Shameful by May Dawson



It was nevera good night for dealing with ghosts. West stalked ahead of me through the shadowed, marble halls, searching for the ghost that had woken us with yet another poltergeist attack.

West always took murder attempts so personally. While I helped dispense with the ghosts, I understood the poltergeists’ point. Thanks to Cyrus Harley, we had invaded the ghosts’ territory. They’d been here long before we were exiled to the pack’s reject island.

“What do you think they’re doing back at home?” I leaned against the wall, almost losing sight of him in the darkness. Working electricity would really liven this placeup.

West snorted. “Home? Why the fuck are you thinking about that place at all, let alone thinking about it ashome?”

My brother never missed a chance to be a dickhead.

“Tomorrow’s mating night,” I said. “The supermoon. “

“Then you know what they’re doing.” He gestured me forward, his voice dropping, although his words were as cold as ever. “They’re all thinking about fucking. Tomorrow they’ll be fucking, and you’ll still be here. Not fucking.”

He stopped and seemed to consider. “At least, you won’t be any kind of fucking except fucking annoying.”

I drew alongside him, readying my sword. “I don’t know why I try to talk toyou.”

“I don’t know either.” He smacked my shoulder with his hand. “Go.”

I kicked in the door, and he exploded through it the next second. The two of us piled into the darkroom.

If ghosts are trying to hide, it’s easier to find them in the dark. The dangerous dead tend to have a soft glow that stands out against a nice black evening.

But it’s definitely notfun.

As the two of us searched for the ghost that had been fucking up our days lately, I asked West, “Do you think Legacy will get mated?”

“Why? You want her to die alone? We’re never goingback.”

“I didn’t say I wanted to mate withher.”

West said, “You might as well be honest. It’s just me and the ghosts.”

Then he added, “If you’re going to talk all the goddamned time, whylie?”

“Well, you’re the only one I get to talk to,” I snappedback.

“Lies. There are the ghosts. You could bore them for a while.”

“You’re a terrible brother.”

“You loveme.”

I didn’t have to see him to know the look on his face. The two of us had a sixth sense for each other developed in the years since we were cast out of our pack to Reject lsland. We spent a lot of our time moving through the darkness.

“Maybe we’ll go back oneday.”

“Harley is never going to invite usback.”

“There’s his son. Lucas. He’ll take over oneday.”

West laughed, the noise harsh and bitter. It was the only way I ever heard him laugh nowadays.

“We’re never getting off this island, brother. Lucas isn’t gonna be any better than his daddy. Our only chance is to escape.”

And for us to escape again, we’d have to step over Killian’s deadbody.