The Billionaire and the Runaway Bride by Nadia Lee

Chapter Thirty-Six


Light slowly invades, coming through my closed eyelids. Evolution has greatly failed humankind. If we were correctly adapted, no light would come through. Ever.

But I should probably get up. And shower. And get dressed. And have some coffee. Maybe even eat a little. So I can feel human again and go spoil Sebastian and Katherine later.

But right now, I can’t do any of that. Anything beyond lying down seems like too much effort.

Every muscle in my body is sore. It’s good sore, but I still don’t want to move. Besides, it’s Saturday. I’m entitled to lounge around.

I sense the mattress dip. My sluggish brain tries to figure out why for a moment, and I realize I’m in a bed that smells like… Well. Declan.

Declan. I should smile and tell him thanks for an amazing night, but it’s too much effort to open my eyes.

Besides, I need to try to think about what to say. It’s really hard with little sleep and no caffeine. Is it going to be weird if I ask him to leave me alone and come back in two hours, like when the time’s more reasonable? I’m okay with nine or ten. Actually, ten thirty.

“Wake up, sleepyhead.”

Oh my God, his voice is so cheery. How can he be this perky in the morning? Isn’t it against some unwritten law of the universe or something?

And how can he not be sore and tired after last night? It’s sooooo unfair.

But my mother taught me well, so I mumble something against the pillow that could be interpreted as a greeting if you want to be loose about it.

“It’s already afternoon. It’s one.”

“Am I supposed to care?” I turn my face just a little so I can enunciate.

“Don’t you want to eat?”

“Not if I have to move. I’m tired. And sore. Somebody kept me up late. Really late.”

“I don’t know if that’s such a great excuse. I did most of the work.”

“No. Being on the bottom is much harder.”

“Says who?”

“Me.” I yawn. “I thought a peerless man was something you only found in K-romance.”

“A what man?”

“Peerless. As in, your crotch energy is peerless. It’s a trope that’s in every Korean romance novel.” I’ve never read a book where the hero did it only once when he could do it all night long. And all day. And he is always, always huge. Like, scary huge. Declan is sizeable, too. It would’ve hurt if I hadn’t been so wet last night.

Declan laughs. “Well. I’m peerless in many aspects, not just with my crotch energy, whatever that means.”

“It means you can do it, you know…a lot.” And I used to wonder what it would be like to be with a guy who could keep going all night long. Not anymore. “It’s not good for one’s health, for your information.”

“It isn’t?” He sounds too amused for his own good. If my whole body weren’t sore, I might pinch him. Just a little.

“No. Sleep deprivation. Bad. Women don’t like that sort of thing.” I shift, pulling the sheet over my head. Just five more minutes…

“If you get up, I’ll make you breakfast. Or lunch. Whatever you prefer. Plus coffee. Yum. Fresh coffee. Delicious, smells like heaven…?”

Well. If he puts it that way, coffee does sound great. “I’ll get up if you bring me coffee.” That’s a pretty good counteroffer.

He laughs. “Oh, come on. Don’t you want to go say hello to the babies?”

“Later. When I’m more rested and put together. I’m going to horrify them if I show up like this.”

Declan laughs again. I don’t know what’s so amusing. Maybe he’s just in a good mood because he got laid.

But was last night just some “lay”? I try to think about that for a second, but I can’t come up with an answer. It isn’t something my brain can figure out alone.

“By the way,” I say, my face still half-buried in pillows.


I shift a little so I can squint up at him. “Just to be clear about last night. Was it a one-night stand or…?” I hesitate a little. I don’t want to sound like I’m begging for a relationship.

“Or…?” Declan prompts me when I’m quiet for too long.

“The first of many one-night stands.” I smile and shrug. There. Sounds light enough. No pressure.

“I think the right word is relationship. The exclusive kind.”

“Oh…” I sense my smile grow wider.

“Once you have that coffee, you’ll agree I’m right about this.”

“I don’t need coffee to agree.” Feeling upbeat and content, I stretch and yawn. “I’ll take your word for it.”

He runs the back of one finger along the bridge of my nose. “Good.”

A phone rings. He glances at the nightstand.

“Is that Tim?” I ask, only mildly curious. He might be calling about rescheduling the meeting they didn’t get to have yesterday.

“No. That’s your phone.”

“I thought I left it downstairs.”

“You did. I brought it up because it went off twice.”

Is it my friends wanting to hang out? Or go shopping for baby things? I can’t spend much, but I can certainly offer opinions. “Who is it?”

“Dunno. It’s displaying in Korean. I think.”

“How many characters?” I ask, my eyes still closed.


I frown. It’s not Eugene. Dad has no reason to call me. But… I stick my hand out. “Gimme that. Please.”

He places it on my hand. I squint at the screen.


My eyes pop open as my heart plunges into my suddenly chilled gut. There’s also a text.

–Mom: Where are you? Tony said you were in the city, but I can’t find you in your usual spots. And why aren’t you answering my calls?

Holy shit.I jump out of bed, wincing as my muscles protest. Ow, ow, ow! But I have no time to indulge them.

Gah! I should’ve known Mom would come to L.A.! Just as I consider Ivy my soul sister, my mother considers Ivy her daughter. Mom probably got on a flight the second Tony told her about the twins!

