Saints of the Syndicate by Natalie Nicole

Chapter 16


Two weeks later- Mid October


“So you actually passed that midterm? You’re fucking kidding me.”

Declan hits me with a cocky smirk as we ride up the elevator, done with classes for the day.

“Yup. B+ mother fucker. Sunshine has been helping me study a bit. She doesn’t explain it all fucked up like you do.”

Well color me impressed as shit. Declan doesn’t study, and he doesn’t show up for class much. Usually he relies on me for most of the homework just so he can slide by in classes. Like any of us could actually fail if we wanted to. Our parents rule this university. If none of us showed up for a single day of class, we would all receive a C+/B- average. Yeah, it’s sickening as fuck at the treatment we get here, but there is nothing we can do about it. None of us ever had a choice. The moment we were declared ‘boys’ on an ultrasound machine, our lives were set in stone.

Sinclair will take over Blackwell Industries and eventually become the leader of the Trident. BI has its hands in so many things it's not even funny. Technology and security are the breadwinners of Blackwell, but they also have about 60 sister companies in addition to the main operation.

Declan’s family owns Carter Pharmaceuticals, which he will take over along with being second in command to Sinclair in the Trident. Carter Pharm is the leading company in the world for multiple drugs. Cancer drugs, a vaccine for a nasty and super contagious flesh-eating virus, and a drug to help with diabetes are the company’s biggest producers. Also, like Blackwell industries, Carter Pharm has its hands in as many drug formulations as possible. It’s constantly trying new things for different ailments, viruses, diseases, and whatever else this fucked up world can conjure up.

My role? Other than being third in command to Sinclair and Declan along the walls of the Trident, I’ll eventually take over Martinelli Entertainment Industries. My family owns luxury resorts, spas, clubs, and restaurants all over the world. While all the names are different as they can be depending on location, if you see the MEI logo, you know you will be stepping into the highest quality and best service money can buy.

All this shit is daunting, and it’s stressful as fuck to think it’s something we will be taking over one day. While our grandfathers paved the way for a phenomenal legacy, our fathers have straight up turned all the businesses into the most diverse and excessive shit ever. Their thirst for power and money is the driving force for the way they run their business with complete iron fists. It’s also the biggest reason for our stellar fucked up home life. Nothing any of us did was ever good enough, nor will it ever be. We have mostly just become immune to the degradation, but we also have our vices that keep us from completely jumping off the deep end.

“Wonder what we are gonna be walking into. I don’t think Sin or Bethani had class this afternoon. Jesus they fight like hell.”

I chuckle at D’s observation. “Yeah. This past two weeks has been interesting as fuck for sure with them two.”

We’ve had Bethani living with us for two weeks already. Declan and I have had a blast hanging out with her and doing the simplest shit. We’ve been watching movies in the theatre room or on the couch, working out in the gym, or just bullshitting while one of us cooks. The same, however, can’t be said for her and Sinclair. They are like oil and fucking water. Bethani flips out at Sinclair’s over protective antics. He’s constantly asking where she is in the group chat when she isn’t at the penthouse, and she retaliates with a vengeance. Her attitude pisses him off to no end, which is also a giant turn on for him. He wants to “punish her sassy ass” as he says, but he knows he can’t until she consents to it. So until she says yes, he is sporting the same ridiculous blue balls Declan and I are.

Pretty sure I’ve jacked off more in the past two weeks than I ever have in my fucking life. Just a little glance, smirk, or giggle from Bethani has my cock at full fucking painful mast. It’s ridiculous how bad I want her on top of me while I watch her sink down on my throbbing cock.

“Fucking hell,” I mutter while rubbing my hands over my face, attempting to diffuse some of the sexual tension roaring through my veins as blood steadily rushes to my dick.

Declan just laughs, clearly knowing where my thoughts went. “I feel you man. This is the longest I’ve went without sex since I first got laid.” I just flip him off.

The elevator door opens to the penthouse, and as we step out, everything is oddly quiet. I share an equally confused look with D as we slowly make our way towards the living room and kitchen when a flying glass shatters in front of us, abruptly stopping us. Yeah, we are all crazy fucks, but even we know when to not walk into a shit storm, mostly.

“You arrogant pig headed bastard! How fucking dare you!” Bethani screeches from the kitchen area. “Why in the ever loving fuck would you do that?”

