Piston by Andi Rhodes


To most, we don’t make sense. We shouldn’t make sense. But we do.


Six months later…

“Ifinally managed to get him to listen.”

I grin at Janessa, who’s been rushing around today trying to help me get not only myself ready, but also Devin.

“Thanks, girl. He’s been having a hard time lately. His therapist says he should settle down once he’s finally allowed to visit his brother.”

Des is spending his days in juvenile detention until he’s legally an adult. He knows what he did wrong, but I can’t help but be grateful that he’s such a good brother. If not for him, things could have turned out so different.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to fulfil Piston’s condition of moving into his house with him. But he’s fulfilling mine today. In less than two hours, I’ll be his ol’ lady.

“Have you heard any more from the social worker? I thought things would be finalized by now.”

“The adoption hearing has been scheduled. We just found out this morning.”

The day Piston was released from the hospital, he approached me with an idea. He wanted to adopt Devin. I admit I wasn’t even thinking about having kids anytime soon, let alone a pre-teen with his history, but as soon as Piston planted that seed in my mind, I couldn’t shake it loose. Hence why we chose to stay in my rental.

Our attorney explained that this living situation was better than Piston’s house on club property. Other than that, there weren’t any real barriers. Piston is a respectable mechanic and brings in a steady income. I still work at the paper, but I don’t focus on the stories I used to.

When I was first assigned to report on the underground fight and then the Soulless Kings, I was ecstatic. I knew that was my chance to catapult my career in the right direction. And I was right, to a degree.

That story did change my life, in ways I wasn’t prepared for. It gave me my soon-to-be-husband, a new family, a son. Or two. I rest my hand on my stomach and smile. That story gave me everything I didn’t realize I wanted or needed.

It also made me realize that the reason I love journalism so much had nothing to do with stories that other journalists wouldn’t touch. I love it because of the people. I love the human element. And now my articles reflect that.

“Holland, we need to go.”

I turn to the doorway and see Devin standing there. He looks good in the outfit Piston picked out. A ‘biker tux’ he called it. I have no idea if that’s a real thing or just something he made up to make me feel better about the fact that it’s jeans, a dress shirt and a cut, but it doesn’t matter.

I pick up my phone off the bed and grab my shoes off the floor. “Okay, let’s go.”

We walk out of the house together, Janessa right behind us. Devin climbs into the backseat of the SUV that’s parked at the curb. I slide in behind him and Janessa sits in the front with Trainwreck.

“Are you ready to get hitched?” Trainwreck asks as he navigates the road.

“More than ready.” I lean forward and rest a hand on the back of his seat. “How’s Piston holding up?”

Trainwreck laughs. “He’s fine. Says his leg hurts and he’s worried that all the dancing will make it hard to fu—” He slams his mouth shut and glances at Devin in the rearview mirror. “He’s worried that all the dancing will make it hurt more,” he finally settles on.

“Nice save, dumbass,” Janessa jokes.

“I thought so,” he replies.

The rest of the drive is made in silence. Devin plays a game on my phone while I rehearse my vows in my head. When Trainwreck pulls through the gates of Soulless Kings property, my heartbeat thunders against my ribcage.

This is it.

Trainwreck parks in front of the clubhouse. Piston and I opted to get married here to save money. Growing boys are expensive.

Devin gets out of the car and then holds his hand out to help me. He’s sullen and a little difficult at times, but he’s turning into a real gentleman. Hanging around Piston and the brothers has been good for him.

“Can I go inside and find Piston?” Devin asks me.

“Absolutely.” I smile at him. “Just be sure to knock before opening any doors, okay?”

He rolls his eyes. “I know.”

Devin takes off running and disappears into the house.

“He’s got that pre-teen drama down pat, doesn’t he?” Janessa asks as she steps up beside me.

“He sure does.”

* * *

She’s always been beautiful to me but today, she’s a goddess. My goddess.


“You still have a few seconds to run if you want.”

I glare over my shoulder at Fender. We’re standing at the makeshift altar, waiting for Holland to appear. There is no time to run. Not that I want to.

“Fuck off.”

“Just saying.”

“Chris, shut up,” Charlie snaps from her spot as a bridesmaid.

Charlie only uses his given name when he’s really in trouble. He’s definitely gonna have to work for the nookie tonight.

The music starts and I square my shoulders. When Holland steps into view, her arm linked with Devin’s, my heart skips a beat.

“Holy shit,” I mumble.

Holland may have agreed to the ‘biker tux’ but she obviously spared no expense when it came to her dress. It’s made of ivory lace and satin. The V-neck in the front is deep, extending down between her breasts to just above her navel.

When she reaches me, Devin kisses her cheek and then places her hand in mine. Before I can even contemplate what I’m supposed to do next, I spin her around so I can see the rest of her.

Her back is completely bare. The cut of the dress is reminiscent of the one she wore the night of her father’s dinner party. I pray the panty situation is reminiscent of it too.

“P, you can inspect her after the ceremony,” Fender teases from behind me.

I force myself back to the reason we’re all here. I nod at Burly, who’s officiating as the club chaplain.

“Friends, family, we’re gathered here today…”

Burly’s words fade away as I get lost in Holland’s eyes. She’s always been beautiful to me but today, she’s a goddess. My goddess.

“I know the two of you have chosen to write your own vows.” Burly looks at me and shakes his head. “Not sure how smart that is, but we’ll see.”

The crowd laughs, as they’re meant to. It wouldn’t be the perfect wedding if there weren’t some brotherly teasing going on.

“Holland, you can go first.”

Holland squeezes my hand and tears spring to her eyes.

“Piston, you came barreling into my life in—”

“You did the barreling, sweet cheeks.”

“Fair enough,” she says with a smile. “I came barreling into your life and you wanted nothing to do with it. If someone would have told me then that we’d be standing here today, getting married, I’d have laughed in their face. To most, we don’t make sense. We shouldn’t make sense. But we do. You, me, Devin…” She places my hand on her stomach. “This little one. We’re a family and—”

“Wait.” My eyes shift from her face to where our hands are joined. “Are you…?” I lift my gaze back to her.

She nods, tears streaming down her cheeks. I lift her in my arms and spin her around. Everyone around us cheers and shouts congratulations.

“Piston, you need to put her down so we can finish,” Burly says. “Besides, I’m afraid she’s gonna puke if you don’t.”

I set Holland on her feet. “Sorry.”

“I’m fine,” she assures me. “We’re both fine.”

“I can’t believe you’re pregnant.”

“Believe it.”

“I’ve lost all control,” Burly grumps.

“You never had it to begin with,” Fender jokes. “Pronounce them husband and wife and be done with it.”

“They have to say ‘I do’ first.”

“Piston,” Fender snaps. “Do you want Holland as your ol’ lady?”

“Yeah, I fucking do.”

He turns to Holland. “Do you want him as your husband?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“There ya go, Burly,” Fender quips. “Now you can finish.”

I pull Holland into my chest and cup her cheeks. My lips graze hers as Burly pronounces us husband and wife.