B Positive by Jewel Killian


“You can’t be serious.”Sunny stood blocking the front entrance, mouth hanging open. “He—he can’t come in here,” she stuttered. “The king will have a fit,” she whispered to me.

I winked at Jaxson, whose gaze bounced from me to Sunny. He’d changed his look from yesterday’s copper wig and false lashes to his clean-shaven head and thick winged liner, giving him a sexy pharaoh vibe. At least from the neck up. The overalls and purple cropped tee underneath screamed 90s in the best possible way.

“The king will get over it,” I said and grabbed my friend’s hand. “Wait till you see the courtyard.” I took the bag Jaxson had slung over his shoulder and plopped it next to the first sofa we passed.

Arm in arm, we walked through the great room like we owned the place.

“What is going on, Eeds? Why are you in the fucking king’s compound?”

I paused, taking in my friend’s profile for a moment before I took a breath and let it rip. “I tried to steal from him. Now he thinks I’m his mate, and he’s trying to get me to steal from a rival king across the river so they can end their Cold War bullshit.”

Jaxson’s complexion went ashen. “He wants you to steal from Titus?”

“Yeah. You know him?”

“Eden.” Jaxson took both my hands in his, pinning me with a severe amber gaze. “You have to be careful. That vampire is ruthless. He’s awful. But if you can help bring an end to his reign across the river, my pack will be safer, and I’d be grateful.”

I sucked in a breath. I hadn’t expected that. “What does your pack have to do with Titus and Julian’s war?” I asked as we continued toward the courtyard.

“Right. You don’t know. Um, let’s see, the short version is wolf shifters used to be subservient to vampires. They made us stay in our wolf forms and act as guard dogs for their lands, keeping rival nests from taking land or property or food. My entire pack used to belong to Titus.” Jaxson smiled at me. “It was a long time ago, so don’t make that face.”

I pulled my drooping mouth corners up and did my best not to feel sorry for someone who didn’t need or want it.

“From what I understand, King Julian is the reason Titus let us go. He negotiated for our release in that year’s incursion.”

I nodded slowly, taking in his words, and the timeline of events. “But if we lose this time, Titus might want your pack back.”

Jaxson said nothing for what felt like an eternity.

“Every seventeen and some-odd months, we say a prayer to the old wolves that we get to keep our human form for the next cycle. So far, we’ve been lucky. Both clans are equally matched, and each incursion has ended in a stalemate.”

“But how long until that stalemate ends and luck runs out?” I was getting a clearer picture of things.

Why hadn’t Julian just fucking told me?

He’d negotiated for an entire wolf pack?


I had some crow to eat.

But that was for sure after I kicked his ass for being a smug shit and not telling me up front.

“Whoa, this can’t be real.” Jaxson stepped down the three steps to the cobblestone path and into the interior courtyard. “It’s inside but outside?”

“Weird, right? It might be my favorite thing about this place.”

He gave me a knowing look. “Already scoping out your favorite spots in the new digs, huh?”

“New digs? Uh, no. I don’t live here.”

Jax went to the seating area and made himself comfortable, taking in the topiary bushes, exotic flowers, and strange birds that lived here. “Not yet, you mean. If you’re his mate, then it’s only a matter of time, Eden.”

I joined him on the black rattan loveseat. “I’m not doing anything or moving anywhere until I know this guy. And so far, the only thing he’s shown me is that he’s cocky and secretive.”

Jax nodded, pulling me into him. “Remember, you two are coming from two entirely different cultures. What he sees as necessary, you might see as something negative.”

“Yeah. I get that. But that’s even more reason for me to take my goddamn time. Right?”

“Maybe. Or you could just let the mate bond do its thing and worry about the rest afterward.”

I pulled away. “You know about that?”

“Wolves have something similar.”

I thought on that a moment, before deciding to pick Jax’s brain about all things mate and supernatural. “What can you tell me about it?”

“The mate bond?”

I nodded and settled into the loveseat.

Jaxson let out a long sigh. “Nothing from personal experience, obviously, and there are bound to be differences in the way it works between wolves and vampires. But, essentially, a mate bond connects two souls on the deepest level.”

“And it’s never wrong?”

Jaxson shrugged. “I suppose it’s possible, but I’ve never seen a mated pair separate for anything short of death.”

My shoulder sagged and I leaned into Jaxson.

He put his arm around me. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s just I’ve never had so many conflicted feelings about anything until I met Julian. On one hand, it’s a comfort to know the mate bond doesn’t get it wrong. But it also seems too much. Too big.”

“Yeah, I can see how it might.”

We stayed like that, enjoying the courtyard and each other’s company for quite a while.

“Thanks again for covering my shifts for me.” I said while gazing at the pure blue sky. “I’m going to be stuck here for a while.”

