Daddy’s Rules by Kelly Myers



When Nick lifts his head, I have trouble catching my breath. Oh, wow. Even though his kiss was that of a complete gentleman, I felt it all the way down to my toes. I don’t have much experience kissing guys and I’ve certainly never kissed a man as old as Nick.

But, something about him being a little older makes me feel safe, protected and like I can trust him. I hope I’m not fooling myself.

All of my life, I have always played it safe. A boring, predictable good girl. Well, not tonight, I vow. Tonight, I’m going to have some fun. And, maybe a couple more of those absolutely fabulous Kir Royales.

I slip out under Nick’s arms, still propped up on the wall and sashay away. When I don’t hear him immediately follow, I glance back over my shoulder to see him leaning against the wall, arms now crossed. I think he’s checking out my ass, but I can’t be sure. “Are you coming?” He gives me a funny look then walks over.

“Where to now?” he asks.

“I want to do all sorts of things tonight. Things I’ve never done before.”

“Okay. And, I’m supposed to be the bad influence who encourages you?”

“Something like that,” I say with a little smile.

“So, give me the list. What haven’t you done?”

I think for a moment. Pretty much everything worth doing, I realize. “Well, I’ve never danced at a big, fancy nightclub or gambled in a casino or sipped cocktails at a piano bar or walked around on the arm of an extremely gorgeous man.”

Nick slants me a look then places my arm in the crook of his. Leaning into him, I can feel the warmth of his skin through his shirt and the hard muscles that flex in his bicep. I see how other women look at him, like he’s a dessert they want to gobble up, so I feel special walking beside him like this.

Nick is the most gorgeous man I have ever met. And, now that he’s finally being nice and even flirty, I’m having all kinds of devilish thoughts. The alcohol I consumed makes me not dwell on his earlier behavior during the photo shoot and allows me to sweep it under the rug. For now, anyway.

I still can’t believe he kissed me. God, I feel like dancing. “Truth or dare?” I ask him.

“If I pick dare, are you going to make me jump off another hotel?” he teases.

“No,” I say and laugh.

As we make our way back up The Strip, Nick looks down at me and whispers, “Dare, then.”

“I dare you to dance with me at the hottest club in Vegas.”

“I don’t dance,” he says.

I tilt my head and look up at him. “Are you declining my dare?”

“No, just warning you to have low expectations when it comes to my dancing skills.”

“I’ll assume you have other skills to make up for your poor dancing?” I ask in a teasing tone.

I hear him draw in a breath and then he leans down, lips so near that I can feel his warm breath tickle my ear. “I do. Skills that a nice girl like you would know nothing about.”

My stomach somersaults at the insinuation. As I try to get my rapid heartbeat under control, Nick pulls out his phone and pulls up a search. I look down to see him type in “hottest nightclub in Vegas,” and I can’t help but laugh.

“You’re as big a dork as I am.”

“Baby, I’m 42. I haven’t been to a club in 20 years.”

We end up at the MGM Grand where apparently the place to be is Hakkasan. The cover charge is outrageous and I almost change my mind, but Nick pays and tells me it’s Vegas. It’s huge and sprawls over 80,000 square feet with five levels of dance floors, lounges and restaurants. We go up to the third-floor where there’s 10,000 square feet of dance floor and a couple of lounges.

The main room pumps EDM/house music and a DJ spins in an upper balcony. The dance floor is surrounded by numerous VIP tables arranged in a semicircle facing the DJ booth, giving every table a great view. Giant LED screens flash images with the music and an intense light show makes the entire room look surreal.

I feel like I’m in a dream as I grab Nick’s hand and pull him into the huge crowd of dancers. All of my inhibitions are gone thanks to the three drinks at dinner and I lift my arms above my head and let the music take hold. I’ve never felt so completely free and I sway my hips to the beat, lost in the rhythm.

At this moment, I don’t think about the past or the future. I just enjoy the present and fully commit. Then, I realize Nick isn’t dancing. He’s just standing there and watching me, the flashing lights highlighting his sharp cheekbones.

I reach out my hands and, after a brief hesitation, he laces his warm fingers through mine. I draw him forward until I can smell the citrusy snap of his aftershave. God, he smells good. I pull my hands out of his and run them up his hard chest.

His hands drop to my hips and I can’t stop touching him. His pecs, his upper arms, the back of his neck...I let my fingers drag over his toned upper body and love the feel of it. He’s so very masculine and my senses are going wild.

I can tell he’s holding back, though. Almost like he’s scared to touch me back. And, that is simply unacceptable. I close the distance between our bodies, my lower body brushing against his, and I can’t miss his swift intake of breath.

