B Positive by Jewel Killian


I pacedthe length of my storage room, kicking myself for not having the foresight to stash a change of clothes there.

Literally everything that could have gone wrong tonight did.

I’d gotten caught.

But at least I wasn’t dead.

Which I definitely would have been if I’d gone back to my apartment like I’d planned when I crashed through the window. Halfway there, I’d remembered that the goodie bag I’d left also had my clutch and phone in it. The king could definitely figure out who I was and where I lived with those, even though I hadn’t brought ID. So, I had to loop back around and head uptown to my storage unit.

I needed a plan.

Like, now.

But the adrenaline of the heist had long since faded and I’d worked at the bar open until close before going to the gala. Plus, I’d been burning it at both ends lately, prepping for that shit-show gala for weeks beforehand.

There was no way in hell I was coming up with a workable plan until I’d gotten a few hours of sleep. So, I did what any respectable vamp would do.

I locked myself in my own storage locker, piled up the comfiest satchels and foam case liners I could find, and made myself a bed.

Just for a few hours.

Despite bone-deep exhaustion, I could not will my mind to relax, but eventually, sleep finally came.

I woke with a start hours later, clapping my hands over my mouth in case someone was listening.

I tuned into the surrounding sounds, straining to hear anything that didn’t belong, but the only noises to reach me were cars pulling into the storage lot and the lady working the front desk playing a game on her phone.

So I was alone and safe, or BDD was on the other side of the door waiting for me, just like at the compound.

I rubbed my neck. Sleeping on the ground hadn’t done me any favors, but I had to figure this nut out.

It was likely the king already knew who I was and where I lived. But there was no way he could have tracked me here. I’d made sure there wasn’t a stitch of paperwork linking me to the storage unit.

Chances were, I was alone here. But I couldn’t stay. I had to feed. I needed a damn shower.

I took a breath, got myself together, and crept to the door. Silently, I undid the latch I’d drilled into the floor to keep any busybodies from bothering me while I was here practicing with Lola.

I gripped the bar handle at the bottom of the garage-style door and threw it up as fast and as quietly as possible. I blurred out, slamming the door closed and locking up in a streak of movement before hauling ass out of there.

I had to take the long way, so I didn’t cross into midtown again—no way was I setting foot anywhere near the king’s compound. I stuck mostly to side streets, so the soles of my feet, which had just healed as I slept, were getting a fresh beating courtesy of the asphalt. They’d heal again though, even if I got strange looks when I entered the high-end jewelers in the center of the shopping district.

The young saleswoman’s eyes rounded as I entered the store. “Honey, are you okay?”

I’m sure I looked a mess. Windblown hair, dirty, wrinkled cocktail dress, no shoes. “Oh, yes, I’m fine. Thank you. Is Liam here?”

Her face went stony, gaze clouding over with hardness. “He’s in the back,” she clipped out.

Guess she didn’t like her boss’s extracurricular business dealings. I nodded, gave her a forced smile, and strode passed the cases of sparkling jewels and watches to the unmarked green door. I knocked once. “Liam. It’s Eden.”

“Eden, you’re early. Come in.”

I eased the door open and froze in place.

Fuckity motherfucking FUCK!

Hovering next to the Irish jeweler stood mother fucking BDD.

He reached for my neck, but I scrambled out of the way.

BDD shook his head, his big brown eyes pleading. “You got me in trouble, Eden. Just come back to the compound. The king only wants to talk.”

Wants to talk? What could the king possibly have to say to me except give me back my diamond and prepare to die?

I inched backward, away from the hulking hired gun.

“Did you think he wouldn’t find you, Eden? Just come back with me and…”

I backed out of his reach once more and casually headed for the front of the store, gambling there was no way he would make a scene here. “No thanks, BDD, I’ve got other plans.” I didn’t know what those other plans were yet, but they definitely included getting the hell out of Laurel Cove. And finding another fence.

Before I reached the engagement ring case, BBD blurred to me, moving faster than even I thought possible.

Jeez, way to stay casual, man.

He snatched me by my upper arms. “You’re coming with me, Eden. Or the king will—”

Unbidden, my fangs descended and my eyes went full dark. “What?” I hissed. “Hunt me and everyone I care about down before jamming a stake in my heart?”

The saleslady shrieked like her hair was on fire.

I mean, fair, but BDD started it.

He rolled his eyes and tapped at his ear. “I need a cleanup in the shopping district. ASAP.”

“Cleanup? Cleanup!” I wrenched myself out of his grip. “You’re going to murder these poor people because you lost your shit and blurred in front of them? What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“For God’s sake, Eden, pull yourself together. No one is dying today.”

Before I fully registered the movement, BDD had reached into his jacket.

Something stung the back of my arm.

And then everything was dark.

* * *

“Big stupid rhino dick.”

“What did she just say?”

My lids felt Velcroed shut. Mouth was drier than when I’d first turned. Heavy, lead-filled limbs. Slow mind.

