Hunted By The Alien Assassin by Ella Maven



When we arrived at the Pucin farm, the stillness gave me pause. No lights shone from the windows of the mud-brick house despite the dim early morning light.

Bosa was on high alert too, his blue eyes studying the house. “I want to check inside,” he said. “Something doesn’t feel right.”

I waited in the hideout where I kept my explosives as Bosa went to investigate the house. I lost sight of him as he turned the corner to the back of the house. Watching carefully, I waited for any movements or noises inside.

Then the front door opened and Bosa strode outside, walking casually as if he wasn’t worried about being seen.

“Bosa!” I hissed as he reached my side.

“It’s okay.” He crouched down next to me. “The house is empty.”

“Yeah, but they could be coming back anytime.”

He shook his head. “They’re not coming back, because they’re dead.”

My jaw dropped. “What?”

“It doesn’t look like an attack. They were huddled together under a fur. So maybe it was old age.”

“Huddled together under a fur?” Oh damn, why was I getting teary-eyed over an old alien couple dying in each other’s arms? “Did it look like they died in pain?”

He shook his head. “I don’t think so. I wrapped up the bodies and buried them together. We can sleep in the house tonight. There is food and other supplies.”

I wrinkled my nose. “I feel bad staying in their house.”

“They don’t need it anymore, kotche.”

I pressed my lips together. “Yes, I know that, but…”

He pulled me to my feet. “Come on.”

I followed him toward the house and tentatively stepped inside. Glancing around, I felt like I was invading someone else’s space. They decorated… like alien grandparents. There were knickknacks all around and some homemade art on the walls made of colored yarn. Pucin were stocky, hairy creatures with flat faces and large hands. Farming was their specialty, and these two had plenty of fertile land.

Bosa stood along a table, poking at a black box, and twisting a wire. “What’s that?” I asked as I stepped up next to him.

“This is a signal collector. We might be able to hear dock activity since all arrivals and departures are announced through public signals.”

“Well, that’s handy,” I said. “Wish I had one of those all these years.”

He smiled at me. “Seems like you did an outstanding job pissing off Frenz without one.”

I smirked at that. “Good point.”

After tidying up a bit and grabbing a bite to eat, Bosa led me from the house.

Honestly, I really wanted to sleep “Where are we going?”

“I promised you.”

“Promised me what?”

He only grinned as we ventured into a dense forest around the farm. My feet tripped on large roots and insects the size of walnuts buzzed around my head. I batted them away and rubbed at the back of my sweaty neck. “Bosa,” I couldn’t hold back the whine in my voice. “It’s hot.”

He only smiled as he finally stopped in front of a large leaf the size of a Corolla. He tilted his lips up in a smirk as he shoved the leaf to the side. “You said you wanted to bathe?”

What lay beyond nearly took my breath away. At one end of a small, sparkling clear pool, a waterfall trickled down, barely hiding the narrow alcove behind it. I wanted to weep. Water. Glorious, clean, fresh-smelling water. I inhaled deeply and let out a satisfied sigh.

“Happy?” Bosa asked.

I couldn’t hold back the face-splitting smile. “Very happy.”

His gaze dropped to my mouth and the matz on his chest and neck seemed to shimmer for just a brief moment before he turned away with a jerk and showed me his back. “Then bathe,” he spat gruffly. “We don’t have much time.”

I glared at his back, unsure what caused his drastic mood swing. “Stay like that. I’m undressing. Don’t peek!”

“Like I want to see a naked human,” he snorted.

Like I want to see a naked human,” I mimicked, and I swore he huffed a laugh as I shucked off my clothes. Taking a running leap, I let out a yelp as I cannonballed into the water. When I surfaced, I turned to find Bosa glaring at me, his clothes drenched. I remained submerged up to my neck. “Should have stayed out of my splash zone, Kaluma,” I laughed as I filled my mouth with water before spitting it out in a stream in his direction.

He shuffled out of the way, still glaring. I cupped my hand to send another spray of water in his direction when his hands went to his pants, and he began to lower them. “Hey,” I called out, squeezing my eyes shut as I whirled around. “Warn me before you go pants-less.”

“You think you’re the only one who wants to bathe?” He asked.

I squinted one eye open when I heard a splash behind me. Turning around slowly, I didn’t spot him, until a figure emerged from the water. Bosa tossed his head back, his loose hair flying in an arc as he smoothed his hands over his face and back through his long white locks. Like some sort of Love Island montage.

Turning his head, he speared me with those fluorescent eyes, and for a moment, I forgot to breathe. He stood in the shallower edge of the pool in waist-deep water. Clear droplets ran down his scales to settle in the muscled grooves of his stomach and his hipbones.

