Her Wolf’s Demands by Rachel Medhurst

Chapter Three


“Wake up!”

The bang on my door jolted me awake. The soft mattress enveloped me, my body sinking further into it. My eyes fluttered closed again, resisting the person who had interrupted my slumber.


The voice was feminine, demanding. If I didn’t listen, she would no doubt come in.

Pushing up into a sit, I rubbed my eyes before checking the clock on the bedside table. Wow, I’d slept for almost twenty hours. In a spare bedroom in Malone’s cabin. Alone.

“Yes?” I croaked, clearing my throat. “What is it?”

“Time to come and get some food.” Emiliah’s voice was kind, inviting.

If only the rest of the pack would be so nice, maybe I’d consider forming a life here.

Scoffing gently, I clambered out of bed and padded over to the door. Who was I kidding? Not only would the wolves hate me, I’d have to leave Drake behind. That would never happen.

Fluffing my bed hair, I opened the door. “I’m not so sure…”

My words dried on my lips as the scent of barbequed meat blasted in my face. Acoustic guitars strummed, the melody calling me outside. The bedroom certainly had good soundproofing. It sounded like a party was in full swing. And I was invited?

“We’re celebrating Lionel’s recovery and the prospect of building the pack again,” Emiliah said, her tight black ringlets bouncing as she bobbed her head to the music. “Think everyone is actually excited that you’re here to help us.”

“They are?” I asked, despite myself.

My stomach rumbled loudly, distracting Emiliah from my embarrassingly desperate question. She shook her head and gestured into the bedroom. “Get ready. If werewolves know how to do anything, it’s party and food.”

The idea of letting my hair down was more appealing than I wanted to admit. However, there was something on my mind.

“Is Malone outside already?”

Frowning, Emiliah shook her head. “No, he’s gone to his workshop. He didn’t tell you?”

My gaze ducked to the floor as my cheeks heated, no doubt turning bright beetroot. What could I say? Oh, we’re not really talking. In fact, I told him I didn’t want to be with him. Yes, he’s sexy as shit with a brooding nature to attract my daddy issues, but I can’t stay in a pack with werewolves who despise me, or abandon my brother, who is still a witch.

Fuck. My life was fucked.

“Come on.” Emiliah’s tone was kind, her smile reassuring, “Let’s go and get a drink.”

A drink! Yes, I could do with a few of those to ease the tension that was knotting my muscles.

Turning to the bedroom, I paused when my stomach twisted in another hunger pang. Sod the shower, magic would do. I needed food, pronto.

Waving a hand over myself, I created a cute outfit made up of skinny jeans with white roses embroidered on them and a plunging red tank top that hugged my breasts before flowing from the ribs.

“No wonder Malone wants you to help us with your magic,” Emiliah said, her eyes wide as I fixed my hair into fresh waves.

A small part of me enjoyed her admiration. I had been outraged at Malone, but really, I should’ve been flattered. Someone as strong as Malone wanted, no needed, little old me to help a whole wolf pack.

The realisation made me hover on the threshold of the bedroom as Emiliah turned, gesturing for me to follow. A tiny prick of pride broke through the annoyance. Maybe I should be proud that Malone was happy to allow me to use my power to stand beside him.

As I followed Emiliah out of the cabin, I chuckled to myself. Stand beside him? Who was I kidding? I would be his to control, like the other wolves.

“Tell me,” I called to Emiliah, who slowed her pace to walk next to me. “Why do you all bow down to one man or woman? Wait, has there ever been a female alpha?”

The music grew louder as we neared the fire. It raged, the flames tall, reaching for the dark sky. A white marquee had been erected nearby and picnic benches pulled together to create a dining area.

Different smells combined, sending my system into overdrive. BBQ burgers, sausages, hot chocolate and chilli mixed with charcoal, burning wood and earth. There wasn’t one hint of perfume or aftershave.

“There was a female alpha, Malone’s grandmother, in fact. The pack thrived under her. She was forward thinking and believed in being inclusive.”

“So that’s where Malone gets it from.”

A grin spread into Emiliah’s cheeks, her teeth perfectly white against her dark skin. “Exactly. He adored his grandmother, admired her.”

“Why did his father return to the patriarchal rule?” My gaze was drawn to the table in the marquee.

Food was piled on plates, almost overflowing. Wine bottles, beers, and jugs of Pimms were stacked on another table, calling my name.

