Shameful by May Dawson



That night,I lay awake, listening to Legacy’s and Rhett’s voices murmuring in the hallway before they went into his room. A while later, I heard her low moans, and my cock stiffened.

God, I wanted to be the one covering her long, pale throat in kisses, my fingers tangled in all that long dark hair. I wanted her to look up at me with desire flaring in those gorgeous deep brown eyes, and I wanted to see her pretty lips wrapped around mycock.

I couldn’t believe she was someone else’s fated mate. I couldn’t believe Rhett was the one touching her. I tossed and turned. The wolf deep in me raged, shook his head, growled out his possession. She was supposed to be mine. Mine.

I got out of bed, grabbed my flashlight, and headed into the hall. It wasn’t until I stepped into the long, cold corridor that I heard the notes of music floating up from the ballroom. For a second, it made me imagine ghostly dancers spinning around that cavernousroom.

I headed downstairs, passing the little niches carved into stone. The light from the bouncing flashlight beam caught something colorful, and I stopped.

The niches in the stone that had always held only cobwebs now held random glass jars. They’d been filled with purple and yellow wildflowers, plucked from the forest outside the castle. Legacy.

The bright beauty she’d brought into this cold castle startled me. She didn’t belong here. She couldn’tstay.

But I didn’t know how to save her. Notyet.

And when I thought about finding a way to get her back home, my wolf howled. He just wanted to run with Legacy’s wolf, to be streaking through the moonlight-soaked woods rightnow.

In the distance, Legacy let out a long, low cry as she orgasmed. My wolf whined so hard I could’ve sworn I felt the sound rise in the back of my throat.

I headed across the entryway and into the ballroom.

West’s back was to me, and he was playing a slow, soulfultune.

“So you couldn’t stand listening to the two of them either, huh?” I asked.

West broke off abruptly, just for a moment, then began to play again. “He only pleasures her so she can feel something else, someone else… not Lucas.”

That might be more words than West had said to me in the previous year. So it mattered to him that Rhett hadn’t penetrated her. Interesting.

I wanted to say something else to him, begin to fix what had broken between us. But I didn’t know where to begin.

“Mind if I stay a while?” I asked. “Can’t sleep.”

He was silent and I thought he wasn’t going to answer. I was about to leave when he said, “Sure.”

I hesitated, tempted to leave anyway after that big welcome. But instead, I threw myself down on one of the couches in the corner.

West switched tunes, his fingers flying over the keys, and the music lifted mymood.

West’s playing was really something. Even after Cyrus broke eight of his fingers, his punishment for Rhett’s sins. Legacy hadn’t been there that night, but I remembered her father standing in the back of the room as Cyrus slammed the hammer down on West’s fingers, one after the other. West had managed not to scream, but he’d made an involuntary, inhuman sound that I still remembered. Cyrus’s eyes had glinted then, as if he’d been unsatisfied by West’s courage, as if he got hard seeing West finally break.

I’d thought that West would never play again. He hadn’t even bothered until long after we’d been here. I’d come downstairs and found him tinkering with the keys, trying to tune them, and he’d stormedoff.

But eventually, I’d heard him start to play again. His fingers still didn’t look quite right, and his pinkie stuck out whenever he made a fist. Maybe he didn’t play as well as he usedto.

But he played again, and that was quite the fuck-you itself to the Harleyclan.

Someday, I was going to kill Cyrus Harley.

West’s music shifted to slower, gentler songs. I drifted off to sleep after a while, listening to the music and the howl of the wind and the distant pounding of the lake on the shore.

In the morning,I blinked in confusion as I woke up to the sunlight streaming in the ballroom. The piano’s lid was closed.

Legacy leaned over me, the sun limning her in light. “Couldn’t sleep?” she asked lightly. “I don’t like the idea of you sleeping where we can’t hear each other.”

The memory of Rhett, West and Legacy running to my rescue still made me cringe inside. “I’m not going to scream for my mommy in the night, Legacy.”

“Maybe I need you to hear me if I scream for you,” she shot back, then a faint flush of color crept up her throat.

Yes please. I’d like to hear you scream forme.

She was always gorgeous, but the way she blushed around me was the sexiest thing. This girl was affected by me too. It satisfied me and it left me craving more. I wanted to see the way she’d flush during orgasm.

She backed up. Her long dark hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail, and she was wearing leggings and a ripped crop top over a black sports bra. She was the sexiest opponent I’d ever seen, even before I came to the island.

And my cock was reallyhard.

“Give me a minute to brush my teeth,” I said, rolling off the couch and heading stiffly for the stairs. God.

While I brushed my teeth and took the fastest possible cold shower, I thought of every unsexy thought I could imagine. I thought I had myself under control by the time I walked back into the ballroom.

Legacy was bending over, unrolling the mats Gibs had given me for training, and her shapely ass in those tight leggings waved in my face. The cold fucking shower had been for nothing.

I hadn’t felt so out-of-control horny since I was a cub. Determined to ignore my cock, I joined her in rolling out themats.

Legacy Quinn was going to be the death ofme.