Saints of the Syndicate by Natalie Nicole

Chapter 27



“Fuck, I’m still getting cold chills from earlier,” Giovanni says while coming out on the balcony of the exclusive hotel we got for the weekend.

After letting Bethani know where we were, she broke down in happy sobs and thanked us over and over while taking turns devouring our mouths with passionate kisses. Once she let us go, we unloaded and headed to check-in.

Fuck the looks we got as we came in. Bethani was a smiling cheerful ball of energy, while we were all disheveled fucking messes. We sent her straight to the spa for gift number two, where she is gonna get god only knows what done down there. Meanwhile, we are all up relaxing for now, until we go to the area where she grew up later.

I snort at G. “You got off twice in under 10 minutes. No fucking wonder.”

“Yeah. Feels like I got my soul sucked out of me, and everything shifted off its axis.” He groans as he moves to sit in one of the chairs.

I turn to look at him, arching a brow. “You good?”

Chugging his drink, Gio sets it down to rest his elbows on his knees and plant’s his face in his palms. “I’m not even sure anymore.”

“Dude. I’m fucking lost here. Is this shit moving too fast between us all or what? Because personally, I thought it wasn’t moving fast enough.”

“Yes. I mean no. I don’t fucking know.”

“Words, Giovanni. Use your goddamn words. We can’t fucking read your mind,” comes Sin’s booming voice as he joins us with a bottle and glass of his own. He fills all our shit back up and sits down while G just glances at him with a scowl.

“Fuck off.”

“Well, you are the one with your shit in a twist even though you just got laid so what’s up?” Sin asks.

I finally decide to sit down, realizing this shit may be more serious than my initial assessment.

It's quiet for a few until G mumbles something unintelligible.

“What?” I ask.


“Yet again, Giovanni, we can’t fucking understand you.”

“I’m fucking in love with her! Are you happy now?” He stands up, running both hands through his hair and pacing around in circles. “I’m not fucking sure when it god damn happened, but I almost slipped earlier and told her when she kissed me in the Tahoe after our group fun. The god damn rush of fucking emotions hit me like a freight train, and now I don’t know what the fuck to do. Its way too fucking early to be saying shit like that, right? Fuck I don’t know. Never been in love before. Not even sure how people go about this shit. Plus there is the fact that you are both involved too. There are her feelings to consider. What if she loves one of you and doesn’t reciprocate the same towards me? What about you two?” He stops and turns to face us. “How do you both feel about her?”

His declaration has my stomach twisting in knots. Do I love Bethani? “If I’m going to be honest here, I don’t really know. I mean possibly? What I do know is I care about her. I want to keep her safe. But love? That I can’t answer.”

Sinclair studies us, sipping his drink before answering. “It’s a dead giveaway that we all care about Bethani. She has been living with us for almost 2 months now. And given the potential connection to our family’s extracurriculars, of course, we are overprotective of her. Who wouldn’t be? We live a dangerous life. Maybe not every day like the cartel or mafia, but there are always unknown threats hitting us left and right. Be it in the businesses or other ways.”

“Always the fucking pragmatic aren’t you?” G sneers.

Sin just cuts him a look before continuing, “Anyways, while you may be in love with her, Giovanni. Hold off on saying it until you are 100% certain. Don’t just blow this shit to hell because you want to jump the gun on something that could have easily just been a double orgasm. We don’t have the luxury of letting emotions plague us. So take the time, let this shit further develop between all of us, and see where the cards fall. Hell for all we know something could change one day because we find out she would rather be our friend than a lover per se. Any of us jumping the gun could destroy either the best thing that ever happens to us, be it friend or more, or throw us all into turmoil if she loves one of us or none of us.”

Mulling over his words, I glance to Gio. “Hate to say it man, but he is right. We just hashed all this shit out between us, and she is on board. So let’s just keep the happy bubble the way it is and discuss it again at a later date if things keep going well.”

He isn’t happy with us, but he finally agrees. “Yeah, sure. I’m going to shower and clear my head.” Then he walks away, slamming the door behind him.

“Well, that was unexpected,” I chirp while lighting up a blunt and letting the smoke fill my lungs as a sense of peace settles over my body.

I don’t get a response from Sinclair, just a nod as he stands and heads back inside, leaving me to enjoy the sunny LA weather, my weed, and a strong drink in silence.

After smoking the last of my blunt and polishing off my drink, I lay back on the outdoor couch, deciding a nap is exactly what I need before we head out later.


Soft hands caressing my torso startle me awake. “The hell?”

A sweet laugh filters through my sleep-dazed state as I blink the sleep out of my eyes. “It’s just me, Declan. They said you’ve been out here sleeping for over an hour, so I figured I’d wake you up.”