The pack slowly became aware of my presence, their eyes flicking to me. Although they carried on with their celebration, they kept looking, the pull to check out the outsider too tempting.

“Malone’s father, Tom, was a sweet boy, apparently. His own father had a chip on his shoulder. You know, husband to a female alpha. He couldn’t handle being second in command. His toxic masculinity spilled onto Tom, literally. He’d throw his beer over his son before forcing him to clean up. As soon as the boy was in fresh clothes, he’d do it again.”

“Jeez, what a sicko,” I spat, my attention engrossed in the story, despite my stomach’s protest.

The generational dysfunction had come down the line, spreading to Malone, who was still a tortured soul. I got it, I really did.

My heart filled with sympathy for my alpha. “So Tom grew a thick skin and emulated his father instead of his mother?”

Inclining her head, Emiliah smiled gently. “Yes, exactly that. Malone is torn between his grandmother’s values and his father’s legacy. He’s found it hard to know who he is as a leader. I wonder if you could help him with that.”

“Me?” I squeaked. “I barely know who I am, let alone helping misery guts.”

Her snort of laughter made me smile. She probably wasn’t used to anyone calling Malone names or talking him down. Well, I wasn’t just anyone. I was the witch he’d turned. His mate. And I wouldn’t let his moods drown me.

“We’re a family,” Emiliah said, turning serious. “We look out for one another, always. An alpha leads the pack in order to keep the hierarchy healthy. It might seem like an ancient outdated way of life, but trust me, it brings more stability than todays society.”

A burst of longing dragged in my chest, alerting me to my secret desire. Drake and I had always been outsiders, shoved to the hypothetical line at the back of the coven, left in the dark. My father had abandoned us, not wanting to take responsibility, even though we lived with him.

I was a mother to Drake, taking care of his every need, trying to make him feel like he belonged.

That was the secret, the magic of the pack. “It’s like you belong somewhere.” The words were whispered, barely audible above the music.

Emiliah’s expression softened as she nodded, glancing around at her family. They might not all be from the same bloodline, but they were a close-knit community who clearly cared about one another.

“Go and get some food,” she advised when my stomach roared at her.

With a small wave, she left, joining Lionel and Manual, who had been watching us the whole time. Something she said made them avert their gazes, looking away from me for the first time since I’d been out of the cabin.

Straightening my spine, I went into the marquee and loaded up a plate, filling it with salads and a burger. I took two beers, managing to balance them both with my free hand.

“I’m not surprised you’re hungry,” Evie, the girl from the night before said, taking one of the beers from me.

Indicating that I should follow her, she led me to a bench outside. Goosebumps spread on my arms as she patted the table in front of her, waving me to sit. I had been expecting to eat alone, alienated from the pack. Her kindness gave me a reason to finally smile.

“Thanks for rescuing me. Twice!”

Her grin was infectious as several other wolves came to sit with us, joking with their friend as she told them a story about her first shift.

I gobbled the food as I listened, engrossed in the cosiness of their friendship. Not one person mentioned that she was transgender or that I was a witch. The inclusiveness of the younger generation sent a shiver through me. Would they accept Drake in the same way?

The guitar music slowed at the same time as the hair stood up on the back of my neck. Swallowing down the last gulp of my beer, I turned to look at the fire.

My insides quivered when my gaze met Malone’s over a guitar. He strummed it slowly, his jaw tight as the melody filtered to me, melting the anger that had simmered inside. Fuck, how could I not tear the man’s clothes off and jump him now? An alpha, a musician… What next? A fucking billionaire?

The people around me chattered away, unaware that my wolf spirit was calling to the alpha, begging him to stroke my hair and keep me safe. That’s all anyone wanted, wasn’t it? To be loved by someone who would have their back, always.

Flames sent an orange glow over Malone as he dipped his gaze to the sunburst acoustic and started another tune. If he started to sing in his deep gravelly voice, everyone would get a free porn show because I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands to myself.

Excusing myself, I smiled at Evie, who squeezed my hand as I got up from the table.

“I know it’s hard,” she said, glancing at Malone, “but the bond is worth fighting for, no matter what stands in the way.”

Thanking her, I left, my heart thundering as I wandered across the grass, towards the alpha. Evie was a romantic, that was plain to see. Could she be right? Was it my destiny to be with Malone, whatever it took?

My heart fluttered as I sat on a shorn log next to the man who had changed my life. His gaze rose to meet mine as his fingers danced across the strings, sending them into a vibration of melody.