Only one thing made me feel like this.

“You fucking tranqed me!?” I slurred as I sat up. My eyes flew open, darting left and right, trying to assess the space for threats. But all I could see was brilliant white light and the stark figure blotting out a man-sized portion of it, right in front of me.

Oh, right. The king. Off with her head time.

I sank into the lush sofa cushions and squinted against the midday sun before finally letting my lids drift shut once more.

It was just as well. I mean, what better way to die than by going after your dream?

Sorry cooch diamond, I did my best.

Jax would have to find a way around that landlord’s rate increase. And my co-workers at the bar would definitely miss me. But they’d move on.

At least I was going out at the hands of an incredibly fuckable king.

How many could say the same?

King Julian coughed, snaring my attention. “Rory says your first name is Eden. What’s your last name?”

I shuddered. Eyes closed was a mistake. Big mistake!

The texture of Julian’s voice wrapped around me like never before, electric waves of pleasure zinging over my skin.

Opening my eyes stopped some of it, but I couldn’t keep the gooseflesh from rising on my bare arms.

Fuck, if this man’s voice alone could make me nearly come…

Imagine what else—


“What?” My gaze snapped to his warm hazel eyes, then traveled down the straight, long line of his nose, across his painfully sharp cheekbones that seemed like they could use a nice long lick. Actually, his whole face could. Then I could work my way down his neck to his chest…

“Jesus Christ, Eden, who turned you?” King Julian asked with a strange light in his gaze.

I froze, tranq mind fog clearing. “What does that have to do with anything?” I ventured a glance at my surroundings. The comfy study. And I was on a comfy taupe sofa wrapped in a soft throw blanket.

I was also starving. How long had I been out?

BDD stood in the doorway facing us, expression giving away nothing.

The king pulled a hand over his face and let out a long breath. He and BDD shared a glance before he stepped closer and…



To me.

What. The. Fuck!

Too close!

Way too fucking close!

The heat rising from his body carried his scent to me.

His scent.

Oh my fucking god.How could he smell like everything good in the world, all wrapped in one? Fresh pine needles and musky cedar mixed with match heads and a spicy, light vanilla. It took every bit of self-restraint I had not to bury my nose in his neck and take a good, long whiff.

“She doesn’t know, does she?” King Julian mused quietly, his features softening, gaze taking on a quality I couldn’t name even if I’d tried.

“Apparently not, sir.”

I glanced from the king to BDD and back again. “What? What don’t I know?”

The king cleared his throat, dashing away all trace of soft vulnerability. “The gala two nights ago was a test.”

“A test?”

“I wanted to see which safes you were comfortable cracking.”

What? Why? Why would a king possibly be interested in my safecracking abilities?“Wait, did you say two nights ago?”

The king nodded solemnly.

“It’s Sunday?”

“It is.”

“You mean Big Dumb Dick over there stuck me with enough tranquilizer to knock me out all of yesterday and through the night?”

The king’s eyebrows raised nearly to his hairline. “You’ll have to explain that nickname at a later date. Rory,” he paused, emphasizing BDD’s given name, “was convinced you were a danger to yourself and others. He gave you enough to get you here. I gave you a second dose.”

I shot to my feet, staring down at the king. “You what?”

He only smiled. “I needed time to figure out what to do with you.”

That stopped me short. What to do with me? I guess I should be grateful he didn’t immediately stake me. “Well, I suppose I’ll take losing a day and half over getting beheaded.”

His smile grew wider, eyes alight with mischief. And I swear, if I’d been wearing underwear, I’d have ruined them. “Eden, killing you is the furthest thing from my mind.”

I nodded. “Great. Then I’m keeping the diamond. I stole it fair and square.” I strode toward the door, but BDD didn’t budge. “Please move out of my way.”

BDD only squared up his stance.

“Eden, would you like to know why I tested you?” The king dipped back into that low, rumbly register and I barely caught hold of BDD’s shirt before I melted into a puddle on the ground.

“Can you please stop talking like that?” I snapped, spinning around with my hands on my hips. “Jeez, it’s like you’re intentionally fucking with my hormones. You can’t veil for shit, King Julian. I’m sorry, but someone had to say it.”

The king’s gaze went devilishly wicked before finding BDD’s behind me.

BDD shifted at my back. “I told you, sir. She doesn’t know anything.”

“Eden.” The king’s voice took on a soft, tentative quality, gaze gentle, lips parted slightly.

But even as rapturous as his face was, the full weight of his attention gave me the urge to run as far away from him as fast as possible.

And also to climb him like a fucking tree.

I wanted both in equal measure. I hated his gaze on me, scrutinizing me, seeing me, judging, even if it was soft and warm and inviting right now.

But I also didn’t like it when he wasn’t looking at me.

It was both too much and not enough.

“I’d like to offer you a job,” King Julian said smoothly.

A reason to be around the gorgeous, panty-melting king that made me jumpy and horny and a little crazy? “No thanks,” I said and pushed past BDD.