“Savannah…” he says, his breath warm against my ear again. Shivers race up and down my spine.

I can hear the warning in his tone, but tonight I'm going to play with fire. I’m going to play with Nick Knight. “Just dance with me, Nick,” I tell him and push closer.

The moment he lets his guard down, I know. He spins me around, yanks me back against him and there’s no mistaking the hardness that presses into the curve of my lower back. I freeze up for a second then push my ass against him. What can I say? The alcohol I don’t normally drink is making me do things I would never do sober.

His long fingers dig into my hips as we find a rhythm and move together to the pulsating beat of the music. When I drop my head back against his shoulder, I feel him press a kiss to my neck then drag his mouth up to my ear. He doesn’t say anything, though. Just keeps his warm lips near my ear and I love the feel of his hot breath rustling my hair.

And, suddenly, it occurs to me that I could have sex with Nick Knight tonight.

Oh, no. From somewhere deep down, a voice of reason pushes through the alcohol haze. That probably isn’t the best decision. As hot as he is, we still have to work together tomorrow. And, I hardly want him to find out that I’ve never had sex before. God, I’d die of embarrassment.

But, it’s not like I’m saving my virginity for any specific reason. I’m not waiting for marriage and I’m not overly religious. I lead such a busy life that dating and sex have just been relegated to the back burner. But, now, I wonder if I’m missing out.

I’m wondering if I should spend the night with Nick.

Oh, my gosh, the thought makes me break out in goosebumps. And, with my luck, probably hives. Suddenly, I feel hot and overwhelmed. Too many people surround us and I can’t breathe as the light show starts again. It’s making me feel dizzy and when someone bumps into me, I’m ready to get away from the hot, sweaty crowd. “Can we go?” I ask Nick.

A frown furrows his brow then he takes my hand in his and leads me off the packed dance floor. “Sorry,” I say. “I just need some air.”

“C’mon, this way,” he says and leads me toward an exit.

When the cool night air hits me, I breathe deeply and instantly feel better. Also, more sober.

“You okay?” he asks, concern in his voice.

I nod. “There were just too many people.”

“One of the reasons you tend to stop going to nightclubs after you hit 23,” he says with a smirk. “I have a much better place we can go and it’ll be something you can cross off your list.”

Nick again tucks my arm in his and we wind up at a piano bar at The Bellagio. It’s an upscale, elegant lounge and jazz music fills the dark, cozy air. He guides me out onto the patio and we sit at a table that overlooks the fountains with the Paris Hotel and its huge replica of the Eiffel tower in the background.

It’s so stunning and romantic.

Nick orders a Jack Daniels from the server and lifts a dark brow. “Another Kir Royale or are you all set for the night?”

“Yes, please,” I tell the waiter. “And, I’m not even close to being all set for the night,” I say to Nick.

When his mouth edges up, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more attractive man. It’s getting late and I notice the dark stubble coming in on his angular jaw and it makes my lower belly curl with heat. I have no idea what he’s thinking or feeling, but I decide to just enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime night with him.

I don’t want to think about tomorrow. Just admire those silver-gray eyes that are focused so intently on me.

“So, Savannah,” he says. “Truth or Dare?”

My heart catches and I smile. “Truth.”

“Really? Okay, let me think for a sec.”

“I just have a feeling that if I pick dare you’re going to have me jumping into the fountains,” I say.

He chuckles. “Actually, that’s a good one.” His gaze rakes over my face as he decides what to ask. “But, I wouldn’t want you to ruin that dress. It looks beautiful on you, by the way.”

A flush warms my face and I smile. “Thank you.” Just in time, the waiter returns with our drinks. Nick continues to study me over the rim of his glass as I sip my new favorite alcoholic beverage. Delish. I fish a raspberry out and pop it into my mouth.

I notice Nick’s nostrils flare and he downs half his drink in one long swallow. “Well? What’s your question?” I ask.

He sets the glass down, index finger running back and forth over the edge. “I’m trying to come up with a more appropriate one because all I seem to have are extremely inappropriate questions running through my head.”

My heart begins to thump madly and I bite my lip. “According to the rules of the game, you can ask whatever you want.”

Something feral, almost possessive, flashes in his eyes. “How many men have you slept with?” he asks in a low voice.

I swallow hard and take another sip of my drink. He’s either going to really like my answer or be done with me. I meet his gaze and tell him the truth. “None.”

“Are you waiting for someone?”

I debate how to answer and then decide to stick with the truth. “I think I’ve been waiting for you.”

“Fuck, Savannah,” he growls. He reaches out and drags my chair closer until my knees bump his hard thigh. “Don’t say things like that.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’re making me so hard it hurts.”

