The Billionaire and the Runaway Bride by Nadia Lee

Chapter Twenty-Two


“Melvin’s excited to talk with you on Friday,” Tim says, leaning back in his seat. There’s more silver than gold in his slicked-back hair, but he doesn’t bother to dye it. He says women like mature men, and he’s always hated how young he could appear. He looks like your typical successful agent—the laid-back “I have it made” attitude. “Ryder Reed’s interested in the role, but Melvin told me he’s looking for a fresh face. Which would be you.”

That makes me excited and even more determined to impress the hell out of the director. Ryder Reed has never starred in an action or spy flick that didn’t do well. This could be the perfect next step in my career.

“And hey, sorry about the situation with Nancy,” Tim adds. “Don’t know what she could have been thinking.”

I wave it away. “No problem. Turns out my temp assistant knows how to waltz, so she’s been teaching me.”

“Yeah? You sure she’s good?”

“She’s not a professional, but she studied classical music and all that. So she’s getting me up to speed.” And I’m going to dance with her again tomorrow. And the day after…and on Friday, too. Just to be certain I can waltz correctly, in case Melvin asks.

“Well, that’s good.” Tim tilts his glass back, drains it and then swirls the ice around. “Fuckin’ Nancy.”

We finish our dessert and leave the restaurant. I give my ticket to a valet outside and text Yuna to let her know I’m done. The second I hit send, every cell in my body suddenly goes on alert. I lift my head and see her walking toward me.

“Have a good lunch?” she asks.

“Yeah, very productive. Have you met Tim?”

Tim looks at her with both eyebrows raised. “Hello, I’m Declan’s agent. And you are…?”

“Hi. I’m Yuna, his assistant.” She extends a hand.

This is your assistant?” Tim’s eyes grow wide, but he manages not to actually slobber.

“I am. But it’s temporary.” She smiles.

“When you get done, you should give me a call. Ever take any acting classes?”

Okay, so she’s gorgeous, but does Tim have to be so shameless? She’s mine for the next eight weeks, hello!

“I’m probably too old for it, and I can’t,” she says.

“Not too old,” I mutter, annoyed she feels that way about herself. She could be sixty and still be more vibrant than most twenty-somethings.

Tim looks stunned. Not over the “too old” thing but her saying no. He’s probably never run across a woman who didn’t want to get into the movies. “You sure?”


“Huh. Well, that’s too bad. If you change your mind, just get in touch through this guy.” His phone buzzes, and he checks it, his eyebrows pinching together briefly. He turns back to Yuna. “But you should come to the meeting.”

“With Melvin?” I ask.

“Yeah. Absolutely.”

“Why?” Is Tim trying to get Yuna a role with Melvin regardless of how she feels? Tim’s just arrogant enough to think that everybody in the world wants what he has to offer.

“Serena’s not coming on Friday. Her mom had an episode, and got checked into a ‘meditation camp,’ if you know what I mean.” Tim shakes his head. Everyone in Hollywood knows about Serena’s mom’s addiction. “So you’re going to need a dance partner in case Melvin wants you to do the waltz scene, because I’m not letting you twirl me around.”

“Thanks for the support.” Tim might talk like this, but when he has to, he does whatever he can for his clients. He’d put on a pink tutu if he thought it’d help me land a role.

Yuna nods. “That’s fine. It’ll be fun!”

“Thanks, Yuna.” I can’t help smiling at her enthusiasm.

If Tim tries to pressure her, I’ll step in. It’s bad enough that her family is trying to force her to marry somebody. She shouldn’t have to fend off my agent as well.

The valet brings out my car, with Tim’s Maserati next. I slip the guy a twenty and climb behind the wheel.

Once we’re on our way, Yuna sips her coffee, looks like she’s about to burst out laughing, then sips her coffee again. Finally she lets out a giggle.

“What’s so funny?”

“I think all the coffee’s making it hard for me to control myself. Caffeine makes me ridiculously happy and giggly. Sorry.”

“You don’t sound sorry. How many did you have?”

“Just two, but back to back. I shouldn’t be loading up like this.”

“Okay, but what’s so funny?”

“Remember the woman who talked to us after lunch yesterday? Jessica?”

“Oh shit.” The words slip out before I can stop them.

“She insisted on talking to me. She claimed she wasn’t stalking me, but who knows? I didn’t want her making a scene, so we went to Starbucks, which is where I got my second latte.”

“Oh, no.” Fucking Jessica. She has no shame and no brain, but makes up for it by being extra obsessive. I can just picture the unpleasant conversation that must’ve ensued and make a mental note to give Yuna some kind of hazard bonus. “I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be. It was highly entertaining. Apparently, you’re only worth two hundred bucks. And all this time, I’ve felt like a second-rate loser because I was only worth two hundred million won.”

“You’re going to have to explain.” For one thing, my net worth is well over a billion because of a few lucky crypto investments I made. I cashed out when they shot up like a rocket. After that, I diversified into other things, which helped push my portfolio higher into the billions. “And what’s two hundred million Korean won in American dollars?”

“A little under two hundred thousand.”

What the fuck? It’s ridiculous that anybody could think I’m worth only a couple of Benjamins, but even more ridiculous to think Yuna’s worth only about two hundred K. The woman’s fingers alone are worth a million each.

“Okay, what did Jessica do?” I ask.

“She told me to leave you.”

I resist an urge to bury my forehead in my hand. Jessica’s a drama queen, but this is going too far. I should consult Aiden about legal options. There should be something for this level of crazy.

“So I told her I wouldn’t do it for free and to make me an offer,” Yuna says, warming to her story. “Her offer was two hundred dollars.” She laughs. “Can you imagine?”

Honestly? No.“It’s hard to imagine Jessica having any money at all.” She spends every penny the second it lands in her account. I’m glad Yuna finds it funny, because for me it’s just exasperating. Jessica should’ve accepted that we were over when I told her. I made it extra clear by not attending her birthday party or sending a present for the occasion. Hell, I didn’t even text her. Her obstinance is irritating, and harassing Yuna two days in a row is completely beyond the pale.

“Anyway, don’t worry about it,” Yuna says. “She’s no match for me.”

Her confidence uplifts my mood. I expected a bit of helplessness on Yuna’s part…maybe even annoyance, based on past experience. This attitude is fresh and just too damn sexy. It’s all I can do to not press a kiss on her hand, then her smart, smiling mouth.

“Oh,” Yuna says, “and if you run into her again, ask her if she needs a recommendation for a lawyer specializing in medical malpractice.”

“Medical malpractice?”

“Uh-huh. You’ll appreciate her reaction.”