As we slowly make our way around the wall, prepared to avoid flying shit, we are both stunned at the state of the kitchen. There are knives thrown into a wall, broken glass everywhere, and what looks like a bag of flour exploded all over the fucking place. Sinclair is standing at one end of the kitchen island, completely covered in flour. Bethani is at the opposite end with more glasses in front of her as ammunition to hurl at Sin. Both look crazed as fuck, ready to either fuck each other senseless or murder the other. Right now, I honestly can’t tell which way it would play out.

Declan finally breaks the stare down. “What the fuck is going on here? Christ we were barely gone two fucking hours.”

Both of them turn their venomous gazes our way, and if I were a lesser man, I’d probably be cowering in fear over the vicious blaze in their eyes.

“Just a misunderstanding, that’s all,” Sinclair declares before returning his gaze towards Bethani.

Her eyes rear back at his comment. “Misunderstanding? A fucking misunderstanding? That’s what you are calling getting busted going through my shit when I realized there was an app on my phone that you could open up to see everything I do from your room!”

He just shrugs noncommittally in response. “We told you, your safety is top priority here with that prick still missing in action. Or did you forget already?”

I wince at his crass behavior. “Sinclair…” I start to say something to diffuse the situation, but Bethani fires off in another retaliation.

“Did I? Did I forget that a mother fucker drugged me, then took me to a fucking alleyway and tried to not only force himself on me, but physically assault me? Hmm...let me think. Nope! The nightmare is still there every damn night. My neck still hurts sometimes from his grip, and I still have cuts healing. So you tell me if I fucking forgot or not.”

Sinclair, Declan and I all cringe at her brazen reminder, but Sinclair finally starts to realize he is pushing too hard.

“Kitten, I’m…”

“No! You do not get to talk right now! Тыбессердечныйублюдок. Идинахрен!” she seethes before storming off in an absolute rage towards her room.

I look at Deck “I’ve got her. You deal with him and this mess,” I say then rush off towards her room.

I manage to catch the door with my foot before it slams in my face. I find her in the bathroom running water over her face.

“Tesoro, you alright?” I ask from the doorway, scaring the shit out of her.

“Jesus! You scared me, Giovanni. You know you are all stealthy for being giants.”

Her wide aqua eyes stare at me in shock, her breasts heaving as she tries to calm her heart rate. I find myself entranced with her instantly, and I need to get this moving before I jump her sexy little ass in the bathroom. My dick is already starting to stand at attention at the thoughts of those plush lips wrapped around my cock.

“Giovanni? Did you need something?”

“Oh, yeah. want to go somewhere with me? To, you know, get away from Sinclair?”

Smooth Giovanni, real fucking smooth idiot.

She smiles at me and I have to stifle a groan. Fuck she is perfection.

“Where did you have in mind?”

I shrug. “Just a spot I go to when I need a moment's peace. It’s nothing fancy.” Jesus, can I act any more pretentious? Fuck me.

“Sure. Is what I’m wearing alright? Or do I need to change?”

I slowly peruse her body. She is wearing a sexy as sin halter jumpsuit and flip flops. While the jumpsuit looks simple, on her, its fucking drool worthy. The comfortable material hugs her curves perfectly. The cut is just low enough to give a tease of her cleavage, and the back is so damn low it shows the dimples above that voluptuous ass that I want to sink my teeth into. As my gaze returns to her face, I realize I must have been gawking way too long. Her cheeks are blushed crimson, and I want to do anything and everything to make her feel that special, always. Quickly clearing my throat, and I answer, “You look perfect, Tesoro. I’ve got blankets and a spare hoodie in the Jeep if you get cold.” Then I hold out my hand for her to take.

Bethani glances at it for a second before deciding my idea is better than staying here. When her hand catches mine, I have to hold back against the electric sizzle coursing through my body at the simplest touch from her. I’ve never felt like this with any of the chicks I’ve fucked before. Hell, I’m lucky to remember their names half the time. Not because I don’t have a damn near photographic memory for shit, I just don’t care to remember them.

This woman holding my hand currently, I already know I’m never going to forget her. Every little fucking thing she does just permeates into my system, latching on to my soul. It’s intoxicating and scary. But I don’t want to give it up either.

“Come on, Tesoro, let’s go.” I gently tug her behind me out the door to her room and towards the elevator. “Be back later!” I yell to Sin and Deck, trying to avoid being stopped.

Declan storms out of the kitchen, catching us as we hit the elevator. “Seriously? You are leaving me with him? The fuck did I do to you?”

Laughing, I just shrug. “Nothing. Just going for a drive. That’s all.”

