Perfect Embrace by Kaylee Ryan

Chapter 19


Giggles. Little girl giggles. It’s not Grayson’s alarm that wakes me up, but the sound of his daughters as they giggle their way into his room. I open my eyes to find two sets of green eyes so much like their father’s staring back at me.

“Waken!” Their faces light up when they see me.

“Shh, Daddy’s still sleeping.” Carefully, I slide out from under Grayson’s arm and slip out of bed. The girls each grab a hand with the intention of pulling me out of the bedroom. “Let me use the potty, and then we’ll start breakfast.”

“Okay. You can use ours,” they offer.

“Thank you, but my stuff is here.” I point to my bag. “Remember, be quiet. Daddy’s still sleeping. We’ll make him breakfast in bed.”

“Okay,” they whisper back before turning and racing out of the room, the sound of their little feet a pitter-patter on the hardwood floor.

Stepping around the bed, I turn off the alarm and see the girls only woke me up ten minutes sooner than the alarm. Slipping into the bathroom, I handle my business, wash my hands, and brush my teeth. Thankfully, my toothbrush is still sitting on the sink where I left it when I was getting ready for bed. My eyes are red from the tears I shed last night, but my smile is also present. Grayson told me he loved me.

I was speechless at first, but when I finally was able to form words, I told him I loved him too. It was a hard, emotional night, but I feel closer to him than ever. Those details of his wife’s death were his to keep, yet he shared them with me. I’m not naïve enough to think that no one in town ever got word of all of the details. However, I’m glad they didn’t spill them. It’s good to know that even Tate, the town gossip, has some compassion when it comes to the situation. That was three years ago, and Tate would have just been graduating from high school. Maybe she hadn’t started the blog yet? I’m not sure, but either way, I’m glad the details were never leaked.

Quietly, I step out of the bathroom. Grayson is still sleeping peacefully. I want to crawl back into bed and cuddle with him, but I have two little girls who are eager to make breakfast with me. That trumps cuddle time.

When I make it to the kitchen, the girls are both sitting on the island. “How did you two monkeys get up there?”

“The chairs,” they say together.

“You know you need to be careful so you don’t fall.”

“We know,” they reply.

“All right, so pancakes. Let’s do this, ladies.”

The girls are rather helpful when it comes to reminding me where everything we need is in the kitchen. Luckily, I find a box of pancake mix, and they so helpfully told me that their daddy doesn’t make them with lots of stuff like their Nana. I’m assuming that means that either Jackie or Christine, possibly both, make the pancakes from scratch. I’m with Grayson. Let’s go with quick, easy, and delicious.

Twenty minutes later, and in a super messy kitchen, we have a large stack of pancakes. “Those look great.” Grayson’s deep voice startles the girls and me.

“Daddy, yous posta be seeping,” Harlow scolds him.

“I’m sorry. I had to come and see my girls.” His eyes find mine, and the heat that I see pools between my thighs.

“Well, come grab a plate. We’re ready to eat.”

He steps further into the room. He gives each of the girls a hug and a kiss before moving to me. He stands behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Morning, baby,” he whispers huskily, placing a kiss on my cheek.

“Morning,” I reply, my eyes darting to the girls. They don’t seem to be the least bit fazed by their dad’s display of affection toward me.

Grayson moves to grab two plates, making one for each of the girls and sliding them across the island where they’re now sitting in the chairs. He’s taking care of the girls, so I take care of him, making him a plate piled high with pancakes and sliding them toward him.

His eyes soften. “Thanks, babe.” He pulls the plate toward where he plans on sitting on the chair next to Harlow, which leaves the one next to Hayden open for me.

“What’s everyone want to drink?” I ask.

“I can get it,” Grayson says, but I wave him off.

“I’m already up. Ladies?” I ask.

“Miwk, pwease,” they reply. I raise my eyebrows at Grayson in question.

“Milk, pwease,” he says, mocking the girls, making them laugh.

“Coming right up.” I find two cups with straws for the girls and fill them up. I grab a glass for Grayson and me as well.

“Let me help.” He appears beside me. He kisses me quickly on the lips. “I’m glad you’re here.”

“To make you breakfast,” I tease.

“That too, but I was talking about you healing my heart.” He winks and takes the girls’ drinks to them.

I stand with a glass of milk in each hand and feel as though my legs are a wobbly mess. Grayson Davis is the sweetest man, and his words easily bring me to my knees. What is it my sister said… he gives all new meaning to swoon? She has no idea.

“Waken, we did good,” Harlow says, shoving a big bite of pancake into her mouth.

“We did? Well, I need to try them.” I manage to make my way to the island, stopping by Grayson to hand him his glass before taking my seat next to Hayden. “You’re right. These are good,” I say enthusiastically after taking a bite. The four of us talk about pancakes as the girls tell Grayson about how I let them mix the batter and help measure.

“Waken, can we go to the pawk?” Hayden asks.

“I’m sorry, sweetie. I have to go to work today.”

“Aww.” Her shoulders slump.

I’m definitely putting that Help Wanted sign in the window when I get to the store today. “I’m sorry. We can go another time.”

“Babe, you close at one, right?” Grayson asks.