“Jiminy Cricket on a tractor,” I muttered to myself. When I’d first met Bosa, he was as alien as everything else I’d met on this planet. I hadn’t viewed him as a gender really, just a… thing that wasn’t human. But now, I knew him and his personality. He was a fully-fledged being to me with his own thoughts, feelings, and motivations. As he stood with the sun glinting of his bronze shoulder spikes, I only saw a tall, gorgeous, stacked male.

“Keep staring like that, Karina,” my name rolled off his tongue like a promise. “And I’ll get curious about the parts of your body hidden beneath the water.”

I tried to deny I’d been staring but the words jammed in my throat. No point in lying to him. I’d been staring. And a stupid, stupid part of me want to know what he looked like below the belt. Did he have human-like anatomy or something else?

His eyes burned even brighter as he took a step toward me. “Curious about something?”

I stared at him, unable to tear my gaze away as he drew closer until he was barely a foot away. The heat from his scales warmed my face, and my nipples pebbled as I imagined what it would feel like to be pressed up against his chest.

“Karina,” he nearly purred, and I had to break the gaze before I leapt into his arms.

“Stop,” I whispered, feeling feverish and so unlike myself. I hadn’t had much of an appetite for sex for years. I hadn’t wanted sex with any creature I met here, but this arrogant Kaluma was something else entirely…

The water swirled around him as he halted. “Does your shoulder hurt?” His tone shifted to one of concern.

“No,” I said.

“What’s wrong?”


A loud buzz filled the air, silencing my words. I covered my ears with my hands as the ear-piercing noise felt like it was coming from inside my brain.

Bosa lunged for me, hauling me into his arms as he sprinted toward the waterfall. When we reached the alcove, the tops of the trees were shaking violently, like something was flying through the air. “Bosa!” I called out in panic.

“Inhale,” he ordered as we reached the alcove.


“Inhale and hold your breath,” he whispered harshly in my face. “Trust me, Karina.”

I did, so I inhaled and held my breath. Bosa plunged us under the water. Holding me with one arm, he stroked with his other arm while kicking as he swam under the rock surrounding the wading pool. Realizing what he was doing, I kicked out too. I tried not to panic when I looked up and saw nothing but solid rock.

Up ahead, a beam of sunlight shone through the water, and we surfaced there in a small cave. Bosa hauled me out of the water, where I gasped to catch my breath for a few minutes. I felt like a drowned rat—naked and panting in a cave with only a small beam of sunlight from a hole about twenty feet above us. I peered up, seeking the warmth of the light as I shivered, but Bosa yanked me away from the patch of light. “They won’t come in here, but they’ll look from above,” he said as he smushed us as far back against the rear wall as he could.

My teeth chattered. “Who?”

“The Gattrix,” he said. “They were flying their hunting copters. They’ll send radar into the water looking for us, but their heat-seekers won’t penetrate this rock. As long as we stay hidden, they won’t find us.”

I shivered. “Fuck.”

“What’s wrong?” he frowned at me. “Why are you shaking?”

“C-cold,” I murmured. It had to be fifty degrees in this cave, and I was naked and wet. My hair clung to my back and forehead like a drenched blanket.

Bosa wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tight to his chest with one arm on the back of my head. “I’ll keep you warm.”

His words held no innuendo, only a promise, and I let myself relax in his hold as I pressed my cold cheek up against his warm scales. “Th-thank you.”

It didn’t take long for the heat of his body to warm my skin. And as my body temperature regulated, a different sort of heat spread throughout my limbs. His chest rose and fell with steady breaths, while his heart beat a strong, dependable rhythm. We were pressed together, with me straddling his massive thigh. I shifted my weight as the pressure in my lower belly increased.

“Don’t,” he rasped out as his muscles went tight.

“What?” My voice sounded breathless. That was when I felt a hardness pressing against my leg. A pulsing hardness. I glanced down. Why? Because I couldn’t help myself. Curiosity got the best of me.

There was no other way to put it—Bosa was equipped. He had a bronze cock-like appendage with a wide base and a shaft that was adorned with undulated, pulsing markings in the same pattern as his matz. I had thought they were tattoos, but in the dim light, they seemed to shimmer and glow. They were a part of him. But that wasn’t even the most interesting part of his cock, which ended with a flared head. And by flared head, I meant his cock was topped with a mushroom-like cap with frilled edges. It was almost pretty. But also, terrifying.

The entire Gattrix population could have rushed into our cave, and I would have shoved them out of the way to get a better look at his cock. I leaned back and he let out a low growl. His cock jerked and the markings pulsed faster. “Karina.”

I finally tore my gaze from his organ and looked at him from under my lashes. “Um. Yeah?”

His jaw was tight, but his eyes glowed with a smug satisfaction. “It’s only fair I get to look at you now, right?”

I sucked in a breath as his gazed skimmed down my neck to my breasts. They’d previously been pressed against him, but now I’d leaned back and was on full display. I lifted my arms on instinct to cover myself but stopped at the last minute. Trust me. He’d said it in real life and in my dreams. His words echoed in my ear. So, I let him look his fill, which he did, eyes burning as my nipples hardened.