I look for my clothes. Where did Declan throw my underwear? And my dress? I thought he tossed them together… Argh!

Another text arrives.

–Mom: Tony says you should be at home. His and Ivy’s home, that is. But you aren’t there, either. Ms. Lim told me so.

Ah, shit. Ms. Lim is Mom’s assistant. And there’s no way I’m going to fudge my way out of this, because Ms. Lim is more thorough than government auditors combing through your tax returns for the penny you forgot to report.

“Are you okay?” Declan is staring.

“Yes. I think. I don’t know. It’s my mom.”

“Oh. Is that…good?”

“We’ll see.” I give him a smile, which doesn’t seem to reassure him. “I gotta talk to her before she puts together a team to look for me.”

I call Mom. Breathe, Yuna. Breathe! Say nothing; don’t confirm or deny anything. Act normal. The second she answers, I put all the brightness I can muster into my voice. “Mom!”

“Yuna! Where are you? I thought you would be at the hospital with Ivy. It’s bad form not to keep her company at a time like this. She’s your sister.”

My esteem for Ms. Lim drops a notch, since she obviously didn’t realize I was there half the day yesterday. And now I have to explain everything and hope Mom doesn’t notice that I’m not where I’m supposed to be.

“I was there after Ivy’s water broke and stayed until the twins were born. So the new parents and twins can have some quality time and relax and recover.” I look for my shoes… Ah-ha! Under the bed. I go on my knees, having to stretch and reach way under for one, and drag them out.

Declan has a grin on his face, and it takes me a moment before I realize that I must have just given him a heck of a show. Men.

“Yes, but you should be here again!” Mom says. “What if Ivy needs you?”

“She would’ve called me…?” Mom’s acting like Ivy can’t even breathe without me there to help. “Or Tony would have.”

Declan offers me my bra. I mouth, Thank you. It’s a little hard to hold the phone and put it on, so he kneels behind me on the bed and holds it as I slip each arm through, transferring the phone from one hand to the other as I do so. He fits the bra under my boobs, cops an extended feel, then hooks it for me. I can’t decide whether he’s really being helpful or just taking advantage of the situation.

He gets up and leaves the room, grinning as he goes. Men.

“But by the time you got here, it would be too late,” Mom is saying.

“She has Tony with her. And he isn’t like Eugene.”

When little Minho was born, my brother showed up just long enough to look at the baby, then returned to work because he had a meeting. He left Mr. Kwon behind to take care of any “issues,” but it wasn’t the same. Mr. Kwon isn’t even one of Eugene’s top three assistants.

“Mmm. Well, you shouldn’t be so hard on your brother.” Mom’s tone is oddly subdued.

What’s going on? She’s usually much more vigorous and upbeat in her defense of him. But right now, something’s off. She sounds almost…mournful. But what does she have to be mournful about? Eugene’s fine. Too fine for an unfeeling lizard person, if you ask me.

“Did something happen?” I ask. I pick up my dress from under a chair. Where are my panties? But beggars can’t be choosers. Gotta douse the urgent fires first. I start worming my way into the dress.

Declan comes back with a mug of coffee. I give him a hug because he deserves it for being the best guy ever and bringing me much-needed caffeine.

“Of course not,” Mom replies.

I sip my coffee. Declan zips my dress up and places a soft kiss on the back of my neck. I shoot him a warm smile.

She continues, “The group’s as strong as usual. I just wish you would give him a break.”

“I always give him a break.” Which is why I haven’t napalmed him. Or hired ninjas to stick ninja stars up his ass. “Anyway, Mom, where are you?” I ask because I need to know where she is before I can decide what to do next. “At Ivy and Tony’s place?” And where are my panties?

“Certainly not.” Mom sounds like I just asked her if she uses low-end cosmetics. “You know I prefer more privacy, and why would I impose on new parents like that?”

That’s true. And she finds staying at people’s homes inconvenient. “So where are you staying?”

“At the Aylster Hotel. Ms. Lim managed to rent out an entire floor, including four suites. If you’re staying with Ivy, you should move out. A married couple wants more private time with each other, especially when they have a new baby.”

“Okay,” I say. “But—”

“But nothing. Come to the hotel. I’m dying to see you again.”

“I’m dying to see you, too.”

It’s true. I miss my mom, although part of me is worried about what she’s going to say. Not just about my current situation with the job and no money and stuff. I expect her to know what’s been going on with me. After all, she and Dad are the ones behind Eugene’s draconian measures.

But she doesn’t know about Declan. Or that I have no intention of going back to Korea for the wedding Ms. Hong has arranged, at a venue I haven’t even seen, to marry one of the dossiers.

As a matter of fact, if my choice is between the ridiculous wedding or staying in L.A. and working as an assistant, I’ll opt for staying in L.A.

But it isn’t the kind of conversation I can have on the phone with Declan around.

“How about we get together in an hour or two?” I say, since I need to get over to Ivy’s home and get ready.

“That works out perfectly,” Mom says. “I’ll send a car to Ivy’s place. The traffic here is awful, but it shouldn’t take more than an hour or so.”

Declan catches my eye and slowly draws my lost panties out of his pocket. I hold out my hand for them, but he shakes his head and pulls them back out of reach. Then gives me a wicked, mischievous smile that could illuminate a galaxy.

“Make it two hours,” I say to my mother, then hang up.