He scowls before turning away and muttering obscenities at me. “Bullshit. Fucking bullshit. I get stuck with fuck face temper tantrum and he gets to go have fun with sunshine. Bastard.”

I don’t even respond to his childish acts. Instead, I quickly step into the elevator, still holding Bethani’s hand as I hit the button for the garage. I look down to see her smiling.

“You could have invited him, you know?”

“Nah. He is a big boy. He will live.”

She just laughs, bringing the biggest shit eating grin to my face as the elevator descends.


“So where exactly are we going?”

I glance over towards Bethani riding shotgun in the jeep. She looks fucking ethereal with her long hair cascading down her back, and the slowly setting sun makes her glow.

“Ever heard of the cliffs?”

She just shakes her head no.

“It’s a spot I found when I started driving. It’s secluded, overlooks the ocean, and is my favorite place to go when shit gets to be too much. The guys don’t even know where it is.”

“Holy shit,” she whispers, causing me to glance over at her shocked face.

“What? Is everything alright, Tesoro?”

My heart rate spikes as I think of anything and everything that could be going wrong. She just smirks at me.

“Nothing. Just surprised you actually have secrets between you three.”

The breath I didn’t realize I was holding comes whooshing out of me.

“Jesus, Tesoro. Don’t do that to a man. Holy hell, I thought something was wrong.”

Her continuous giggles at me as I park have me quickly throwing the Jeep into park, undoing my seat belt, and turning to tickle the shit outta her. Her laughing is continuous as I proceed to harass her when she finally asks me to stop.

“Ok! I’m sorry, Giovanni. It was just too good not to pass up!”

“You are a little devil. You realize that, right?”

She just sends me another one of those sultry smiles of hers, sending blood forcefully to my dick. It’s pulsing at the thoughts assaulting my brain, forcing me to close my eyes and take deep breaths to will my dick to behave.

“What’s on your mind, Giovanni?”

I open my eyes slowly to see her mimicked and equally hooded gaze. Fuckkkk.

“N-nothing, Tesoro.”

“Liar. You want to kiss me.”

Test of willpower, here I come.


“Then why don’t you?” she challenges.

And starting to fail the test commencing in 3...2...1…

“Because, Tesoro. If I kiss you, I won’t fucking stop at just kissing you. I’ll ravish those fuck-me lips of yours until they are swollen and bruised. I’ll take my time kissing and exploring that cock tease body of yours until I have every single spot memorized that turns you on. I will devour your pussy with my fingers, tongue, and lips until you are so close to the edge of an orgasm...then I’ll stop just long enough to sink my dick deep inside you. I won’t stop until we are both so wrung out with pleasure that neither of us can walk for a fucking week”

We are just staring at each other, both with jagged breathing at my admission. My cock is fucking steel in my jeans, straining and threatening to bust the zipper. Her lips are parted, and those flawless aqua eyes are almost black with desire. Fuck, mine probably are too. We continue to stare at each other, not sure where to turn from here, when the feeling of her hand grazing my thigh jolts me. Fucking hell, I didn’t even notice her moving.

Fuck it.

I reach my hand behind the back of her neck, fisting my fingers in her thick locks, then I pull her into me and crash our lips together for an earth shattering kiss.

The moment our lips touch, I swear everything else fades away. There is nothing but the two of us. As our lips mold together, I open my mouth just enough to nip her lower lip, causing her to gasp. Our tongues quickly tangle together, and I moan in pleasure. She tastes like the sweetest treat, and I’m instantaneously addicted to it. My lungs burn from lack of oxygen, but I refuse to stop devouring her mouth.

Needing to have her closer to me, I fumble with the toggle on the seat to give me as much room as possible. When I succeed, I quickly snatch Bethani out of the passenger seat and bring her over to straddle me. She squeals at the change, breaking our kiss for much needed air. I just stare at her for a moment, captivated by her beauty.

“You are gorgeous, Tesoro.” She just blushes and reaches behind her towards the halter of her jumpsuit. I grab her wrists, stopping the movement. “You know I won’t be able to stop if you do that.”

All she gives me is a sultry little smile before bringing her bottom lip between her pearly whites. I swear on everything my dick swells more than I ever thought it was capable of.

Fucking hellllllll.

“I’m aware of that, Giovanni. I never once asked you to stop, now did I?”

Chuckling, I release her wrists, move my arms behind my head, and give her the best cocky smile I can conjure up. “Fair enough, Tesoro. Proceed.”