“Oh, I didn’t realize…”

“Of course, you didn’t,” he says.

Beneath the table, I feel his hand move over my knee then slide beneath the hem of my skirt and touch my bare skin. It’s electric and I draw in a raspy breath. He trails his warm hand up and down the inside of my thigh and a very wicked part of me wants him to go higher. But, he doesn’t.

A muscle flexes in his jaw and he sips his drink. “You are every man’s fantasy,” he says.

I feel warmth radiate through my whole body at his words. “You’re not too hard on the eyes, either,” I tell him and he laughs.

“What am I going to do with you?” he asks.

“What would you like to do with me?” I ask, feeling bold.

He releases a low breath and leans closer. “You don’t wanna know.”

“Actually, I do.”

Nick lifts my chin, gaze locked on mine, and kisses me again. But, this time it’s different. Not so sweet. It’s hotter and more demanding. His mouth opens and I follow his lead. When his tongue slips between my lips, I shyly meet it with mine and he groans before pulling away.

Then, his phone rings. He reaches into his pocket and checks the caller id. An annoyed look crosses his face and he silences the call and flips the phone over on the table. “Sorry. It could’ve been about the shoot tomorrow. Now, where were we?” He leans in and, just as he begins to kiss me again, his phone starts vibrating.

Nick pulls back and smothers a sigh of aggravation. “Will you excuse me? If I don’t answer this, she won’t stop calling.”

She.Oh, my God. I wonder if it’s the girlfriend that I completely and conveniently forgot all about. Here I am thinking about sleeping with someone else’s boyfriend and then his significant other calls. Suddenly, I feel like the biggest asshole.

“Hello?” he answers and sits back in his chair. “Now’s not the time. Because I’m in Vegas...working.”

I’d hardly say he’s working right now, but whatever.

“Yes, a photo shoot,” he says and runs a hand through his hair. “I don’t have an answer for you.”

I can hear a feminine voice on the other end of the line and she doesn’t sound happy.

“Look, I have to go. I already told you-”

Nick holds the phone away from his ear, looks at me and mouths “sorry.” I force a half-smile, but I don’t feel very well all of a sudden. My stomach hurts and I can’t believe I’ve been running around Vegas acting like I don’t have a care in the world. Kissing a man who is now on the phone with his girlfriend.

I know they say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but I’m not down with that. I tried, but that’s just not me. I scoot my chair back, cross my legs and pull my dress down.

“Margo, I’ll talk to you later, okay?” He hangs up the phone and studies me. “Sorry about that.”

“Your girlfriend?” Yeah, buddy, you’re busted.

For a moment he doesn’t say anything. Then, he grabs his glass and finishes his drink. “Actually, we broke up.”

I blink, not sure what to say or think. “Oh.”

“How did you know I had a girlfriend?”

“Um, you’re gorgeous. And, I did my research before the shoot,” I admit. He nods, not looking happy about the conversation or the call. “Why did you break up? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“Because I don’t love her,” he answers without hesitation.

“That’s a good reason.” When his mouth edges up in that adorable smile that makes my insides quiver, I feel better. Knowing they aren’t together anymore is a relief because I’m really into this man. Like I’ve never been into anyone before.

I’m so curious about him and I want to know everything there is to know about Nick Knight.

“Have you loved a lot of women?” I ask and finish my drink. The question can be taken a couple of different ways and I’m wondering how he will choose to answer.

“Are you asking me how many women I’ve loved or bedded?”

I shrug. “Either. Both.” Even though I’m dying to know how many people he’s been with, his number is probably so high that it’ll make me nauseous.

“It’s not my style to carve a notch on my bedpost after every fuck, but I’m not going to lie. I’ve had my fair share.”

When he doesn’t say anything else, I press further. “And, love?”

He scoffs. “Love isn’t for me.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t fall in love, Savannah. It makes you vulnerable and miserable when things eventually don’t work out. Because, trust me, they never do.”

“Well, that’s depressing.”

“So is having a romanticized view of the world. Life isn’t a fairytale and if more people realized that, they’d be better off.”

“It sounds like someone got his heart broken and now he’s jaded.”

“No. I never got my heart broken because I already told you-- I don’t fall in love.”

I listen to his words, but I always believed that loving someone just happens. It’s not something you have control over. I guess Nick just hasn’t found anyone yet who has been able to stir up any kind of deep emotion within him.

I rest my chin in my hands and study the emotionally-crippled man before me. I don’t care what he says, something happened to him to make him have such a negative attitude about love. “Poor Margo,” I say.

