frivolous shit: Marvel movies, weightlifting, and all the horny-ass people grinding on the dance floor. We kept it basic—impersonal. Time passed quickly, and I found my groove looking like I was flirting but not.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, startling me. “Shit.” I pulled it out. “It’s a text from Miranda.” I scanned it.

Miranda: Hey, where are you? We finished setting up early. I’m home.

“Dammit, she’s home.”

“You didn’t tell her you were going out?”

“No. Thought I’d beat her home.”

“Well, it might work to our advantage. Respond with… Bummer. Out with Jason.”

“That’s it? She needs more than that.”

“No. The affair will be more convincing if we start small. Think of it as breadcrumbs.”

I rolled my eyes, typing out the message precisely as Cori said. Miranda’s reply came seconds later.

Miranda: Oh. When will you be home?

“She wants to know when I’ll be home.”

“Tell her… Later. Don’t wait up.”

“Fuck no!”

Cori looked behind me, and I felt Jason approach.

I turned to face him. His arm was around the blonde. “I’m taking off.”

“Oh… okay.”

“I’m Jason,” he said to Cori.

“Cori.” She grinned, acting shy.

“I’ll talk to you later.” Jason elbowed me.

“Yeah.” I nodded, happy as hell to get rid of him, and replied to Miranda’s text.

Will: Soon.

“Lucky you,” Cori said, a trace of disappointment in her voice. “I didn’t even get to talk to him.”

“Next time, I guess.”

“Let me make this legit.” She grabbed a cocktail napkin and scribbled her name and phone number on it, then handed it to me. “It’s for my burner phone. Let’s try to do a double date with him, maybe with the blonde. She looked nice.”

“Sure.” I slipped the napkin into my jeans pocket.

“Perk up. Now you can go home to Miranda at a decent hour. Just prepare yourself for when you stay out later than normal and she’s upset.”

“Yeah, I’m not looking forward to that.”

“That’s why you have to prepare yourself. Let’s get out of here. The flashing lights are bothering my eyes.”