“Do your females look like me?” I asked.

“Somewhat,” he murmured. He gently leaned me back against the far wall and held two fingers in front of my face before separating them, a lewd smirk to his lips. “Spread for me, kotche. Let me get a good look.”

I’d been in this galaxy a long time. I hadn’t groomed. I was au natural, while he was hairless at the base of his cock. With a swallow, I spread my legs slowly with my knees cocked, my heels dragging against the rough stone.

His chest heaved as he inspected me, and I could have come right there just from his gaze on my pussy. I trembled, no longer cold but burning up from the inside out as he perused me like he was deciding which part to devour first. His head turned this way and that, and his cock continued to pulse. I swore the cap moved, but then he crouched closer, and my view was blocked.

“Will you let me touch, kotche?” he asked as his hands hovered inches above my shins. The eager look on his face was like a kid presented with a lollipop. And maybe I was crazy, but I wanted so very badly to see what he’d do with a sucker.

I nodded, and his hands immediately settled on my legs before sliding up over my knees to my thighs. He gripped me there and tugged me forward. I slid with a quiet yelp as he settled me in his lap, his knees bent and thighs spread. His cock hovered between us, and it was distracting as hell.

His thumb caressed the crease of my thighs, and when a claw grazed my folds, I let out a low moan. I was wet, I could feel it, and his flared nostrils made me think he could smell it too.

His gaze dropped to watch his fingers play in the skin of my pussy, sliding through the wetness. When he reached my clit, I jerked, and he immediately stopped. “What is that?”

“It’s…” I swallowed as his face hovered inches from mine. “My clit.”

“What does it do?”

“It doesn’t do anything, really,” I laughed huskily. “It’s where a lot of human females feel the most pleasure.”

He tilted his head. “Your uvum?”

“My what?”

“In Kaluma females, the pleasure spot is on the roof of their mouths.” He opened his lips and pointed behind his top front teeth. “There.”

I blinked at him. “Really?”

“Yes, really.”

At first, I wrinkled my nose, but then a thought dawned on me. “So wait, you pleasure them with your—”

“My tongue.” He unfurled a dark blue tongue that looked similar to mine—if not ridiculously long—but then it transformed before my eyes. A small hole, nearly undetectable when he’s talking, widened on the tip of his tongue. The edges peeled back and away like a flower bloom. The hole began to undulate, and I stared in absolute fascination while my clit throbbed.

“Let me show you how it works,” he said in a deep voice that I felt in every cell of my body. I could only nod dumbly as he lowered himself between my legs and latched the hole of his tongue onto my clit.

When I felt a tug of suction, I cried out so loudly he slapped his hand over my mouth. A chuckle rumbled up from his throat, which only caused me to let out a muffled shriek from behind his hand. His tongue worked its magic, pulling and working my clit until I was cross-eyed and my legs had turned to jelly. I was uttering incoherent noises from behind his hand. When his other fingers toyed with my entrance and a thick finger slipped inside, I came like a geyser, gushing into his mouth and onto his hand with an orgasm like I’d never had before. In my life. Ever.

I whimpered as he tugged on my clit one last time before giving my pussy one lick with the flat of his tongue. He reared above me, his tongue returning to its normal state as he panted, eyes burning with excitement. “I can’t wait to get you where I can hear your noises. I want your screams in my ear, while your nails dig in my back.”

And that was when I realized I’d clawed the shit out of him. I gasped and yanked my hands back, but he only laughed. Sitting back on his haunches, he helped me sit up since I felt like I’d just taken a handful of muscle relaxers. “How do human males pleasure your clit?”

I could only laugh. “Not like that.”

His eyes narrowed. “Better or worse?”

I thought for a moment of lying because he was getting kind of smug, but instead, I patted him on the shoulder. “Worse, big guy. Way worse.”

Between us, his cock bobbed, and as much as it scared me, I had to know if this appendage had any tricks like his tongue. I raised an eyebrow. “ So, since you touched, can I touch too?”

A muscle worked in his jaw before he nodded. “Touch me, kotche.”

I wrapped my fingers around his cock, amazed at the white markings which throbbed beneath his skin. He was so thick my fingers couldn’t wrap all the way round, and when I tugged, he let out a grunt. “You can touch, but beware there will be consequences.”


“I will spend my seed.”

“And I’m supposed to be scared of that?”

He watched me carefully and grimaced when I gave his cock another tug and pull. “I don’t want to scare you.” His matz shimmered brilliantly, and he closed his eyes as his body shuddered violently. I felt a strange sensation in my hands. I looked down to see the flared head of his cock had unfurled, the frilled edges now fanned out, and the end cap was rotating. His shaft pulsed, the head spun, and I swore I was going to orgasm again right then and there.