“It is what it is. She wanted things I couldn't give her.” Nick flags the waiter and orders us another round.

“I don’t know if I can drink anymore,” I say. “But, I’ll try,” I add and he chuckles. “Now, I believe it’s my turn, so...Truth or Dare, Nick?”

“I’m probably going to regret this, but truth.”

Good. Exactly what I was hoping he’d say. I’m about to put it all out there and either our night is just about to begin or end abruptly. Maybe I’m a glutton for punishment since Nick just told me he doesn’t fall in love or have any kind of deep connection with women, but I don’t care.

A part of me wants this man so badly, it makes me ache. I take a deep breath then spill it. “If I ask...will you spend the night with me tonight?”

Hunger flares in his eyes. “Yes,” he says in a raspy voice.

My heart drops at the single word and a million butterflies beat their wings inside my stomach. “Good to know,” I say.

His silver eyes narrow. “Wait a second. So, let me get this straight. You haven't actually asked me?”


He barks out a laugh, eyes crinkling at the corners. “Well, that’s about the most half-ass invitation I’ve ever received.”

When our drinks arrive, we down them. I think we both know that I did ask him and now all we want to do is return to the hotel. To one of our rooms. The second we finish, Nick is on his feet and pulling me up with him.

The patio spins and I grab onto his arm. “You okay?”

“Just a little drunk,” I say and teeter to the side.

“I got you,” he assures me and loops an arm around my waist.

As we make our way back to The Cosmopolitan, I feel my nerves kick in. Right before we head inside, I pretend I need some extra fresh air and we sit on a bench. I basically just asked Nick to be the first man I go to bed with and he accepted. My head is spinning and not because of the alcohol I drank.

I think I just went too far and I looked over at him.

“You okay?” he asks.

Am I okay?I’m honestly not sure until I look into his gray eyes and see exactly what I need-- assurance, strength, someone who wants to be with me. I’m not sure how else to really explain it. I just know what I feel in my gut-- that he wants me, I want him and this is our night to make that happen.

A blinking sign makes me look up and I see a wedding chapel across the way. Suddenly, the doors fly open and a couple walks out. They’re absolutely glowing and all over each other. I chuckle then hear Nick’s deep voice in my ear.

“Truth or Dare?” he asks. From the serious tone in his voice, I don’t think he’s playing games anymore.

Thirty minutes later, after I accepted Nick’s dare, we are the ones stumbling out of the wedding chapel. I suppose I could blame it on all the alcohol and my low tolerance or this silly game we’ve been playing all night. Or, the idea that Nick is running from his ex or I’m just tired of being the lonely virgin who sits at home every night and works far too hard for someone so young. Hell, maybe we are both just two very lonely people.

Maybe it’s a combination of all that.

But, when I said “I do” without an ounce of hesitation in that cheesy chapel, it was because when I looked into Nick’s eyes, I saw the other half of me. The connection was kinetic and the pull unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.

I wanted this man in my bed and now, after a few words from an Elvis impersonator, he’s my husband. Oh, my freaking God, I think.

Back at The Cosmopolitan, Nick opens the door to his room and when I move to walk inside, he holds up a hand. “Hang on,” he says. “We have to do this properly, Mrs. Knight.” Then, he sweeps me off my feet and over the threshold.

He kicks the door shut, walks over to the bed and sets me down. Then, he sits down next to me.

“Are we crazy?” I ask.

“Probably a little bit,” he admits. “But, hey, it’s Vegas. Go big or go home.”

“That’s right,” I say and then cover my mouth after I hiccup.

He scrutinizes me closely. “How drunk are you, by the way?”

“I love how you ask me that after we’re married.”

“What?” he asks, all innocence. “You think I would’ve chanced you running out on me at the altar?”

I reach up and lay a hand against his stubbly face. “I’ll never run out on you, Nick,” I promise.

He blinks as though he’s not quite sure he fully believes me, but he also doesn’t want to think too hard about it.

“For someone who rarely drinks, you can hold your liquor pretty well, sweetheart,” he says.

“I think saying ‘I do’ sobered me up pretty quickly. You?”

“I’m fine.”

Now that we’re here, back in the room and all alone, reality begins to set in and I give him a nudge with my elbow. “You, ah, know that you didn’t have to marry me to sleep with me tonight, right?”

Nick chuckles then he reaches over and pulls me onto his lap. “What can I say? I love a good dare,” he whispers and begins to kiss my neck.

His soft lips moving over the delicate skin makes my pulse spike and I tilt my head to give him better access.

“Are you nervous?” he asks and pulls back to meet my gaze.