“What if the girls and I meet you at the store, and we can walk over to the park and get some ice cream?”

“Oh, Waken, we wove ice cweam,” Harlow reminds me.

“How can I say no to that?” I ask them.

“That’s what I was hoping.” Grayson winks as he stands. “Girls, go up to your room and pick out your clothes for the day, and you need to brush your teeth.”

“Waken, can you bwaid our hair?” Hayden asks.

“Sure, if you run and get ready. I’ll do it before I leave.” I don’t know that I’ll have the time, but being a few minutes later never hurt anyone. I’ll just call Jasmine on my way and let her know I’m running behind. Seeing the smile on those little faces is worth a few missed customers.

“You don’t have to,” Grayson tells me, knowing I have to be at the store at eight.

“It’s fine. I’ll call Jasmine and let her know I’m running late. It’s worth it to see the smile on their faces.” I voice my earlier thoughts.

“Come here.” He reaches for me, sliding an arm around my waist. He hugs me tight and presses his lips to the top of my head. When he pulls back, one hand grips my hip while the other slides behind my neck. “I love you.”

My eyes mist with tears.

“Last night wasn’t due to a moment of emotional overload. I meant it.” He kisses me sweetly before releasing me. “Now, go get ready while I wrangle the girls.”

* * *

After the world’s fastest shower, I’m packing up my bag and double-checking I have everything. I opted not to wash my hair, which saved me time in blow drying, so I have just enough time to braid the girls’ hair and get my ass to the store.

“You can leave that,” Grayson says from behind me.

“It’s fine. I didn’t wash my hair, so I have time.”

“No, I mean you’re coming back tonight,” he reminds me.

“I told you I would.”

“Good. The girls are staying with Mom and Dad. No, it’s not so that we can have time together. It’s something they do every other weekend. One with my parents, and one weekend with Holly’s. It’s something my parents and Holly’s planned to give me time. Being a single dad of twins is hard. I fought them for a year before I finally gave in, and now it’s something that the girls look forward to. I won’t take that away from them.”

“I only brought clothes for one night.” I wasn’t thinking clearly. I was nervous about staying over when the girls were home.

“Then leave that and bring more.”

“Or I can take my bag home and get new clothes and bring it back.”

“But then your stuff won’t be here.”

“Because I don’t live here.” My heart is pounding. I don’t think this conversation is going there, but still, the thought of being here with him and the girls all the time is something I didn’t realize I wanted, not until this minute.

Yeah, I want to spend more time with them, but living here… That’s an all-new level. One I didn’t know I was ready for.

“I like your stuff being here. It means you’re coming back.”

“I don’t need to leave my things here for me to want to come back. Have you seen you?” I ask, teasing. “And those two littles in the living room? It’s going to take an army to keep me away from the three of you.” Throwing my bag over my shoulder, I kiss him just under his chin and make my way to the living room.

“Waken!” the girls call out excitedly.

“We gots the spway,” Harlow tells me.

“And the bwush and holders.” Hayden holds them up to show me.

“Well, we better get to work.” I sit on the couch, and Hayden settles in front of me on the floor. She sits as still as a statue as I spray the detangler and brush her hair before putting it in a quick French braid. I repeat the same process with Harlow, who also sits still.

“They never sit that still for me,” Grayson comments.

“Daddy, it’s Waken,” Hayden says with so much sass for a four-year-old.

“Yeah, Waken doesn’t pull,” Harlow adds.

“Her bwaids are better,” Hayden adds.

“Hey, I’m a man. I do what I can,” he tells them. His eyes meet mine. “I learned from a YouTube video, and they’re not wrong. Yours looks much better.”

“Well, it helps when they sit still. Maybe the next time Daddy tries to braid your hair, you can sit still for him as you did for me?” I suggest to the girls. They immediately nod.

“Girls, give Laken a hug. It’s time for her to go to work.”

The twins come rushing toward me. They both climb up on the couch next to me, one on either side, and sandwich me into a hug.

“You give the best hugs. I’m going to have a great day starting off with a twin hug,” I tell them, making them giggle.

“Girls, I’m going to walk Laken out to her car. Stay inside.” Grayson points to them. “Stay out of trouble.” The girls nod and rush down the hall to their room. “I’m telling you their bedroom will be destroyed by the time I get back inside.”

“They are two little balls of energy, that’s for sure.”

He picks my bag up from the floor and laces his fingers through mine as he walks me out to my car. “So, we’ll be there around one.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

He leans in close and kisses me. “Have a great day, baby.”

“You too. I’ll see you soon.”

He pulls open my car door, and I climb inside. Before closing the door, he leans in close. “Buckle up. Text me when you get there.” His words may sound overprotective since it’s maybe a five-mile drive, but after his confession last night, I understand his need to know I’m safe.

“Of course.” I pull my seat belt into place.

“I love you,” he says huskily, pressing his lips to mine.

“I love you,” I reply as he pulls away and stands to his full height, closing my door.

Last night wasn’t at all what I expected. It was more. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for the four of us.

This latest from the MC Scoop

Rumor has it that Grayken were spotted having a sleepover with the littles in their lives.

Love is in the air for these two.

Stay tuned.