Starting Over in Maple Bay by Brittney Joy

Author’s NoteBrittney Joy


I’ve wanted to write a sweet adult romance for years now, but 2020 was the year that finally nudged (or, more properly, pushed) me to start it. Twenty-twenty was hard, for many reasons, and I found myself wanting to escape to a simpler time. I’ve lived in Oregon for over a decade, but I’m originally from Minnesota and much of my family still lives there. We visit each other often, but 2020 put a pause on face-to-face visits. As I’m sure you all know, phone calls and video chats simply don’t fill the void of physically being with loved ones, so while the world lost its mind for a year, I turned to my writing to find peace.


Maple Bay is a fictional town, but it is very much inspired by the small town I was born in (Wells) and the town I grew up in (Winona). The characters were also highly inspired by my wonderful extended family and the many memories I have with them. This book is a romance, but it is also a love letter to my hometowns and my family. My hope is that this story has made you laugh, smile, and cry. I hope it warmed your heart. It certainly did that for me.


Sending you love and best wishes,
