Breaking Free by Isabel Lucero


Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed Trev and Dom’s journey. I loved them from the beginning and had so much fun writing their story. Please take a minute to leave a review if you can.

I want to thank my husband, because he reads every single book I put out, and helps me polish them up. I wouldn’t want to do this, or life, without you. Thanks for always being a listening ear when I need to vent, rant, ramble, or discuss what I want to do with these fictional characters. You’re truly the best. I appreciate you so much. I love you.

To Robin from Wicked by Design for creating my covers and making graphics for stickers and swag, and always bringing what I have in mind to life. You’re simply amazing.

Huge thanks to Cass Thomasson for all the work you put into my ARC team and helping me with my books. I adore you!

Aundi, you are a new member to the beta team and I’m thrilled to have you and your notes. You were beyond helpful, and those edits you make?? I bow down to you.

To the rest of the beta team, thank you for taking time out to read my story when it’s in its roughest stage.

Candi from Candi Kane PR—you are amazing at your job. I’m so appreciative of your work and dedication.

To every reader and blogger who reads, reviews, and shares my book, I’ll never be able to thank you enough. I couldn’t do this without you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

To my author friends who’ve helped me by sharing, or doing swaps with me, I appreciate your kindness. We’re in this together, and I love that I have people I can count on.

I still feel like I’m missing someone, or multiple people, but know that I’m grateful for each and every person who worked on my book, read my book, shared and reviewed my book, or even just gave me a chance.