Saints of the Syndicate by Natalie Nicole



So...let me just say first and foremost, to the haters that didn't believe I'd actually do this shit? Yeah....I fucking did it, and I'm gonna keep doing it. I had a blast in the process so *middle finger emoji* to you. :)

Now that that's out of the way, on to thanking people.

Scarlet Lantern Publishing- ya'll seriously rock! After reading a few crappy chapters from some other books (that'll eventually come out), you guys signed my disorganized and chaotic self. Seriously, if it wasn't for you guys...I'd probably still be writing crap that would never see the light of day. Also for the editing and book cover design, you brought everything right to where it needed to be.

To one of my best friends. Kayla, I fucking love you and I'm thankful as hell you believed in me. Seriously, you were a major catalyst to me reaching out to publishing companies.

To some of my other friends and family that have been supportive also (you know who you are), I'm not gonna say your names out of respect, but go ahead and call my ass out and I'll be sure to put you in book two. Again, I'm speechless with the support when I felt like I was losing my shit sometimes and some of you flat out have stood beside me anytime you have talked to me saying it's going to be amazing. So cheers to fucking beers, shaken not stirred.

To my kid. Yeah, when you are older you are gonna learn your mom is a raunchy taboo romance writer. Some may give you hell, but it's all good. Just brush the shit off. I love you more than life itself and I will always support you in anything you do. If it makes you happy, fuck what anyone else thinks. Because guess what my love? That's exactly what your mom is doing. She is saying fuck the negativity and doing something she loves. Take that bullshit, wrap it up, toss it in the fire, and let it fuel your drive to prove them wrong. Be the best version of yourself. Do good things and keep being my wild, outspoken, intelligent, stubborn, and phenomenal kid that you are.

To the ARC crew,aka my Sinister 17 team, I'm writing this before I even send it to you. But I know I'll get honest reviews so regardless if you love it or hate it, thank you for your honesty and hopefully you want to stick on for the rest of the trilogy.

Bang Energy- You fuckers and your Cotton Candy flavored nectar of the gods have got me through many late nights. I've still got more to write so we will be spending a lot more time together. I promise.

Well that about sums up my rambling for this book. So to anyone reading this, hope y'all love the book. If you do...go leave an awesome review and tell others about it. If you don't like the book? Well, shit happens but you're still rad.


Natalie Nicole