I give a little nod. “Yes, but more excited than nervous.”

“You have nothing to worry about, sweetheart. I’m going to take good care of you tonight.”

“Will you be gentle with me?” I ask, a teasing note in my voice.

“I’m going to move so slowly and bring you so much pleasure, you’re going to be coming all night.”

A flush warms my cheeks and Nick stands up and begins unbuttoning his shirt. I watch, unable to look away, and when he shrugs it off, I get my first view of his perfect chest. Oh, my. It’s smooth, hard and the six-pack lets me know he works out regularly.

When he crooks his finger at me, I stand up. “We better get that dress off before it gets ruined.”

I turn and he slides the zipper down oh-so-slowly, his knuckles grazing my skin. I’m so glad Jazz made me pack some sexy underwear otherwise I’d probably have brought my plain, comfortable cotton ones. But, I’m wearing satin and lace, and as the dress falls off, I watch Nick’s reaction.

A fire burns in his silver eyes. “God, you’re beautiful.” For a moment, he just lets his gaze roam over me and I suddenly feel self-conscious. When I lift my hands to cover myself, Nick’s arm snakes out and he grabs my wrist. “Don’t. Your body’s too perfect to be covered.”

Nick unbuckles his belt, slides it loose and then unbuttons his pants. He moves back over, gathers me in his arms and lays me on the bed. A moment later, he slides up my body and takes my mouth in a long, slow kiss that awakens every nerve-ending in my body.

God Almighty, this man knows how to kiss.

When his tongue slides against mine, I reach up and run my fingers through his dark hair. It’s longer on top and trimmed short at the nape of his neck and I love the silky feel of it. Nick’s mouth lowers, leaving a trail of kisses down my throat and then down further, licking along the tops of my breasts. He grasps the straps of my bra, pulling them down, and marking me with wet kisses. Then, he unsnaps it and tosses it aside.

His big hand curves over my breast, lifting it, molding it and when he pulls my taut nipple into his mouth, I let out a soft moan. “Do you like that?” he asks. I give a shy nod. “Then, you’re going to love when I suck on your...on other things.”

Heat floods through me and I have a feeling he’s censoring his words. Trying not to shock me and I appreciate the thoughtfulness. I don’t think I’m ready for dirty talk yet. I run my nails lightly down his back and his head moves lower, mouth gliding over my stomach, swirling around my navel. “I’m going to make you feel so good,” he promises.

His fingers hook into the elastic of my panties and then they’re sliding down my thighs and landing on the floor beside my bra. Completely naked now, I’ve never felt so vulnerable, so exposed. Nick moves back up and I try to relax, but the nervous virgin kicks in and I let out a shaky breath. “You okay, sweetheart?”

“Mm-hm,” I say and squeeze my eyes shut, but he must feel me tense up.

“Look at me,” he murmurs.

When I open my eyes, he’s right there, brushing my hair back and luring me into the silvery depths of his gaze. “I love your eyes,” I say, unable to look away. “They're all melty and metallic.”

His mouth curves up. “And, I love everything about you.” He drops a butterfly kiss at the corner of my eye. “Your bright blue eyes…your soft lips…” He captures my mouth in a kiss that leaves me breathless. “Your perfect breasts…” His mouth dips and he licks from one breast to the other. “Your stomach…” I suck in a breath as he licks down my flat stomach to a hip bone. “And, most of all, I love how you’re all mine,” he says and slides a hand between my legs, cupping me.

I suck in a sharp breath. But, when Nick’s long fingers begin to stroke me, I lean back and let the sensations flow over me. Those smart fingers tease and swirl and apply just the right amount of pressure to make me twist and writhe. I start panting and feel my breath hitch when he slides a finger inside me.

“God, you’re wet. And, so tight.”

I’m guessing that’s a good thing because I can hear what almost sounds like awe in Nick’s suddenly hoarse voice. I forget all about my earlier nerves and instead focus on the increasing pressure that’s making me tighten around his finger. All of a sudden, waves of pleasure start radiating throughout my lower body and I jerk when his mouth replaces his fingers.

“Nick-” I gasp and push up on my elbows. His tongue laps up my folds and then his lips wrap around the swollen bud above. “Oh, my God…” I pant hard, hear my raspy breathing, and try to clamp my legs together.

“Let go, Sav,” he murmurs and pushes my legs further apart. “Don’t fight it.” When he pulls that most delicate, throbbing part of me into his mouth again and sucks, something inside me shatters. My body arches up and pleasure shoots through me, rippling out to touch every corner of my body.

My eyes roll back, I twist the sheets in my hands and I can’t believe what I’ve been missing out on all this time.