“Eh, I can use the extra spending cash.”

“So, I’ve been meaning to ask, how come you don’t live with the pack? Why are you slumming it with a vamp in the bad part of town?”

A low rumble reverberated in Jax’s chest. “The pack and I are taking some time apart. And, once again, I thought you knew that, Eeds. I figured we were both two outcasts trying to find their way. Little did I know you had no idea I was anything but fabulous.”

“Yeah. I’m sorry I snapped at you about that, by the way.”

He squeezed me closer. “Totally understandable. You were getting your whole world turned upside down. Believe me, I’ve been there, babe.”

I snuggled even closer and we sat like that, silent and enjoying the courtyard for who knows how long.

We might have stayed that way longer if stuff didn’t start getting weird. The breeze stilled, birds of the courtyard quieted. Jaxson and I shared a puzzled glance.

I felt it before anything. A wave of anger, then blinding possessiveness.

“You cannot be here,” Julian growled from the door. His voice was tight and delicious, and I hated the zing of pleasure that ran through me in response.

Uh, hello, what happened to three days?I shot to my feet, matching his over-the-top energy. “Well, too bad. Jax is my best friend, and I needed some clothes. He was kind enough to bring them to me.”

Julian stalked closer, and Jaxson stood as well, a protective arm around my shoulder which didn’t escape Julian’s watchful eye. A low growl rattled in his chest. “Sunny would have sent someone for your things.”

“Yes, she offered. I declined. I don’t want one of your goons going through my underwear.”

The outside of Julian’s irises blackened as power ebbed into his eyes. “You cannot be here,” he repeated, staring down Jax.

Jaxson didn’t flinch. Not so much as a muscle under the weight of the king vampire’s glare.

“And why can’t he be? He’s my friend, and I invited him.”

Julian gritted his teeth, eyes full black. “Because he’s—”

“Oh, wait, lemme guess. You’re prejudiced against wolves?”

“This wolf, yes.”

“What? Why? What the fuck, Julian. You don’t even know him, and you were more than happy to talk to him when you came to my building and bought it.”

“That was different.”

“Oh really? Why is that?”

“Julian’s right, Eden. I should go.”

His arm fell away from my shoulder but I tucked my arm in his, holding on with both hands. “No. You’re staying put, Jaxson.” I rounded on Julian. “What exactly is your problem with this wolf in particular, Julian?” Jaxson’s muscles rippled under my grasp. “Is it because he’s gay?” I snarled.

Julian didn’t answer. His focus was deadlocked on Jaxson. I took a quick glance up at Jax. His eyes glowed yellow, like his wolf was letting himself be known.

“Don’t tell me it’s because this wolf happens to be black,” I snapped, tired of this weird supernatural pissing match.

Julian tore his gaze from Jaxson, meeting my eyes. “What are you going on about, Eden?”

“Why is it this wolf who isn’t allowed here? This wolf is my friend, and I invited him.”

“This wolf is also the next leader of his pack.”

My skin went icy, face smoothing to neutral as all my muscles locked up. I pulled away from Jaxson as soon as I was able.

“He knew he shouldn’t have come, but he did anyway,” Julian said.

“You know I’ve rejected those duties. They want me about as much as I want them. I thought you’d be fine with it since you rolled up to my building unannounced. I figured I’d do the same.”

“I didn’t know you lived there, Jaxson. But if I had, I would have made other arrangements. You knew I lived here, and you broke protocol.”

Their back-and-forth had me seriously annoyed. “Hey! What the fuck, you two? Who cares about stupid protocol?”

“I do,” Julian hissed. “It’s kept my vampires safe for as long as I’ve held this position.”

“Yeah?” I asked. “And how long has that been? Because I’m thinking it might be time to shake things up a bit. You didn’t know Jaxson lived there, and I didn’t know inviting him here would make you go all DEFCON 1 so, how about everybody just relax?”

Jaxson was the first to lower his guard. He relaxed next to me, muscles loosening, and when I glanced up at him, his gaze wasn’t aglow anymore. Julian begrudgingly followed suit.

Sunny tried to warn me. I didn’t listen.

That was my mistake.

“Come on, Jax, I’ll walk you out,” I said, glaring at Julian. “But that doesn’t mean you’re not welcome here as long as I’m being held captive.”

“You’re not—” Julian started, but I cut him off with a wave of my hand.

His eyes bulged, his jaw clenched, but he shut up all the same.

Good. At least he knows when not to argue a moot point.

Because I definitely was here against my will.

It didn’t matter that I’d decided to help him win the incursion.

Or that I was going to try my best to wrap my head around the mate bond thing.

He didn’t argue a point we both knew was true.

It was a start.

A shitty one.

But a start.