Incubus Awakened by Kitty Thomas


In no particular order, thank you to the following people who helped bring this book and the surrounding promotional material into existence:

- The ever lovely and hilarious Robin Johnson for kickass cover art.

- Lindsay Carruth and Andrew Mocete for music brainstorming for the Save My Soul (previous title) book trailer.

- Susan Bischoff, Kait Nolan, Michelle Davidson Argyle, Natasha Fondren, Lainey Bancroft, and Catherine James for critique, editing feedback, and beta reading.

- Cathy R. for proofreading.

- Cara Wallace, my stealth ninja beta.

- Michelle Davidson Argyle for her awesome book trailer skillz. Without her to put the trailer together for me, I would have probably spent a whole week crying about how making a book trailer is too hard! Also, thanks for the Photoshop skillz.

- Random grammar and punctuation expert: Jackie Barbosa who always fields my random: “Are you SURE that comma isn’t right?” questions.

- My parents for always believing in me.

- M for all his love and support.

- My fellow indies for being there for me to whine and cry on, and for being there when I had awesome news to share.

- And finally to the readers. Without you guys, I’m just talking to myself. Thanks for reading and wanting more.

I would also like to acknowledge that I understand “counter-intuitive” isn’t supposed to have a hyphen, but it looks stupid without one. Also, Susan Bischoff supports my hyphen rebellion. We are starting a movement, bitches!