Carnage by Sarah Bailey



The moment I got in the front door, I could smell the comforting warmth of pasta sauce and garlic bread wafting from the kitchen through into the hallway. After the day I’d had, I needed a home-cooked meal and to put my feet up. After kicking off my heels and hanging up my coat, I trudged into the kitchen, finding Mason in front of the stove.

“You are my hero,” I announced, falling into a chair at the table.

Mason turned, his lips quirking up at the sides.

“Bad day?”

“You could say that.”

I had no idea what to make of my encounters with the Four Horsemen. They were all so different yet had this undercurrent of darkness and menace surrounding them. As if they were hiding their true nature behind a mask of civility.

Well, I could say that about three of them. My hand shook, remembering the way West Greer had wrapped his around my neck as if he had any right to do so. Like it was something normal to do to a person you’d only just met. Except there was something familiar about him. I couldn’t put my finger on it.

Perhaps it was the colour of his eyes. They were an unusual amber that had darkened and heated when I’d been in his presence. As if the man didn’t attempt to hide who he was, nor the thoughts he was clearly having about me. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know what exactly had been running through his mind.

I should have been far angrier than I was about him handling me in the way he had done. It had only made me curious. Made me want to ask him why he would do that. Why had he looked at me as if he’d seen a ghost? I’d barely spent five minutes in the company of this man. Yet… I couldn’t help wanting to know everything.

Probably sounded absolutely crazy. It felt crazy. It’s as if a part of me knew him. And yet which part I had no idea because this was the first time in my life I’d ever laid eyes on West Greer.

“What happened?”

I shook myself, turning my attention back to Mason, who was watching me with concern.

“Nothing really. I mean, other than I’ve finally met them all and they’re… I think I know why they have the reputation they do.”


I looked at my hands, knowing if I told Mason about what happened today, he wouldn’t be happy. Nor with my plan on making them all want me. It’s why I’d not done anything when West manhandled me. I didn’t think antagonising him or making him think I wouldn’t welcome his advances would fit with my agenda.

“They’re just intense, Mase. That’s all.”

I almost scoffed at myself. Intense would be an understatement. They had this magnetism about them, drawing people into their net so they could take advantage of them. I wasn’t fooled in the slightest. Walking into the lion’s den unarmed would be stupid. I knew what I needed to do. Seeing the way they’d made some effort to be close to me today made me aware they all saw me as their prey.

Such a pity they wouldn’t see what I intended. How I’d ingratiate myself into their lives and tear the rug out from underneath them. Take them down so they’d burn with me. Then I’d be free. At least, it’s what I’d been promised. The only reason I’d agreed to any of this. To exact my parent’s revenge on them.

For now, if they thought I was amenable, meek and could take advantage of me, all the better. You didn’t show your enemies the truth behind your intentions. You didn’t show them the real you.

“It’s not as if you weren’t aware of what you’d be walking into.”

I shrugged, tapping my fingers on the table.

“I know. It’s more I’m still working out how to make them trust me.”

West’s warning was still fresh in my mind.

“If you want to survive here, stay away from me.”

I couldn’t listen to it, even if everything about him screamed I would not like the consequences of provoking the man.

Looking over at Mason, I found he’d turned back to the stove and was busy dishing up dinner for us. My phone buzzed in my handbag, which I’d plonked on the table when I’d sat down. I tugged it towards me and pulled it out.

Drake: Annika can’t stay late tomorrow. I need you to.

I swallowed. Annika had made sure to get my number, as according to her, Drake needed to be able to contact me at all times. She’d given me his, so I’d know it was him.

Scarlett: I can do that.

Drake: Good.

No please or thank you. I wasn’t sure what else I expected. I didn’t want to think too hard about the fact he’d reprimanded me for having too many buttons undone on my blouse. And how I’d felt like shit for displeasing him. I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t help it. Something about him set me on edge. It was as if my body instinctively wanted to do everything he said.

That’s a little fucked up, isn’t it?

Mason brought the plates over to the table. I put my handbag in a free chair, setting my phone down with it. He sat down and dug in. I picked up my fork, staring down at the food without really seeing it.

“How do you know if a man likes you?”

Mason almost choked on his mouthful, his brown eyes bugging out as he turned to me. A second later, he swallowed.


“Well, do you guys make it obvious? Do all men flirt with women they like or do they flirt with anyone in a skirt?”

He blinked and set his fork on his plate. Mason was the only guy I could ask these sorts of questions. He might be uncomfortable answering, but I needed to know.

“It depends on the man. Some do flirt with anyone and some don’t. Why are you asking me this?”

I pushed my food around my plate.

“Isn’t it obvious?”

He frowned.

“Is this about… them? Have they been inappropriate with you?”

I almost blurted out that all four of them had got way too up and personal with me today in different ways. It wasn’t as if I expected it. It was only my second day and in a lot of ways, I didn’t know what the hell to make of them doing it.

“No, not inappropriate.”


He used his stern tone he liked to bring out when I’d stepped out of line. I hated it because it made me feel small. The people in my life had a habit of making me feel like I was nothing.

“I’m asking the question since I don’t know how to interpret the opposite sex in the way normal people do. Excuse me for not understanding social cues.”

Mason had the decency to look contrite, lifting his hand to rub the back of his neck.

“Sorry… I forget Stuart refused to let anyone come around you.”

I snorted.

“Only you and the staff were allowed within ten feet of me.”

He reached over and stroked his fingers across my hand as if attempting to soothe me.

“I know it’s been hard for you. I just don’t like the thought of you getting involved with or close to those… men.”

“I don’t know that I have any other choice in the matter here.”

I turned my palm up and he slid his against it. Mason had always made me feel safe to tell him whatever was on my mind, even if he didn’t always like what I came out with.

“You’ll know if someone likes you, Scar. They’ll make it obvious by the way they act around you. Learning to read the cues can take time. And if you need help, then I’m here, okay?”

I nodded. It didn’t make me eager to reveal my plans to make the Horsemen want me. And if I was going to do that, I might as well prepare myself for the very real possibility I’d have to give up my virginity. It’s not as if I had any desire to remain innocent of a man’s touch, nor had any romantic notions about it being with someone I loved.

“I know… thank you. Don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Mason smiled at me, but it didn’t meet his eyes. He pulled his hand away and went back to his food. I knew he didn’t like what my parents wanted me to do any more than I did. Yes, I had agreed to it, but liking any of it was a very different matter.

The cost of my freedom was a high price to pay. I’d give anything for it. The cage I’d been trapped in wasn’t one of my own making. Enduring it for the past ten years had given me the determination to do whatever was necessary to secure my future. Then I could walk away from this madness and never look back… if this madness didn’t consume me first.

After today, I’d been left with the impression it might actually be a very real possibility. And I wasn’t sure how I’d cope if all my hope was ripped away from me.