As my eyes adjust to the setting sun, my focus falls on the flawless beauty in front of me with sparkling aqua eyes. “Damn sunshine. You”

The smile radiating off her is infectious as she stands up. Her already perfect skin glows in the fading sunlight. Her long hair is slightly shorter and more shaped. And it looks like she is wearing a new outfit that hugs her curves like a perfect fit. My low-hanging destroyed jeans start getting snug as I stare at her, utterly entranced by the ethereal goddess standing in front of me.

“Declan, did you hear me?”

I shake my head to clear the wicked thoughts plaguing my mind right now. “Sorry, sunshine. Got lost in thought with all the dirty things I want to do with you right now.” Then I wink and give her a salacious grin which makes her blush.

“I asked if you were ready to go.”

Looking down at my pants then back at her. “Right here? I’m ready whenever and wherever you want, B.”

She gifts me with an adorable eye roll then pops her hip and puts a hand there. “Nice try. Maybe later. Right now we are heading to the Latin district where I lived for some amazing food. Then we’re hitting the dance club.”

Pondering if I can convince her to let me have her for dinner, she stops my process. “Declan Grant Carter. I know what you are thinking. The answer is no. So get your sexy ass up, and hurry up. I don’t want to miss out on the food.”

Damn you, sunshine.

I quickly stand up so I’m towering over her. “Fine. You get a pass for now, sunshine. But only because I know you are a grouch if you don’t eat, and we don’t want that. But if you don’t want me to bend your ass over the railing and fuck you so hard all of LA will hear yours screams of pleasure, you better give me a kiss now to tide me over.”

Her head falls back as she laughs, that wonderful sound that makes stupid tingly bullshit flutter through me that I refuse to process. “You drive a hard bargain there, Mr. Guttermouth. But I guess I can spare you a kiss for now, if you promise to dance with me later at the club.”

Groaning, I trap her in my arms before leaning down to press my lips to hers. She falls into me as she opens up, giving me all the access to her mouth as my tongue tangles with hers. For a moment we are lost in each other when I feel her push back slightly, and I release my hold on her, unwillingly.

Her face is flushed, and she’s breathing rapidly as she fans herself before turning to walk into the room.

“You three are terrible for my libido.”

“More like you are good for ours, birthday girl.” I laugh, then stop to adjust the raging erection in my pants that is currently pissed at me for not seeing any action. “Later man. Let’s just go make sunshine happy, and we will get lucky again before the night is over.”

“Are you talking to your dick?”

Looking up, I see that Bethani is still near the door, and I shrug and give her a sheepish smile. “Can you blame me? He misses you already.”

The flush on her face deepens as she shakes her head. “Animals. I live with filthy vulgar animals.”

Winking at her, I hurry up and follow her inside to get ready while everyone waits for me. As I’m looking for something to wear, I hear Bethani’s voice filter into the room. “Keep the jeans on. I like the way your ass looks in them!”

I salute, even though she can’t see me. “Yes, ma’am!”

And like the whipped pup I am that will do anything to make that woman happy, I keep my jeans on and toss on a fitted black tee, studded belt, and pair of chucks before heading into the bathroom to piss.

As I’m attempting to fix my sleep fucked hair, Bethani’s voice is in my head from a conversation the other day.

Damnit,” I mumble as I rush through my room looking for shit.

“What’s wrong?”

I stop to see Bethani in the doorway, ready to go for class and waiting on me.

“Can’t find the punch card for my barber. Got an appointment after class to get this mess fixed.”

She saunters into where I’m standing and reaches up to run her hand through my longer-than-normal hair. “I like the length.”


Mhmm. Adds to that sexy rockstar vibe you have going on.” Then she smiles and turns to head back out of my room. “It’s in your bathroom. Top right drawer with the other half a dozen you keep forgetting about.”

Not believing her, I go to where she said, and when I open the drawer there are about a half dozen punched cards. I quickly snatch them up in disbelief and head back out, grabbing my bag. “How did you know where these were?” I ask as I stuff them into my front pocket.

“Helped you organize the other day. You must have smoked beforehand.”

“Obviously. I haven’t been able to find shit.”

“So?” she asks.

“So what?”

“You gonna keep your hair like that?”

Punching the elevator button, I lean against the wall. “And what do I get if I keep it this way?”

She sends a sultry smile my way before walking past me into the elevator. “Guess you’ll have to wait and see.” Then she winks sending the blood rushing from my body straight to my cock.

And what did I do after class? I went to the barber and only had the sides faded.  I kept the length because she likes it. Then I went home to have her waiting in my room on my bed in some of the sexiest lingerie I’ve ever seen. The sex was wild as fuck that night as we went at it on every surface possible in my room.

My head snaps up as I look at myself in the mirror.

Shit. Maybe G was right. Maybe I am in love with her?