Slight hesitation crosses her face before she jumps in with both feet by untying the halter on her outfit. When she slowly, torturously, pulls it down to free her breasts, I realize she isn’t wearing a bra under it.

“Holy shit,” I mutter as I just stare at her flawless tits.

They are full, symmetrical, and perfectly tanned like the rest of her. Her rose bud nipples are already pebbled, begging to be touched. I can’t fucking resist any longer.

I move my hands from behind my head to cup each breast in my palm, relishing at the feel of them in my hands. It’s like they were fucking made for me. I slowly start kneading them, loving how just the slightest pressure has Bethani’s breath catch in the back of her throat before letting off the slightest moan of pleasure. It’s tantalizing and erotic as hell. We’ve barely done anything, and it’s the most sexual experience of my life. I have to taste them. Now. But before I release her tits from my hands, I pinch her nipples, hard, and pull them taut before releasing them.

“Giovanni,” she moans breathlessly.

I smirk at her reaction. “Baby, you better not come off of me teasing your beautiful tits. Otherwise, I’ll have to punish your sweet ass.”

Bethani’s head jerks forward, her eyes wide at my dominating tone. “I...thought you were the sweet one.”

I laugh. “Tesoro, I am the sweet one of the three of us. But when it comes to the bedroom, we all relish in being the dominant one in some form. So you better believe that when I give you an instruction, you follow, sweetheart.”


“I’ll bend your pretty ass over and brand it with my hands until you come off of just the sensation of that alone.”

The shiver that racks her body has her breasts swaying just enough to bring my focus back to them, and to let me know she is into it. But without her verbal consent, I won’t continue.

“Tesoro, look at me.”

She complies. Good girl.

“Are you ok with all of this? I promise I will not go too far with anything. Plus being in the vehicle limits some of the experiences we can have. But if you aren’t comfortable with it, we can stop right now.”

“I’m...good with everything.”

I quirk a brow, unconvinced. “Tesoro, don’t lie to me.”

She just blushed, embarrassed. “Well, you see. Other than Sinclair the other day, that was the first…orgasm I’ve had that hasn’t been from myself in over two years,” she mumbles the last part, but it was still clear as day.

“Cristo Tesoro! 2 years!”

I just get a nod in response. Quickly catching her falling chin with my finger, I tilt her head until she is looking back at me. Then I gently bring my lips to hers and give her a sweet kiss before breaking it and resting my forehead against hers.

“Tesoro, I promise to make this as memorable and enjoyable as fuck for you. Now can you do something for me?”

Mhmm. What is it?”

“Forgive me.”

“Forgive you? For what?’

“For this.”

I quickly grab the seam of her jumpsuit by her pussy between my hands and demolish it, separating it into two halves. This gives me easy access to what I now see is a bare pussy.

Fuckkkk Bethani. No underwear either? You are going to kill me.”

“You…just ruined my jumpsuit. What the…”

My left hand snakes up behind her neck again to bring her lips back to mine for a silencing kiss.

While devouring her mouth, my right hand makes its way to her inner thigh. Just the softest touch grazing her sends her jumping slightly at the sensation. I move my way up until my fingers are right fucking there. Just barely grazing over the lips of her pussy. She is fucking drenched. I swipe back again, gathering more of her arousal before moving up towards her swollen clit. With slightly more pressure, I lazily graze over it, each time pressing a little harder.

Bethani breaks the kiss to lean back, her head tilting back farther and farther as she lets loose a throaty moan from the pleasure before her hips start to move unknowingly.

“That’s right, Tesoro. Ride my fingers, baby. Fuck, you are so god damn sexy like this.”

I move my hand just enough to keep my thumb on her clit and adjust my fingers so she can sink down on them. When she does, I start swearing in Italian at the eroticism of it. She is tight as fuck on two of my fingers, and the casual sway of her hips as she fucks my hand is amazing. Soon she is changing the angle of them and she constantly has her hips moving faster and faster to get off.

My dick is painfully throbbing and aching while leaking precum in my jeans. I can see the wet spot forming through the wetness of Bethani’s constant dripping arousal. I can’t fucking take it anymore. I let her ride my hand while I use my left to free myself. As soon as my cock springs free, Bethani’s movements stop.

Her eyes are blown looking with the desire rolling through her system. Breathing heavily, her eyes finally look to mine, and I swear I can almost sense what she is thinking.

“Like what you see baby?”