A shaky breath left me, the anger of the last twenty four hours draining away and into the ground beneath my feet. How long could I fight him? It made me feel weak, this connection that was out of my control.

“Malone!” Manual barked, drawing our attention.

We both looked over to the debonair werewolf, who jogged across the grass towards us. There was an urgency in his gait, a frown pulling his eyebrows low.

“What is it?” Malone got to his feet, almost dropping the guitar on the dusty earth.

I rose next to him, resisting the urge to take his hand in reassurance. We were not that type of couple – duh, we weren’t a couple at all, not really.

Running a hand through his hair, Manual glanced over his shoulder, towards the woods. “We went to check the perimeter and sensed other wolves.”

“Other wolves?” Malone’s tone was sharp. “How did they get so close?”

He set off so fast, I had to jog to keep up. My tummy rolled as Manual glanced at me before hesitating.

Grabbing my hand, Malone squeezed my knuckles together. “She’s with me now, you can tell me anything in front of her.”

Tingles travelled up my arm and spread throughout me. He might be a confusing son of a bitch, but when he did take control, he softened my resolve.

“I recognised Kieran’s scent,” Manual started, holding up a hand when Malone went to sneer. “He’s not alone.”

Guilt racked my bones as we marched into the woods. If I hadn’t been so friendly with the Crawley werewolf, he wouldn’t have a new vendetta against Malone. It had already been bad enough before I’d arrived, and now, I’d added coal to the fire.

“Shall I talk to him?” I offered.

Releasing my hand, Malone turned to me. “No. If there are other wolves with him, he’s come to exact revenge. I wounded his pride when I arrived in the woods and protected you that day.”

I was about to reply when Manual scoffed. “The bastard was making a show of trying to take your mate. He got off lightly in my opinion.”

My muscles froze, the ice cold sensation engulfing every inch of me. I had been completely naive about Kieran, trusting him way too soon. And yet, his smiling face had been the first to greet me after one of the most traumatic experiences of my life.

“He was trying to…?” I murmured.

Malone snarled as he dropped his mouth next to my ear. “He was trying to have sex with you in wolf form. If he’d been successful, we wouldn’t have been able to bond. You would’ve been ruined and our tie completely broken. It’s how the wolf spirit inside us works.”


“Yeah.” Malone scowled. “Shit.”

Licking his lips, he nodded his head, indicating that we had to go. I wrung my hands together as I followed, my stomach icky from the idea of Kieran forcing himself upon me when I’d been at my most vulnerable, barely a babe in werewolf terms.

Manual led us through the trees, careful to keep his footsteps silent. I was torn between the urge to rage or cry. How could my life have got so hectic in the space of a few weeks?

A shadow emerged from behind a tree, sending adrenaline pumping through my veins. The smell of apple and cinnamon reached my nostrils as the moon shone down, highlighting Lionel’s pale face. “Well,” he whispered when he saw me, “maybe the witch can show us what she’s made of.”

Gesturing for us to follow, he spun on his heel and started to run, his frame suddenly dropping as he morphed into a black wolf.

Manual surged forward, his legs super speedy as he flew over the debris on the forest floor.

What were they going to do? They hadn’t even discussed a plan with Malone, instead leaving us alone in the dark.

“What do we do?” I asked, clinging to Malone’s arm.

His muscles strained, ready to take flight. Instead of leaving me behind – I kinda expected him to be the arsehole who ditched me when it came to a fight – he placed his hands on my shoulders and looked down at me. “Stay in human form and use your senses. Smell the air to detect how many wolves there are.” Stroking my cheek, he smiled gently. “Keep the noise to a minimum and don’t engage any of the wolves, especially Kieran.”

“Why not? The bastard owes me an explanation.”

His nostrils flared, his jaw tightening as his gaze searched mine. “Very well. If the opportunity arises, you can talk to him, but only if I’m by your side. I will not allow any harm to come to you.”

“As sweet as that is…” I grinned when he raised his eyebrows. “…I’ll use my magic to defend myself if I need to. If he was aiming to violate me, he has to pay.”

Ducking me under the chin, Malone tried to contain his humour. “Spoken like a true alpha’s mate.”

A shudder moved me, shaking my whole being. In this moment, with my mate, in the woods about to face an enemy, I felt the roar of my inner beast, desperate to be heard. How long had she been suppressed within?

“Let’s go.”

Without hesitation, I followed him through the trees. My senses were alert, seeking anything out of the ordinary. My nose sniffed, my eyes sought. The shadows were dense, moving as one.

