Breaking Free by Isabel Lucero


On Monday morning,with only a little bit of hesitancy on his part, Trevor and I show up to campus together, hand in hand. A few people glance, but nobody really seems to care. It’s not like we’re the only gay guys at this school, but I know to Trevor, it probably feels like all eyes are on him.

“This is new to me, too,” I tell him.

He makes a face as he looks at me. “Yeah, I’m sure.”

I laugh. “I mean, I’ve never dated anyone, so I’ve never held hands and done this boyfriend thing.”

“Boyfriend thing,” he says with a snort. “Don’t sound so excited.”

I kiss his temple as we approach the quad. “I am excited. I love spending time with you.”

He grins, squeezing my hand. “You’re not too bad either.”

“Oh, whatever. Give me a kiss and go to class. I’ll see you later.”

He steps forward and presses his lips to mine. “Bye.”

“Bye,” I reply with a smile before watching him strut off.

I spin around, needing to head in the opposite direction, and spot Jay passing me. “You all in love now, Hernandez?” he teases.

“Fuck off,” I say, the smile still in place as I head to class.

My first two classes seem to drag, but that’s because I’m anxious to see Trevor again. Before, I didn’t see him until football practice at the end of the day, but now that we’re together, I will definitely take the time to meet up with him during lunch.

In the cafeteria, I get in line and spot Trevor entering the room, holding a book at his side. His smile grows when he sees me wave at him, and my heart does something weird in my chest.

He stops next to me and I wrap my arm around his waist and give him a kiss. “I missed you,” I say quietly against his lips.

“You spend one weekend with me and now you’re obsessed,” he jokes, giving me another kiss.

“You spent twenty minutes with me in a bathroom and were obsessed.”

“Oh, is that right?”

“I think so.”

He rolls his eyes. “Infatuated, maybe.”

“I’ll take it.”

Somebody walking toward us does a double take and then stops next to Trevor. His dark eyes study us while his brows dip in the center. “Trev?”

Trevor turns and faces this guy I don’t know. “Oh. Hey.”

I sense his nervousness in just those two words.

“You...uhh.” His eyes move between us, and I straighten my back and stare at him, waiting to see what he has to say. “It’s been a minute. How ya been?”

“I’ve been good. How about you?”

“Fine. Just struggling to get through this ridiculous European history class.” He laughs. “Sienna was asking about you the other day.” His eyes jump to me again as we move forward in line.

“Oh yeah? Hope she’s doing okay.”

“She’s fine.” He walks backwards to keep up with us as we move ahead, getting our food. He laughs a little. “I’m sorry, but uhh...are you...into guys?”

My eyes find this guy again, wondering if he’s trying to hit on him or about to be an asshole. Trevor chuckles lightly.

“I’m into this one,” he answers, jerking his head toward me and making my heart do another little flip.

“Oh. I had no idea.”

“You’re not the only one,” Trev says with an easy smile.

“I guess I’ll tell Sienna to stop asking about you.”

He laughs. “Probably a good idea.”

“Well, it was good seeing you.”

“You, too.”

Once he’s gone, and we’re able to move through the line and grab our lunch, I take a glance at Trevor. “You handled that well.”

“He’s an old friend. Well, acquaintance really. We used to have a couple classes together last year. And he’s the brother of a girl I may or may not have made out with a few times.”

“Ah. I see.” I pause. “Kinda want to push you against a wall and shove my tongue down your throat and my hand down your pants.”

Trevor laughs. “Why’s that?”

“Because you said you were into me.”

“But you know that already.”

“But you told someone else.”

He grabs my waist and kisses my cheek. “I’ll tell more people if it makes you want to do things to me.”

I bite my lip. “Well, that’s nothing new.”

“Let’s go eat, and maybe we can feel each other up in a bathroom before our next class.”

* * *

We don’t getto feel each other up, unfortunately. But the rest of the day moves quickly, and before I know it I’m in the locker room, waiting for Trevor to show up.

Since some of the guys were with us for Trevor’s birthday, I know they’re aware of Trev’s sexuality and our relationship, and maybe they’ve already told some of the others, but so far, nobody’s said anything.

I’m already changed when Trev rushes in, ripping his shirt off. “Got caught up after class talking to my professor,” he says as he quickly strips down and puts his practice gear on.

I wait behind with him even as everyone else heads to the field. “Do you think the rest of the team know yet?”

“Probably some. Guys gossip just as much as girls.”

“You cool with that, though?”

“I’m not going back in the closet, Dom.”

“Okay,” I say with a light chuckle.

As soon as he’s ready, we jog out and catch up with the team. Luckily a couple other people are running late too, so it doesn’t look like we were just fooling around in the locker room.

Once practice is done and we’re all back inside, Trevor looks me up and down. “Wanna go home and shower with me?” His cheeks redden and I reach out to caress one with my knuckle.

My smile grows, and I bite my lip, thinking of all the things I can do to him in a shower. I can’t get enough of this guy. “I have about two and a half hours before I have to be at work.”

“So, yes?”

“Fuck yes.”

He kisses me quickly before we start changing. A couple guys walking by saw our brief moment of intimacy.

“Uh. What?”

When Trevor and I turn around, we simply just look at them and wait to see what they’re gonna say. Trevor shouldn’t have to come out to every person he comes across. If they see us kissing or holding hands, then you can assume we’re pretty gay and together, and that should be enough.

One of the guys—Lucas, just shrugs and says, “Okay, then.”

“They’ll get used to it,” I tell him.

“It hasn’t been too bad,” Trev says. “A couple other people asked me about it in class, having either heard about it from someone or they saw us in the quad in the morning or in the cafeteria. I just confirmed that it was true, but nobody’s been hateful.”

“That’s good.”

“Yeah.” He smiles.

“I’m gonna call my mom on the way over. She may be out at job interviews, but I’m gonna let her know I’ll be home after work.”


“Hey, Dom,” Dex says, walking up next to me.

“What’s up?”

“Not to be nosy, but you said your mom is looking for a job?”

“Yeah, she’s trying. Says it hasn’t been easy.”

Dex nods. I told him a little about my backstory, so he’s aware of the situation we’re in, and how my mom needs to get a job soon to be able to keep afloat.

“My dad’s secretary quit. He’s stressing about needing someone to replace her as soon as possible. I don’t know what all he’s needing her to be able to do, but if I talk to him, I can probably get him to hire your mom.”

“Yeah?” I ask, surprised and a little overwhelmed that he’d do that for me. It’s not like he’s known me for long.

“Of course. To be transparent, my dad is a workaholic and works crazy long hours. I’m not sure what it would be like to work for him.”

“Beggars can’t be choosers,” I say with a shrug. “Let me know what he says and I’ll talk to my mom.”

“Will do.”

“Thanks, man.”

Dex nods and leaves.

“You got some good friends here, Campbell.”

“Yeah, I got lucky.”

I wrap an arm around his shoulders and gaze into his eyes. “Me too.”