Song of the Forever Rains by E.J. Mellow


It’s surreal indeed to be at this part of Song of the Forever Rains. The end end. The section that means the years of toiling and obsessing and changing pieces of this book are done. This story and characters have been swirling in my brain matter for so long it’s hard to remember a time they ever were not. And perhaps that’s the point—I’ve been living this fantasy since birth. It’s no secret that my family is a huge inspiration for this series, so perhaps that’s where I’ll begin—thanking my parents and sisters. Mom, Dad, Alexandra, Phoenix, and Kelsey, you were the best support system to grow up in. You were not only my parents and sisters but my tribe, my soul mates. Mom and Dad, your unwavering support, and your push for each of us to follow whichever crazy path our passion led us to, has created extremely powerful and compassionate individuals. To my sisters, you taught me the importance of female friendship, the unstoppable strength of unconditional love. You are my muses, woven delicately into each of the Bassette girls. Never let dim your spirit, your light, or your laughter. I love you dearly and forever.

To my husband, Christopher, I often joke that I wrote you into existence with my redheaded Darius, and I stand by this. You met me four years ago, when this story was only a few chapters long, and you have supported me forward every second thereafter. Thank you for listening to my often-overbearing droning regarding these characters. Thank you for reading the very rough and embarrassing first draft and telling me how wonderful of a writer I am. Thank you for being endlessly patient (and sometimes not, helping me know when I need to take breaks). Thank you for making me believe I am worthy of my dreams and for allowing me to understand I can be my own hero in my story. You are my greatest wonder.

To Aimee Ashcraft, my agent at Brower Literary, where to even start? You are the comforting weighted blanket to all my writing woes. You have tirelessly worked through every round of edits (and there were many!) to get this story to a place where others could see its potential. Thank you for always being my sounding board and for giving up precious hours on your weekends to get on the phone and listen.

To Lauren Plude, my acquiring editor, who loved this book so much you demanded to be my content editor as well. If ever proof were needed of love at first listen, it is when you and I jumped on our first call and I heard your sweet voice and kind words. You have pushed my skills to new heights, and I am so incredibly excited for where we can soar to next.

To the entire team at Montlake, it is the honest truth that I could not have done any of this without you. Since day one you have shown nothing but excitement and adoration for these sisters. I couldn’t imagine entrusting their care to any other publishing house.

Natasha Miñoso, my beautiful, bighearted, book-obsessed companion. You have been there, jumping with excitement and encouragement, for every one of my books. I adore you endlessly and will forever have sleepovers where we wear matching pj’s.

Staci Hart, just come over and hug me already. Talk about dedicated friendship. You have pulled me together again and again after many breakdowns, both writer and life related. I am constantly humbled by your brilliance and am so lucky to have you in my life.

To all my friends from NYC, Colorado, and my hometown in Delaware, you have been with me on many aspects of this wild ride. Have understood when I dropped from existence to meet deadlines. To list all your names would fill half this book. But if you are reading this, you know exactly who you are. Thank you for supporting my dreams.

To the Bookstagram community, you are massive and beautiful and a force. I could never have found my way here without you.

To my Mellow Mob and Mellow Misfits, you have probably been the most patient out of everyone waiting for this book to finally come to life. Thank you for remaining with me through the years of promises that you could one day hold this story. I kept my word!

And finally to you, my dearest reader—this has all been created for you. A world of people must work together to complete a book, but it only takes one reader for a book to find a home. I hope you have found a place for this story in your heart, for I certainly kept you in mine as I wrote it.