Shameful by May Dawson



Rhett openedthe car door and lifted meout.

“Can you walk?” he asked.

I nodded, then made it two steps before the sense of pain flared and my knees went weak. I stumbled, found Rhett’s arm around my waist as he held me up. I swayed against the hard muscle of his body. His eyes widened with worry.

Rhett caught me and swept me off my feet and into his arms. My palm pressed against his chest, found his heart beating fast, mirroring my own. His hair was lighter than his twin’s, a dirty blond with reddish streaks, and his blue eyes were far warmer.

“Try not to watch the girl so hard you trip over the curb,” West growled. His voice was sexy even when he sounded pissed, deep and husky. “She’s bad off enough without you dropping her on the concrete.”

“I’ve got Legacy,” Rhett said, his voice smooth andsure.

Rhett carried me into a hotel room and laid me on the bed. I was thrashing around in pain, but I also couldn’t help my hips from rising in some strangepull.

“Is that asshole ever going to fucking finish?” West demanded from the doorway.

“I think this asshole is going for round two,” Rhettsaid.

He laid down beside me. “Legacy. Look at me. Try to, okay?”

I met his gaze. Those bright blue eyes were serious now, not mischievous.

“When you let go of the bond completely, then you’ll let go of the pain too,” he said. “Can you try to do that? Try to let go of thebond?”

“I’ll try,” I said, but it was such an abstract thing to attempt. I’ll just stop caring about Lucas.

Nothing happened.

Just another jolt ofpain.

“If he can let go of the bond,” I breathed, not wanting to say fuck me out of his system like West’s crass words, “can’t I do thesame?”

“Maybe,” Rhett said cautiously.

“Oh god,” West said, and backed out of the hotel room. The door bangedshut.

“Can you help me?” I whispered. I’d never sounded so needy and desperate, but thepain

Rhett was silent for a moment. Then he said, “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Legacy. What you choose in a moment of pain… it’s not something you’re really choosing. You’re just trying to escape.”

“You won’t helpme.”

“I didn’t say that.” He sighed and cocked his arm under his head, still watching me. “Is there anyone else from your pack that you liked? Or even a celebrity you crush on? Anyone who’s not Lucas?”

For some reason, it was West and Rhett whose faces floated to mind. Probably because I’m not very imaginative, and I was in a sorry state.

“I can imagine someone,” I said huskily.

“Okay, well, imagine him touching you,” he said. “Think of what it would feel like if he were kissingyou.”

I pictured Lucas’s mouth, then forced myself to imagine Rhett instead. Rhett’s lips were softer, with a mischievous quirk at the corners even though his jaw was hard. “It’s not helping.”

“He’s touching your breasts. How do you like to be touched?”

My cheeks colored and I shook my head. But I could imagine Rhett’s hand, palming me inside my bra, the way his hand would be heavy against my breast as he began to knead me. His gaze was fixed on me so intently now, and I could imagine the way he’d watch me, his gaze intent before he leaned over, his lips capturing my nipple.

I bit my lip, too embarrassed to tell him about the images that played through my mind, afraid he’d see through to how much I wanted him right now. I didn’t dare when all he felt for me waspity.

Rhett heaved a sigh. “Are you a virgin? Virgins are exhausting.”

I groaned. “First girls get slut-shaming, now virgin-shaming. There’s no pleasing you people, huh?”

“Me?” he demanded, sounding offended. “I’ve never slut shamed anyone. I think being a slut is a beautiful lifestyle choice, one I embraced myself before being exiled. Also, that was possibly part of why I was exiled.”

He watched me writhe for a moment, then said, “You have to touch yourself.”

I was so desperate I was willing to do anything. But my cheeks flooded even hotter with embarrassment. “Are you going to watch?”

“No,” he said, although his own breath hitched. He rolled away, so he was no longer facing me. “I’m going to stare at this magnificent hotel artwork instead. Or I cango…”

“Don’t go,” I said, too quickly. I couldn’t bear to be alone.

“Then I will study this painting of two golden retriever puppies fighting over aboot.”

My hand delved down my stomach. I unzipped my jeans and wiggled my hand inside my panties, and despite the waves of pain, I found slick, wetheat.

“Imagine he’s touching between your thighs. Now he’s licking your clit, licking all that cum off your wet pussy.”

I frowned at the back of hishead.

“What?” he asked, as if he could feel my gaze. “I can smell you, Legacy. Sorry, it’s not my choice, but I am a wolf. You’re almost as turned-on as you are pissed-off.”

“Now what?” I demanded, my fingers stroking over myclit.

He laughed. Rhett laughed easily, warm and inviting, and despite the pain, the sound made me smile too. I couldn’t separate my attraction from Rhett from the phantom lust Lucas inflicted on me. But part of me wanted Rhett to turn over, wanted him to watch me, wanted him to be aroused like Iwas.

“Imagine his mouth on you, his tongue working inside you, thrusting against your g-spot. Your muscles tighten, your abs tense, you have to fight the urge not to squeeze his head between your knees.” His voice was amused. “His hand joins his mouth, thumbing yourclit.”

My fingers slid in rhythmic circles, growing faster and faster.

I touched and stroked myself until I finally came, my hips bucking.

The pain receded. All I felt, for a moment anyway, was a wave of pleasure. I let out a long, low moan as my hips bucked. I wanted the feeling to last as I spasmed around nothing, longing for a cock to fill me. I wanted Rhett.

Then I sank into the soft sheets, exhausted and sated and worn out. It felt as if I’d been put through some kind of insane test. I was falling into sleep when Rhett’s voice came again.

“Someday you’ll meet a guy who’s worthy of you, Legacy,” he said. “Not like that asshole alpha’s son. That’s the guy you should imagine.”

And even as I started to fall into sleep, I knew I’d have to make sure he never knew that he was the one I’d been imagining.