Footsteps ahead made the hairs on the back of my arm rise up. Manual’s scent wafted up my nose, followed by Lionel’s. They were close by.

Malone headed straight to the treeline, his shoulders hunched and his head twisting one way and then the other. I admired his graceful prowess, completely aware that he could also snap a neck within seconds. The contrast was a turn on.

“Ahead and down into the second field,” Manual whispered, pointing out through the last of the trees.

Malone inclined his head, gesturing to them to fan out. Lionel’s wolf shape trotted away, disappearing to the left. Did they have a system of attack already in place? Would I ruin the dynamic?

My breath was shaky as we moved to the edge of the woods and peered into the fields beyond.

“They’ve never got this close.” Malone’s voice was barely a whisper in my ear. “If I need to shift, stay out of the way.”

“There,” I murmured, spotting the lumps of shadow in the field below.

Just as the word left my lips, the smell of coffee and deer wafted up my nose. Kieran. How had I not noticed how strong everyone’s scent was until now?

A shudder moved me as Malone stroked a hand down my arm, lacing his fingers through mine. The tingles were doubled, no doubt heightened by the adrenaline that filled us.

My stomach clenched when I counted the wolves, who were sniffing around the field, drawing closer. We were higher up, our vantage point looking down onto them.

If they had never managed to get close before, what had changed?

“We’ll stop them in that field,” Malone hissed in my ear.

There were at least eight wolves, far too many for us to take down alone.

An excited buzz made me lurch forward when Malone stepped to the right, clearly wanting to approach them away from the woods.

Tugging my hand, Malone encouraged me to speed up. Our footsteps were silent as we paced around the first field, ducking as low as possible. Conveniently for us, there was a six foot hedge between the fields. We had to hurry, though, or the wolves would sense us before we reached them.


Too late.

Kieran’s voice echoed across the field. We paused before turning slowly, coming face to face with the man who had threatened to rape me. There, I’d admitted it.

Heat fired within the pit of my belly as I stepped forward, released Malone’s hand and incited a fire spell.

Kieran jumped back when flames flared up near him, a squeak falling from his lips. His friends, all in wolf form, appeared behind him, snarling and snapping as the light from my fire illuminated them. Anyone would think that Kieran was the alpha of the Crawley Pack.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, my hands starting to shake when he held up the blanket he had given me the first night I’d turned.

Shit, he had used my scent to track me down. And it had led him straight to the Brighton Pack’s camp. The wolves would love me even more now. Not.

“I was worried about you…” He stepped forward, his eyes widening when Malone’s arm brushed against mine. “…thought they’d kidnapped you. Turns out I was right.”

Several snarls came from behind me. One from Lionel, one from Malone.

“You’re wrong,” I said, clenching my hands. “I chose to be here.”

Kieran’s scoff was followed by a sneer. “He took you against your will, didn’t he?”

The double meaning smacked me in the chest. He could sense that we were mated and didn’t like it. How dare the bastard throw such accusations when he was the one who had threatened me?

“You were supposed to be my friend!” My voice choked as grief squeezed my throat.

Shaking his head, he dropped the blanket on the ground, right next to my still burning fire. “I am your friend. Why do you think I’ve been searching for you? I know what he’s like.” He spat the last part of his sentence, his eyes almost popping when he stared at Malone.

“You dare to act the innocent?” Malone barked, “when you were about to rape her in wolf form!”

The aggression intensified when Kieran shook his head vehemently and stepped forward, his lips pulled back to reveal his elongated shifted canines.

Malone moved in front of me, his hulking frame blocking my view. My ire sparked even higher as the men faced off, ready to rip one another apart.

I slunk around Malone, attempting to push him back – and failing miserably considering he weighed more than a car.

“This is my fight,” I reminded him.

Slowly, reluctantly, he backed down. It was technically correct. Yes, their fight had been brewing for years. However, Kieran had tried to use me to get to the alpha.

“If you weren’t trying to mate with me that day,” I said, my gaze searching his, “What were you doing?”

His gaze dropped for just a second, but it was enough to convince me of his guilt. My chest squeezed the air out of my lungs. Malone had been right; he had been trying to destroy me.

“I was messing around.” His feeble excuse was weak as he shrugged his shoulders. “At least I didn’t go through with it. Unlike him.” Jabbing his finger at Malone, Kieran glared. “I will not let him keep you here against your will.”

“My will?” I shouted. “As if you have any idea what that would be. You’re a snake!”

