Shameful by May Dawson



I’d noticedthe boat delivering food always passed by at the same time every other day. I stood shivering on the shore, waiting.

I swam to board the boat that passed. I barely managed to catch the side, it was moving so fast, but I hoisted myself over and tumbled into the bottom.

The shocked looking guard brought his baton up to beat me back into the water. But I was already whirling to kick it out of his hand. The baton sailed through the air and landed in the water with a splash.

He grabbed for his gun, but I was there first. I tore his gun away and threw it into the water. I didn’t want to risk accidentally killing a fellow shifter. Then I’d really never be able to comehome.

I knew the guard would track me down. Hell, maybe Killian would. But maybe I could find Tobias first, uncover Cyrus’s secrets, and clear myname.

If I killed anyone though, it was allover.

The guard driving the boat rose from the seat, starting to pull his gun. I tossed the first guard into him. He slammed into the driver’s chest, and the two of them fell over the back of the boat and into thesea.

The boat rocked dangerously but I caught myself with a hand on the steering wheel; the boat, which had stalled during the fight, began toturn.

“Whoa, whoa,” someone shouted behind me, and I whirled, ready for another fight.

But it was Rhett and West who clambered into the boat with me. West shook himself, his wet hair flying.

“What are you doinghere?”

“Got the feeling you were doing something stupid, decided to come along,” Rhett said with his usual cheer.

“Rhett is an expert on doing something stupid. He recognizes the signs in others,” West deadpanned.

Rhett gave him a broad smile. “You’re here with me, brother.”

West didn’t dignify that thought with an answer.

“Speaking of which, what are we doing?” West asked.

“We’re going to track down Tobias Bentley, and expose whatever Cyrus is hiding.”

“But first,” Rhett mused, “We’re going to have to get away from Killian.”

“And the rest of the Guard,” I said grimly.

“Yeah,” Rhett said. “But the one who’ll matter is Killian.”