The Billionaire and the Runaway Bride by Nadia Lee

Chapter Fifty-Eight


Two weeks later, I’m at LAX to join Yuna on her trip home to Seoul. I want to meet her parents and ask for their blessing. The ring is in my carry-on, and I plan to propose to her in her home country.

All of her friends come to the airport to say goodbye. Well, they’re my friends too, now. It’s amazing how quickly they welcomed me into their circle. But I’m the one Yuna chose, and that means I’m golden.

“We’ll be back soon,” Yuna says to them.

“Still, I’m going to miss you anyway,” Ivy says.

Tony nods at me. “Good luck.”

“You’ll need it,” Edgar says sardonically.

They know I’ll be facing Yuna’s parents. I’m praying her family doesn’t start throwing envelopes in my face.

We wave until we have to get through the security screening. Mr. Choi and Ms. Kim take Yuna’s carry-on bag. I keep mine.

Once we’re through security, Ms. Kim gestures to our left. “This way.”

“Where are we going?” I ask.

“To the lounge,” Yuna says. “I always get a cocktail before my flight.”

“Why? Do you get nervous when you fly?”

“Nope. The lounge has free drinks.”

I laugh. “Okay.” Then I spot a few duty-free shops. “I want to see what they have. Meet you at the lounge.” I don’t want Yuna overhearing my conversation with Benedict, who whined endlessly about needing more time to accomplish a simple task I gave him.

She glances at the liquor display. “You don’t have to bother. Dad has a huge collection.”

“Yeah, but it feels like the right thing to do.”

Yuna sighs. “Fine, but don’t worry too much about it. If it makes you feel better, I already got gifts for everyone.”

Once she’s off to the lounge with Mr. Choi and Ms. Kim, I call Benedict. He’s been back a few weeks now, his script still unfinished. Apparently the final act never came to him. He wanted more time off, but I told him no because I have a project for him to work on.

Mainly, how to put my best foot forward with Yuna’s father. I never bothered to meet any of my exes’ parents. And Yuna’s mom already made it clear she considers me beneath her daughter in every way.

“Yes, Declan,” Benedict says with a long-suffering sigh.

Zero. Pity. I gave him plenty of time. “What did you find about Yuna’s dad?”

“Mr. Hae likes to go golfing once a month when the weather’s nice, but as far as I know, he doesn’t like new golf clubs. He only likes what he already has. Says he’s more comfortable that way.”

“Okay, no golf clubs. Got it. What else?”

“He likes fine dining.”

“I don’t think a gift certificate to a restaurant is going to work. Too impersonal.”

“He also smokes.”

“Cigarettes or cigars?”


“That’s not a hobby. Besides, smoking’s bad for your health.” And cigarettes don’t make great gifts.

“Which is why he’s been trying to quit. His wife wants him to.”

“Anything else?”

“He likes working. He loves his family. It’s widely known he overindulges his daughter.”

And I’m about to take her from him. He’s going to swing a golf club at me.

“Oh my God! Declan!

Oh no.I grit my teeth, but it doesn’t help. Jessica doesn’t care what others are doing. What’s important is what she wants, right now.

“Hold on a minute,” I say to Benedict, then turn to her. How the hell should I get rid of her? I fake a friendly smile.

It seems to encourage her. “I knew you weren’t going to be with that skank for long.”

Excuse me? Did she just call Yuna “that skank”?

“You’re just too smart for her,” Jessica adds. “Where are you going? I’m going to the Maldives. It’s gorgeous out there. Wanna join me? I’m sure we can get you a seat on the plane.”

The Maldives? I’d rather stab myself in the face than spend time trapped with Jessica on a tiny island. But why should I ruin my good looks? “I can’t join you in the Maldives, but I have been trying to get in touch with you.”

“You have?” She squeals and stares up at me, her eyes wide and eager.

“Yes. I wanted to let you know Aiden Hill has started handling medical malpractice cases.”

Her smile loses some of its brightness.

“I told him,” I continue, “that you’d be a perfect first client.”

Her hands fly toward her face and cover her nose.

“You want his number?”

No!” She spins around and starts running.

I start to laugh as she totters away on her heels. “What’s so funny?” asks Benedict.

“Nothing.” He won’t get the joke. But I’m going to tell Yuna. “Anyway, dig more into Yuna’s dad’s preferences and text me.”