The Billionaire and the Runaway Bride by Nadia Lee

Chapter Nine


I stand at the door to the suite, slightly nervous, but mostly excited.

I got up extra early, since I couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t because of jet lag. Flying first class generally prevents that, because I nap enough to make sure I won’t suffer too badly. It’s that ridiculously attractive stranger at the airport’s fault. Every so often he invades my head, like some unwelcome but overly hot barbarian warrior. Then he shoots me a smile with enough wattage to melt my control and wet my lady parts.

Which is crazy, because he didn’t smile at me like that. It’s like my brain is making stuff up to drive me nuts.

At least I didn’t dream about him with his glow-in-the-dark bulge. That’s a curse reserved for Eugene’s eyes only.

Thankfully, I can’t give in to a random impulse to call Mr. Hot Underwear Model because I threw out his card. It’s like my gut knew that card was going to be trouble.

But what fun, delicious trouble he would’ve been!

Nope, nope, nope. Not going to think about that. I am not going to regret tossing the card.

I did my best not to dwell on a man whose name I don’t know and whose number I’ll never recover. Then I spent over an hour fussing with my appearance until I was satisfied. My hair’s pulled back into a sleek French twist, and my makeup is mostly coral, with a hint of brown to bring out warmth and feminine sweetness in a professional way.

The outfit was the hardest to choose. I don’t have a suit. I’ve never had a reason to wear one, so I never wasted money on anything like that. I settled on a pale cream lacy Monique Lhuillier structured dress that ends an inch and a half above my knees and has long see-through sleeves. With a pair of super-cute nude Dior stilettos and an oversized Chanel bag, I look professional enough, even though Eugene’s scoffing remark plays in my head.

Your bag costs more than what Ms. Hong makes in a month.

Whatever. Stop thinking about Eugene and focus on the interview. Kim told me—after her friend’s approval—that the boss is a model and actor. He’s also into real estate, liquor, collecting art and cryptocurrencies. A big portion of his fortune came from early investments in cryptocurrencies, rather than just modeling and acting. She said knowing something about his interests might help me score points.

Real estate is all about location, location and location. And tax advantages, according to my dad.

As for liquor, I know what’s good when I taste it.

Art collections can be about art, or investment, money laundering or some other illicit stuff. I heard how a rival chaebol’s heiress got into trouble over that, although she got away with a minor slap on the wrist. I doubt this model/actor is into the bad stuff, because if he were, Kim wouldn’t have sent my résumé to him.

Cryptocurrencies… They’re not something I’m familiar with, but nobody’s perfect.

Besides, this is my first interview. It’s entirely possible that I might not get a job at all. And that’s okay, I tell myself. Just consider it a practice session.

Although…if I do get a job today, I’ll have some champagne to celebrate. And rub it in Eugene’s face.

I smile at the man who opens the door to my potential boss’s suite. He’s got brown hair and brown eyes, and a slightly lanky frame that’s wrapped in a pale green shirt. The overall effect is of a tree in spring. He smiles back, all friendly and slickly professional. “You must be Yuna. I’m Benedict Brown.”

The perfect last name to match his hair and eye color.

“Come on in. Declan’s waiting for you,” he says, gesturing at me.

I walk inside the huge suite, barely noticing the luxurious furnishings. I’ve been to the Aylster a few times before.

My gaze falls on the man sprawled on a couch, and my smile freezes in place.

It’s the man from the airport. The underwear model.

I blink, wondering if I’m simply hallucinating because I’ve been thinking about him. But nope. It’s really him.

His eyes run over me in close scrutiny. There’s an X-ray intensity in his gaze that makes me feel like I’m not wearing anything.

My toes curl with something between anticipation and apprehension. This interview is definitely going to veer off into uncharted territory.