His back straightened, his eyes widening. “Me? Your mate killed his own sister, I know what he’s like.”

Glancing over my shoulder at Malone, I reached out a hand and rested it on his chest. His heart beat rapidly, vibrating against my fingers. Surely if Malone told Kieran the truth about Frizz, it would resolve their old fight.

“You know what?” Kieran said before I could reply. “I’m here to rescue you and that’s what I’m going to do.” Flinging his arms forward, he laughed when his wolves barked and started to charge from behind him.

The blanket on the floor beside him had caught alight. Flicking my own finger, I sent it flying into the path of the oncoming wolves. It caught one of them, a brown one, and sparked flames on its fur.

Malone shoved me out of the way, his stance strong as a wolf lunged, its teeth snapping.

The alpha’s arm muscles strained, strong as he caught the wolf by the paws and spun with it, launching it away.

I moved around Malone, about to throw up a barrier spell when several other wolves appeared from behind me, clashing with Kieran’s friends.

They were caught in combat, snarling, snapping and yelping. I stood amongst them, not sure how to stop the attack without hurting my own kind.

Malone’s muzzle formed, ripping into a black wolf’s neck as he wrestled it to the ground. The yelp was followed by gurgling as the wolf choked on its own blood. Shit, I didn’t want wolves to die on my behalf, it wasn’t worth it.

Raising my hands in the air, just as Lionel barked in pain, I incited a freeze spell. Everyone around me, including Malone, stopped still, unable to move.

Kieran was nearby, approaching me from behind. I hadn’t noticed him at first, his eyes watching me closely.

Shuddering, I shook my head at him. He watched me, a sadness crossing his eyes as I trod closer.

A gruff grunt sounded from Malone, urgent and continuous.

I glanced over my shoulder and shook my head, smiling gently. “Trust me,” I said. “He can’t hurt me.”

Malone managed to blink, despite my strong spell. The memory of him walking straight through my barrier spell reminded me that the connection we shared made him impervious to my magic. Hopefully it would hold him, just for a moment. Like I had told him, this was my fight. Kieran was here for me, no one else.

Leaving the alpha, I went to the man who had pretended to be my friend. Everyone else disappeared into the background as I honed in on him, staring into his eyes in an attempt to read his intentions. Not that I needed to do that, I knew full well why he had come to take me away.

“How’s Drake?” he pushed through his teeth.

And just like that, he punched me straight in the heart with his words. My insides imploded, making me trip and almost stumble at his feet.

“Ignore him!” Malone shouted.

Kieran snorted. “You know, deep down, that we had a connection. As small as it was compared to him, you can’t harm me.”

My resolve weakened and my arms dropped to my sides. He was right. Malone had abandoned me after one of the most stressful events of my life, and Kieran had been there, all dog in shining armour.

“You need to leave and never return,” I said, twisting my finger in a circle.

His frame turned away from me without his permission. His fellow wolves dropped from their poses, all spinning and trotting to join their leader.

Malone growled behind me, clearly miffed that he hadn’t had the chance to take down his enemy. I looked over my shoulder at him, frowning in apology. His snarl was fierce, aimed directly at me. He was right, what was I doing?

Releasing all spells, I swallowed, waiting for the clash. Instead, Kieran and his friends charged away, the Brighton pack on their heels.

Staring in my direction, Malone ran past me, his head forming into a wolf as he dropped to all fours and morphed completely. He disappeared into the dark, taking his pack with him as they ran the Crawley Pack off, barking and howling to scare them away.

Wrapping my arms around myself, I jumped when a footstep sounded nearby. I lifted my hand, ready to defend myself.

“Malone won’t appreciate you letting them go,” a sweet voice said.

A pregnant woman appeared from the shadows, rubbing her blossoming stomach. I clenched my hand, dropping it before looking out into the dark fields.

“I know,” I muttered in reply.

“However,” she said, coming to stand beside me. “The pack have seen your power. They’ll respect you now, even if they don’t want to. How can they deny that you’d be an asset with magic like that?”

My stomach flipped as I took a deep breath. As hard as it was to get enthusiastic about Malone’s plan for me, a tiny part of my heart wanted to belong in the pack. I’d felt a spark of that belonging during the BBQ. A quiet acceptance, maybe. However, I couldn’t leave my brother behind. Not only that, I’d always be the outsider, the weapon.

No, I couldn’t settle for Malone’s poor proposal, I’d find my own way.