Three Kinds of Trouble by Anne Malcom


It felt so wonderful being back with our favorite MC, even if it’s in New Mexico instead of Amber. I hope you enjoyed meeting some new characters.

There were many late nights with this book, many moments when I felt like I might not be able to finish. Which is where the people below come in. Although writing is a solitary act, I couldn’t produce a book alone. I’m so so lucky to have wonderful people in my life to support me and cheer me on.

Taylor. My partner, my best friend, my soulmate. You endure my moods, my ups and downs, my demons. Thank you for keeping me safe. For making me laugh. For letting me cry. For going on any adventure with me.

Dad.You can’t read this. But nonetheless, you are the reason I’m here. You taught me how to be a badass, how to believe in myself, how to leave my manners on the side of the court when I was playing netball. To be kind. And you’re the reason I have such expensive taste.

Mum.You are my hero. My best friend. I am always so surprised when everyone doesn’t list their mother as one of their best friends. Because not everyone is lucky like me. Thank you for taking my calls, for never judging me for buying shoes that I don’t need, for urging me to get the matching bag. I know what a strong woman looks like because of you.

Polly, Emma, Harriet. My girls. You’re still over on the other side of the world, but you’re always there if I need an opinion on a selfie, or to have some form of breakdown.

Jessica Gadziala. My #sisterqueen. You are the reason I get through many of my writing blocks and general anxieties. You are a selfless friend, a kickass author and an all around queen.

Amo Jones.My ride or die. You tell me when I’m being crazy, you support me no matter what.

Michelle Clay. I am so lucky that you came into my life. You are such a special human. You’re so precious to me. In short, you’re family.

Annette Brignac.I’m so glad my books brought us together. I honestly don’t know where I’d be without you. My books would not be the same. My life would not be the same. Thank you for being you.

Ginny.You are so important to my books. To my life. You know my characters almost as well as you know me. You know when I need a kick up the butt or some kind words. Thank you for being there for me always.

Kim. Thank you not only for being an amazing editor, but being there as a friend too. You are such a special human and I’m so so lucky to have found you.

You. The reader. I would not be typing this without you. Without your support. You are the reason I get to live my dream. Why I get to write stories and call it a job. Thank you for making my dreams come true.