Shameful by May Dawson



It mademe furious to see Rhett touching Legacy, his hands on her waist, his touch familiar. She was laughing up at him, light in her eyes, and that was good to see—if only she looked at me thatway.

She’d had a mate. But could she be my mate? Because when I looked at someone else touching her, I felt purefury.

“Legacy, would you give us a moment?” I asked tightly.

Her chin lifted and she stared back into my eyes. Despite the defiant glint in her gaze, I was still surprised when she said flatly, “No.”

“No?” I repeated.

“Is that a foreign word?” she asked, taking a step toward me. “At least when it’s said in a woman’s voice?”

I just stared at her, perplexed. I was pissed, but she seemed just as pissed asme.

“You can say anything you have to say to them in front of me. I’m tired of the secrets!” She toldme.

“Fine,” I said, although I could barely tear my eyes away from her face to Rhett andWest.

She was beautiful when she was angry. I hadn’t expected to feel so impressed by her, so affected.

“You two need to promise you won’t ruin her life with your stupid plans,” I said. “I know, I know you’re planning an escape. And I know just as well that it won’t fuckingwork.”

I tossed the satellite phone I’d found hidden onto the floor. I knew it was Rhett’s phone.

“No, no, don’t,” Rhett started, just before I slammed my heel down onto it. Rhett winced as it cracked.

“Sucks, doesn’t it?” Legacy asked, casting a glance atWest.

“If you want to get yourselves killed, fine, I won’t stop you this time,” I said. “But you aren’t taking her withyou.”

“Why Killian, I didn’t know you cared,” Rhett purred, his usual demeanor taking over even though his eyes were stillwild.

They barely ever got the chance to leave the island. That might be his only chance to ever get a connection to the outside world.

“How do you know I wasn’t just using that phone to check in with my grandma, anyway?” Rhett askedme.

I snorted. “Even your grandma doesn’t like you, Rhett.”

“That’s ugly and unfair,” Rhett said. “My grandmother is perpetually confused by my life choices, but she loves me anyway. That’s the best thing about a grandma.”

Legacy faced me angrily, crossing her arms. “Why did you dothat?”

“Did you know?” I asked her, pointing to the smashed electronics.

She seemed to debate how to answer. God, she’d been such a good girl back in her pack; how fast could West and Rhett corrupther?

I gave up and stormed outside. “Be ready to train in an hour. You need something to keep you occupied besides

I broke off and headed out of the castle. I could smell Rhett and West on her, and it made me furious. But I didn’t have any right to be angry.

She was someone else’s mate. Notmine.

Footsteps stormed after me. I expected it to be Rhett, so I was surprised when I turned and found West behindme.

“You’re not going to help her,” he said heatedly. “You know Cyrus will never bring her home. Not Lucas either. She’s got no lifehere.”

“I think that’s the most I’ve ever heard yousay.”

“Stop being a selfish, stupid dick thinking that Cyrus will ever bring you back, and help her!” He shovedme.

“I’m trying to!” I shoved him back. “I’m trying to keep her away fromyou!”

West came back with a right hook. I blocked the punch, pushing his arm aside and stepping into him. He punched me with his left, a blow that took my breath. But I was too well-trained to pause at the pain, and I used the opening to step in closer to him, slamming my fist into his gut. He half-doubled over, grabbed me, tried to kick my leg out from beneathme.

“Why don’t you let Legacy decide if she wants to stay away from me or not?” he snarled.

Then Legacy flew between us. I was trying to punch West in the face. Then suddenly, she was there, and I tried to pull my punch but it was too late. My knuckles slammed into herjaw.

She fell back, shook her head, trying to shake off thepain.

All my fury died in an instant.

“I’m sorry, Legacy,” I said, reaching forher.

West shoved me away, wrapped his arm around her. He glowered at me over her head, but his gaze changed when he looked down at her. There was something soft and caring there. “Youokay?”

“I’m fine,” she said, sounding breathless from the pain. “You two just stop fighting.”

She ducked under his arm, then stormed away from usboth.

West stared at me, jaw tight, and I thought he was going to punch me again.

Instead he just whirled and headed for the doors, moving so fast that he almost broke into a run. Knowing West, he was trying to run from any kind of feeling.

I stood there for a few seconds, breathing through the burning pain in my abs and shaking out my hand. West and I had fought once before; he’d challenged me for leadership of this little group, and I’d kicked his ass soundly—more soundly than I wanted to, because I didn’t want to leave any doubt and fight again.

Strangely, that hadn’t helped our relationship. We’d had peace ever since, but not friendship.

Maybe I was not great with people.

I went to find Legacy. I couldn’t stand that I’d hurther.