Fenrir by K. Sterling

A Letter From K. Sterling

Dear Reader,

Thank you so much for your time and for reading Fenrir. I hope you enjoyed Stellan’s story and am looking forward to sharing more adventures with you soon. Before you go, I’d appreciate it if you’d consider leaving a review of Fenrir on Amazon. Your review would really help me and help other readers on Amazon find their way to us. And I promise, I read and appreciate every single one of them. Even the negative reviews. I want your honest feedback so I know how to steal your heart.Please help me out by leaving a review!

K. Sterling is just a very tired and anxious woman with a MacBook who writes to save her sanity. Writing also allows her to stay home and care for her dog, the awful Otis, and one very rotten cat, Luna. K. has two teenage daughters who are the most teenage daughters to ever teenage and responsible for all of K.’s premature grey hairs. She also homeschools her autistic teenage son, Alex. Alex is the inspiration behind K.’s most beloved character, Dr. Aiden Sharp. Before all this magical romance nonsense happened, K. served in the U.S. Army as a counterintelligence agent then went on to teach CI Investigations before changing careers and becoming a stay-at-home mom with Alex and the gang. K. has been married for many, many years to Mr. Sterling and he’s recently left his very long career in counterintelligence to narrate his wife’s audiobooks. And other things.

Once again, thank you from the very bottom of my cold, dark heart. I love you for sharing your time with us and hope we’ll see you again soon.

Love and happy reading,
